Generate Revenue Center Forecasts
Generate Revenue Center Forecasts
The Generate Revenue Center Forecast task lets you generate a forecast for your revenue centers. When you perform this task, LMS analyzes the configuration of relevant KBIs, calculates the total number of available guests, then uses historical data (actuals) and environments to project future occupancy.
Fields on the Generate Revenue Center Forecast dialog box
Field | Description |
Start Date | Date on which forecast begins. |
End Date | Date on which forecast ends. |
Buttons | |
OK | Runs the forecast for the dates selected. |
Cancel | Cancels the task and closes the dialog box. |
Running the Generate Revenue Center Forecast task
- In the toolbar, click the Main Menu icon ( ).
- From the drop-down list, under the Labor section, select Planning.
The Planning screen appears in a separate tab. - In the Generate Revenue Center Forecast row, click Update/Start.
The Generate Revenue Center Forecast dialog appears. - Change the Period if necessary.
- Select a Start Date and an End Date.
- Click OK.
The dialog box closes and a status window appears.
Related topics:
- Planning Tasks
- Change Planning Period
- Change Reporting Week
- Enter Forecast Environments
- Enter Rooms Pre-Work
- Import Forecast KBIs
- Enter Input KBI Forecasts
- Review Forecast Dynamic Spread (visible only in Advanced mode)
- Generate Rooms Forecast
- Generate Revenue Center Forecasts
- Edit Revenue Center Forecast
- Adjust Forecast Flow Patterns
- Enter Share With Schedules
- Generate Projected Hours
- Reconcile Employees (Also found in Employee Maintenance)
- Pre-Schedule Employees
- Generate Schedules
- Change Schedule State
- Publish Schedules
- Export Schedules
- Enter Scheduled Hours
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