Punch validation time frames

Punch validation time frames

The graphic below shows how the lockout and warning parameters are applied to a schedule when the following work rules are associated with employees:

  • In Punch Schedule Lockout
  • In Punch Schedule Lockout, Allow Unscheduled
  • Out Punch Schedule Lockout

Notice that the Lockout Grace Period and Warning Grace Period parameters establish windows of time around the employee shift. These parameters are based on the scheduled in and out times.

Note: Unlike the Lockout Grace Period and Warning Grace Period parameters, the Post Punch Limit and Pre Punch Limits are not based on scheduled in and out times. For more information, see Pre and Post Punch Limits.

In the example, the Lockout Grace Period spans one hour—30 minutes before and after the scheduled in and out times. Employees are locked out (that is, prohibited from punching) if they attempt to punch in more than a half hour before the shift or punch out more than an hour after the shift. The Warning Grace Period spans 30 minutes—15 minutes before and after the scheduled in and out times. Employees receive warning messages on Time Clocks if they attempt to punch in or out within the Lockout Grace Periods but outside of the Warning Grace Periods. 

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