Task Standards Tab
Use the Task Standards tab to create standards based on a detailed list of tasks, each with its own time requirement. The time requirements for each task are then summed up and the total is used in LMS calculations. This feature is typically used if you want to build detailed standards for common jobs. For example, cleaning duties (public areas, restaurants, kitchens) lend themselves to task standards as each activity (mopping a floor, sweeping a floor, cleaning a table, polishing a brass rail, cleaning a window or glass door) has its own time requirement.
Terms and Definitions
Shift | Select which shift you want to associate with the Standard. |
KBI | Select which KBI you want to associate with the Standard. |
Distribution Method | Defines how labor is allocated during a shift. This selection applies to work requirements that exceed the Maximum Shift specifications you make and denotes where any extra shifts are scheduled.
Show Calculated Minutes | Allows you to display the calculated minutes if you so choose. |
Name | Denotes the name of the task. |
Description | Describes the task. |
# of Items | Number of things that the task applies to. For example, if there are 12 railings in the lobby area, enter 12 here. |
R.E. (Reasonable Expectancy) | The number of minutes required for a normal person to perform the work. For example, if it takes 5 minutes per railing, to wipe down the railing. Enter 5 here. |
Frequency | Denotes the number of times the task be performed based on the defined volume range. For example, if there are 1-100 arrivals, you would wipe down the railings once during the shift. If 101 or more arrivals, you would wipe down the railings twice during the shift. |
Calculated Minutes | Equals the # of Items x R.E. x Frequency. |
Total Minutes | Displays the total number of Minutes needed to complete the work. |
Total Hours | Displays the total number of Hours needed to complete the work. |
Creating Task Standards
To add a Standard:
- Select or de-select Show Calculated Minutes.
- Next to the Name drop-down menu, click the Add button ( ).
- Enter a Name.
- Select a Shift and KBI from the drop-down menu.
- Select a Distribution Method from the drop-down menu.
- Enter or select the appropriate criteria depending on the Distribution Method you chose.
- Click OK.
To add a Task:
- At the bottom of the screen, click the Add button ( ).
- Enter a Name, Description, # Of Items, R.E. (reasonable expectancy), Frequency and Calculated Minutes in the appropriate cells. Note that this information is entered inline rather than in a separate pop-up window.