Job Spread Configuration Report

The Job Spread Report shows you, at a glance, how the job spreads are configured.

Click image to view a sample report.

Report Options


Division/Department/Job /Assignment

Select which jobs are included in the report.

Standard Set

Select the appropriate Standard Sets.

Day of week/Environment

Denote whether the report should be based on a specific Day of the week or Environment, or All days of the week and Environments.

Show empty spreads

Choose whether to show or hide empty spreads.

Running the Report

To run the report:

  1. Choose Configuration from the Reports menu and select Job Spread. The Options dialog box appears.
  2. Choose the appropriate Division/Department/Job/Assignment, Standard Set, and Day of week/Environment from the drop-down lists.
  3. Select or de-select Show empty spreads.
  4. Click the Run icon. The report is displayed.

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