Tip Pool Types

Tip Pool Types

About Tip Pool Types

Tip Pool Types are, in essence, templates you create that determine the parameters for how tips are allocated to employees, including the Employee Set affected, the Earning Types, Distribution Methods, etc. You have two options for distributing the tip earnings equally among the employees Fixed or Variable. You also have two choices for Distribution Mode: Percentage or Total Units. A Tip Pool Type can have multiple Sub-Pool Types . These templates are used to create Tip Pools, and can be re-used to create multiple Tip Pools. Tip Pool Types can also be deleted the templates or changed as needed, without affecting any Tip Pools that were created with the Tip Pool Type

Tip Pool Types are made up of a Sub-Pool Type(s) which provides the allocation details.

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Terms & Definitions

Date Range Type

Determines the period of time over which the units are summed: by the day, an entire week, or an entire pay period.

In House %

Allows you to exclude a certain percentage of the tips from being distributed to the employees. This is helpful if the House keeps a certain amount of the tips.

Distribution Mode
  • Percentage. Distribute the earnings based on percentage.

    Note: The % Pool for all Sub-Pool Types must equal 100%.

  • Total Units. Distribute the earnings based on Total Units. 

    Note: The Distribution Mode for all Sub-Pool Types must be Variable and all Unit Types must be the same.

Sub-Pool Types


% Pool

Allows you to determine what percentage of the total tips are to be allocated to this Sub-Pool Type. If there is only one Sub-Pool Type, the % Pool would be 100%. If there are multiple Sub-Pool Types, the % Pool amounts for all Sub-Pool Types must equal 100%.

Earning Type

Allows you to select the type of earnings with which this Tip Pool Type is associated. Note that only the Types for which you checked Include in Tips in Configure Property, will be displayed.

Distribute to Worked JobsAllows you to determine whether the Pool should be paid to the Home job (not selected) or distributed between the jobs that contributed towards the Pool (selected).

Employee Set

Allows you to select the group of employees for which the Tip Pool Type is to be applied.

Distribution Mode

Determines how Total Tips are distributed.

  • Fixed.  Distributes total tips equally among all employees in the Employee Set. For example, if there are 10 employees in the Employee Set, each employee will get 10%.
  • Variable. Allows you to configure earnings allocations differently for different employee sets. For example, you may have three Tip Pool Sub-Types: Wait Staff, Setup, and Captains. Wait Staff may be allocated based on Hours, Setup on the Covers, and Captains based on Revenue.
Unit Type

Allows you to determine the type of Units on which the Tip Pool Sub-Type is based: Hours, Covers, Revenue or Points.

Baseline X Allows you to determine the minimum number of Hours, Covers, Revenue or Points for which employees will be paid. If an employee works less than the minimum, the minimum value will be used to compute the earnings.
Hours ModeOnly visible if the Unit Type is Hours. Allows you to designate what type of hours are included in the calculation: Total hours Worked, Regular hours Only, or OT Adjusted hours. 
Allow Factor Adjustments

 Only visible if the Distribution Mode is Variable. Denotes that manual adjustments can be made to the Factor. Note: These adjustments are made in the Tip Pools screen.

Allow Dollars AdjustmentsVisible for both Variable and Fixed. Denotes that manual adjustments can be made to the Dollar amounts. Note: These adjustments are made in the Tip Pools screen.
Allow Units AdjustmentsOnly visible if the Distribution Mode is Variable. Denotes that manual adjustments can be made to the number of Units. Note: These adjustments are made in the Tip Pools screen.



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