Shifts Tab

Shifts Tab

About the Shifts Tab

The Shifts tab lets you specify shifts for a new job or edit shift information for an existing job. Note that a job can have multiple shifts.

Terms and Definitions

 Click image to view a full size screen shot.

NameIdentifies the shift. It is recommended that you use a name that is similar to the shift you are creating. If you do not assign a name, the new shift will be called Default Shift.
Day of Week(Previously called Same time for all days.) By default, Everyday is listed. Everyday allows you to denote that the shift Start Time and End Time is the same time on every day. Clicking Show All Days (see below), displays each Day Of the Week. See Show All Days below.
Start TimeDenotes the time the shift begins.
End TimeDenotes the time the shift ends.
Show All DaysDenotes that shift times vary from day-to-day, when selected. All the days of the week will be listed and you will determine a Start Time and End Time for each day.


Configuring the Shifts Tab


  1. Click the green plus icon at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Enter a Name for the Shift.
  3. Enter a Start Time and End Time for Everyday (the same) or click the Show All Days button and enter a Start Time and End Time for each day.
  4. Click OK.


Note: If configuring at the Assignment level, you will see a field for Override Shift Configuration. Select or de-select that option as desired. Be aware that overriding the shift configuration will delete all Standards entered for the current level and any levels below.