Employee Event Document Templates

Employee Event Document Templates

The Employee Event Document Templates screen lists all configured event document templates that can be used to generate event documents. Event documents are sent when an event is triggered from accumulated attendance points. For more information on points and events, see Attendance Points and Events.

The Employee Event Document Templates screen – field descriptions

Employee Event Document Templates pane
Document listContains a list of all available document templates. 


Opens the Add Employee Event Document Template dialog box. Use this control to add a new template.

For more information, see Add Employee Event Document Template dialog box.



Deletes a template that is selected in the document list.

Details pane
NameName of the document template.READ-ONLY.
Export File Name

Export file name of the event document template.

The name includes the file extension type, which determines the file format (for example, Word, Excel, Text) of the generated document.

TemplateContent of the document template.READ-ONLY.

Opens the Edit Employee Event Document Template dialog box, which you use to edit the selected document template.

For more information, see Edit Employee Event Document Template dialog box.


Opens the Audit Table dialog box.

For more information, see Audits.