Forecast Structure

Forecast Structure

Use the Forecast Structure screen to create and manage Key Business Indicators (KBIs), the foundations upon which all staffing guidelines are built. They are countable factors, which, either alone or in various combinations, assist in determining staffing needs when combined with appropriate work standards. Examples of KBI's are covers for food and beverage units, occupied rooms or arrivals and departures for rooms, cars for valet, and so forth. There is no limit to the number of KBIs that might be used on a property, but you must keep in mind that these factors have to be able to be tracked and recorded if they are going to be used. For example, you cannot use group arrivals as a KBI if the front desk system does not actually record group arrivals as a separate number on a daily basis.

When a revenue center or market segment is created, 


automatically generates KBIs that you configure and later attach to specific jobs. KBIs can also be manually created for special instances. There are four types of KBIs:

  • Calculated KBIs use algebraic formulas to forecast future business volumes. These KBIs cannot be primary KBIs. Calculated KBIs are configured in the Formula tab.
  • Input KBIs are manually entered and not forecast from historical data. These KBIs are primary KBIs.
  • Percent of Base KBIs are calculated KBIs that are based on the relationship between itself and another KBI. These KBIs cannot be primary KBIs.
  • Statistical KBIs use statistical (regression) formulas to forecast future business volumes by analyzing historical information. Statistical KBIs are often produced when you establish market segments and revenue centers. These KBIs are primary KBIs.

Forecast Structure (All KBIs) screen – field descriptions

The table below provides field descriptions for the All KBIs view of the Forecast Structure screen.

Field / ControlDescriptionNotes
KBI List pane
All KBIsYou can on the down arrow beside All KBIs to view the types of KBIs, as well as create Revenue Centers and Market Groups/Segments and their associated KBIs.Default: All KBIs are selected.
NameName of the KBI.


CodeCode associated with the KBI.



Add a new KBI. 


Delete a KBI. 
Details pane

Name of the KBI.


CodeCode associated with the KBI.


Master CodeAllows a corporate user to assign one code for multiple KBIs that are common to the company but labeled differently at the property level.


This field is visible only if you have multiple properties.

Show InThe module in which the KBI appears.


UnitsUnits of measure.



Click to open the Edit KBI dialog box. Use the dialog box to edit the selected KBI.

For more information, see Edit KBI dialog box.

KBI SetSelect a KBI set to apply to the KBI. 
General tab

Displays general information about the selected KBI.

For more information, see the General Tab.

Other tabsDepending on the type of KBI, other tabs may be visible. See Input KBIs, Environmental, Formula, Labor Statistical, or Percent of Base. 

Opens the Edit KBI dialog box to edit the KBI set associated with the KBI.

For more information, see Edit KBI Set (associated with KBI) dialog box.


Opens the Audit Table dialog box.

For more information, see Audits.


About Creating/Editing KBIs

As previously noted, there are several different types of KBIs. Determine what type of KBI(s) you need to create, click the Add KBI icon, and proceed to the appropriate section listed in Other tabs above.

Note: If you own both Budgeting and Labor, you can create KBIs for both programs at the same time. If you only own Labor, the tabs used for configuring Labor KBIs are the only ones that will be visible.

To edit an existing KBI, double-click on the KBI you want to change, or highlight the KBI and click the Edit button. Make the appropriate changes and click OK.



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