Working with the Revenue Center Forecasting screen

Working with the Revenue Center Forecasting screen

On the Revenue Center Forecasting screen, you can perform the following tasks:

 Click here for instructions on accessing the Edit Revenue Center Forecasting screen.

  1. In the toolbar, click the Main Menu icon (  ).
  2. From the drop-down list, under the Labor section, select Planning.
    The Planning screen appears.
  3. In the View/Edit Revenue Center Forecast row, click Update/Start.
    The View/Edit Revenue Center Forecast screen appears. 

Selecting a planning period

  • Click the Planning Period field and select a planning period from the drop-down list.
    The screen updates with information for the selected planning period.

Selecting a revenue center

  • Click the Selected Revenue Center field and select a revenue center from the drop-down list.
    The screen updates with information for the selected revenue center.

Viewing KBI details

When you first open the Revenue Center Forecasting screen, only single table rows for available KBIs are visible. For each day of the week, the cell displays the forecast value and an icon representing the variance of the system forecast to the actual business volume.

 To view details for a KBI:

  • Click the arrow (  ) in front of the KBI for which to view details.
    The table expands to display details and statistics under the KBI.

Viewing the legend for icons

The Revenue Center Forecasting screen features several icons that represent information about KBI forecasts and statistics.

To view the legend for the screen:

  1. Click the Legend icon (  ).
    The Legend dialog box appears.
  2. When you are finished reviewing, click Close.
    The Legend dialog box closes.
    For more information, see Edit Revenue Center Forecasting.

Working with forecast environments

Forecast environments are atypical circumstances that affect KBIs, demand, and volume. For example, an NFL football game that occurs near a restaurant would typically cause a spike in demand. Users apply forecast environments when they know that a unique event will impact the need for labor. 

If a forecast environment is applied to a KBI, the name of the forecast environment appears in the field and a Change button is available.

If a forecast environment is not added to a KBI, an Add button is available.

Applying a forecast environment

  1. In the Forecast Environment row, click Add for the day of the week to which you want to apply a forecast environment.
    The Add Environment dialog box appears.
  2. Select the environment to apply.
  3. Click Done.
    The dialog box closes and the environment is applied. The cell updates to display the selected environment.

Changing a forecast environment

  1. In the Forecast Environment row, click Change for the day of the week to which you want to change a forecast environment.
    The Add Environment dialog box appears.
  2. Select the environment to apply.
  3. Click Done.
    The dialog box closes and the environment is applied. The cell updates to display the selected environment.

Removing a a forecast environment

  1. In the Forecast Environment row, click Change for the day of the week to which you want to change a forecast environment.
    The Add Environment dialog box appears.
  2. Select No Environment Applied.
  3. Click Done.
    The dialog box closes and the environment is removed. The cell updates to display the Add button.

Editing a manager forecast

Managers can enter and edit values in the Manager Forecast cells if they feel that they can better predict the volumes for the day. If there is a manager forecast, the system uses that value instead of the system forecast in schedule calculations.

To edit a manager forecast:

  1. In the Manager Forecast row, click the cell to edit.
  2. Edit this field by typing the value directly in the field or by using the up and down arrows to the right of the field to increase or decrease the value by increments of one.
  3. Either press Enter or click outside of the field.
    The cell updates with your entry.

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