Shift Related Standards Tab

Shift Related Standards Tab

About the Shift Related Standards Tab

The Shift Related Standards tab allows you to create standards that are assigned to a specific shift.  These standards may be fixed, or variable, or semi-variable.


Distribution Method

Defines how labor is allocated during a shift. This selection applies to work requirements that exceed the Maximum Shift specifications you make and denotes where any extra shifts are scheduled.

  • Flowed. Distributes the work across the shift based upon percentages by time period.
  • Non-flowed. Distributes the work evenly across the shift.
  • Opening. Specifies the amount of time it should take to open the revenue center or department associated with this job. Enter the amount of time required to perform work before the shift starts.
  • Closing. Specifies the amount of time it should take to close the revenue center or department associated with this job. This time is added after the shift ends.
  • Share With. Allows you to associate work between two positions (Hourly Supervisor and Hourly Associate, or Manager and Hourly Associate) so that the standard for the Hourly Associate is reduced by the number of hours that the Supervisor or manager performs work. For example, if a salaried Sous Chef cooks on the line, Share With standards provide a means to account for those hours and adjust the cook standard appropriately. If an Hourly Supervisor works on the Front Desk, this type allows you to assign some check-in check-out work to the Supervisor so you can adjust the desk clerk standard appropriately.
Distribution Options

Allows further configuration for the selected Distribution Method.

  • Flowed
    • Flow Plan. Allows you to choose a pre-configured flow plan.
    • Ignore Retention. Disables the Retention calculations if the KBI that is attached to the standard is related to a Revenue Center, and the Revenue Center has Retention defined
  • Non-Flowed options
    • Beginning. Distributes the work starting from the beginning of the shift and progressing towards the end of the shift.
    • End. Distributes the work starting from the end of the shift and progressing towards the beginning of the shift.
    • Middle. Distributes the work starting from the middle of the shift and progressing outwards in both directions.
    • Even. Distributes the total work / number of periods in shift (work per period) to each period in the shift.
  • Opening/Closing.
    • Earliest work start time. Denotes the earliest time that the work can begin.
    • Work completed by time. Denotes the time that the work must be completed.
  • Share With. No options.
Volume Range

Allows you to create/delete a range of numbers to which volumes are attached.

  • From Volume/To Volume. Denotes the volume range of the standard.
    • Enter 1 in the From Volume field and up to 99999 in the To Volume field, to specify the range. If you don't care about the range, you can specify 0 in the From field and some large number that is bigger than the biggest number the KBI will ever have, in the To field. For example, you use the KBI for Total Rooms. You know that you will never have more than 500 rooms, so you would enter 1 in the From Volume field and 500 in the To Volume field.
    • Note that if you use a KBI based on the number of rooms, and the time required to perform the variable work increases or decreases with higher volume, you should create and specify additional ranges. Conceivably you can have multiple ranges for each KBI. Be careful to make the top end of the range anumber that is higher than you could ever encounter. In the previous example, if you set the range as 1-500 and then enter 501 rooms (because a room was sold twice in one day), LMS will ignore the 501 and return a 0 standard.
Days of the WeekAllows you to set separate Volumes for each day of the week.

Configuring the Shift Related Standards Tab

  1. Click the green plus icon at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Select a Shift, KBI, Work Type and Units.
  3. Select a Method. Depending on the Method selected, enter or select the appropriate criteria for that Method.
  4. Enter a From Volume, To Volume and amount for each day you wish to define the distribution.
  5. Click Add Range if you wish to add more ranges.
  6. Click OK.