Shift Adjustment

Shift Adjustment

Shift Adjustment work rules allow you to make adjustment to employee shifts.

RuleAdds/Subtracts from EmployeeQuick Description
Minimum BreakAddsEnforces minimum break and pays employee when min isn't met
Minimum Daily HoursAddsEnsures minimum shift length
Auto BreakSubtractsCreates breaks for those that don't punch out
DST AdjustmentBothAdds or deletes based on direction of time change
Paid BreakAddsPays back to employee minutes between min and max on breaks
No AdjustmentN/ANeeded for employees that don't get any adjustments
Total Break LengthSubtractsRounds Breaks and makes adjustments to the shift

The Shift Adjustment work rule type includes the following work rules:

Minimum Break


Adds a positive break adjustment to a shift over a minimum number of hours, for all minutes of a break that are less than the minimum break requirements.


If it is determined that a break lasted less than the specified length of time, the amount of time that actually was spent on break is added to the employees hours.

If a 15 minute break is the configured length of time for a break, but an employee only takes a 10 minute break, they are awarded an extra 10 mins. of work time.

Minimum Break Length

Minimum length of time that a break must last.

Minimum Hours Worked

Minimum number of hours that must be worked before the adjustment can be applied.

Minimum Daily Hours


Adds a positive adjustment to the last shift in a day, for all hours that are less than the minimum daily hours.

Example(s)If an employee works for 3 hours and the minimum daily hours is 3.5, a 30-minute adjustment is added to the employee's shift.
Minimum Daily Hours

Minimum number of hours that must be paid for a work day.

Auto Break


Adds an adjustment to a shift after a minimum number of hours has been worked.

Example(s)If your property requires employees to clock in/out for 30 minute meal breaks. To compensate for that, create an Auto Break rule that automatically adjusts the employee's shift lengths by 30 minutes.
Hours Adjustment

Number of hours to be added to the shift length.

Minimum Hours Worked

Minimum number of hours that an employee must work before an adjustment is applied.

DST Adjustment


Adjust for Daylight Savings Time.

Adjustment Length

The number of minutes to adjust.

Backward Day

Day of the month when the clock moves backwards.

Backward Month

Month when the clock moves backwards.

Forward Day

Day of the month when the clock moves forward.

Forward Month

Month when the clock moves forward.

Time of Shift

Time of day which the adjustment will occur.

Paid Break


Adds a positive adjustment for break times over the specified minimum up to the maximum adjustment for shifts over a minimum hours worked.

Example(s)For example, a configured minimum break is 30 minutes, and the maximum adjustment is one hour. If an employee takes a 45 minute break, the adjustment is 15 minutes. If an employee takes a 1-3/4 hour break, the adjustment would be one hour.  The 15 minutes over the maximum adjustment is disregarded.
Maximum Adjustment

Maximum amount of time allowed for the adjustment.

Minimum Break Length

Minimum length of time the break must last before the adjustment is applied.

Minimum Hours Worked

Number of hours that an employee must work before the adjustment is applied.

No Adjustment


No Shift Adjustment rules apply. 


Total Break Length


Rounds Breaks to the configured interval.

If the break is less than the minimum required break length, a negative adjustment is applied to the shift for the total rounded minutes of all breaks.

Minimum Break Length

Minimum number of minutes that are required for a Break.

Round Time To

Round time to the nearest x minutes.

Rounding Options

Select a method for rounding the Break:

  • to the Nearest configured interval
  • Up to the next interval
  • Down to the previous interval
  • None (no rounding should take place)

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