Calculated KBIs
When you create a calculated KBI, you use algebraic formulas and existing KBIs to calculate a value. These formulas are created by inserting KBI values, KBIs, day offsets, and operators. Formulas can be entered manually or by using the Formula buttons.
Formulas can be as simple as a sum of two other KBIs, or they can be very complex. For example, the KBI for room service breakfast covers might be 25% of yesterday's guests in the hotel minus those guests not available for breakfast due to a banquet.
Calculated KBIs can also use a past average method for predicting volumes. This is done through the Formula Builder function that is built into LMS. Past averages are used primarily when it is apparent that there is a trend in volume but that trend does not seem to be related to any other factors at the property. For instance, the fine dining restaurant behaves more like a free standing restaurant due to a consistent amount of business from outside the property. Therefore a past average or 4 or 5 weeks of the same day might serve as a good predictor of the future volume.