Spread Standards

Spread Standards

Spread standards are based on a previous assessment of staffing requirements on an hour-by-hour basis. Although they are most commonly used for table games, spread standards might also be used for positions for which a flow has previously been analyzed and, as a result, flexible staffing has already been established.

Spread Standards tab – field descriptions 

ShiftAllows you to determine which shift to associate with the standard.READ-ONLY.
KBIKBI associated with the spread standard.READ-ONLY.

Displays one of the following:

  • Fixed – Standards that are based on KBI values for the day.
  • Dynamic / Unit type – Dynamic spread standards that are based on KBI values that are in time increments less than one day.
Volume Range

The volume range of KBIs for the standard. If the number falls within the range of these values, the specified number of employees will be staffed.


Days of the Week

  • If the spread standard is fixed, a graphical representation of the employee coverage is displayed for each day.
  • If the spread standard is dynamic, either Units/Person Per Period Length or Minutes/Unit is displayed for each day .

Add Standard

Add a spread standard.

For more information, see Adding spread standards.


Edit Standard

Edit a spread standard.

For more information, see Editing a spread standard.

This button is available only if you first select a spread standard.


Delete selected spread standard(s).

For more information, see Deleting spread standards for a shift.


Edit Ranges

Edit and/or add volume ranges.

For more information, see Editing, adding, and deleting volume ranges in spread standards.

This button is available only if you first select a spread standard.