Edit Rooms Forecast
Use the Edit Rooms Forecast task to review, enter, and update the forecast business volumes for all rooms and market segment KBIs..
Fields and controls on the Edit Rooms Forecast screen
Field | Description | Notes |
Controls | ||
Save | Saves your data. | |
Move to prior period | Click the arrow to go to the previous viewing period. | |
Date range selector | Select a viewing period from the drop down list. | |
Move to next period | Click the arrow to go to the subsequent viewing period. | |
Audits | See who changed the forecast (if applicable), when it was changed and what the values were before and after the change. | |
Show/Hide Historical Data | View or hide the following historical data calculations:
| |
Table | ||
KBI | Displays the name of the KBI. If dynamically applied standard sets are applied, an additional Rooms Revenue KBI line appears. | Read-only. |
Prior Week | Data for the last day of the prior week. Although the previous week's data is automatically loaded, you can update the values. Your edits do not change the data from last week; they accommodate changes that may have happened since last week's forecast. For example, editing the number of rooms sold for the previous week will not change the value from the prior week, but make adjustments for the current week which provides a more accurate forecast for the current week. | |
Weekdays in the Planning Period | Select the appropriate day(s) and enter numerical values. | The date shown depends on what period you selected. |
Running the Edit Rooms Forecast task
- In the toolbar, click the Main Menu icon ( ).
- From the drop-down list, under the Labor section, select Planning.
The Planning screen appears in a separate tab. - In the Edit Rooms Forecast row, click Update/Start.
The Edit Rooms Forecast screen appears. - Change the Period if necessary.
- Click Show Historical Data/Hide Historical Data as appropriate.
- Click the appropriate cell to activate it and enter your data.
- Click Save.
Your changes are applied.