Holidays & Holiday Types

Holidays & Holiday Types

Configuring Holidays allows you to enter the dates for which your company pays employees who are eligible for Holiday Pay. Your configured Work Rules determine which employees are eligible for Holiday pay and the rate at which they are paid.

There are two ways to enter holidays: create New records or Copy the holidays from a previous year. For example, if you already entered all the holidays for 2011, you could copy the 2011 holidays into 2012 and then edit the entries to adjust the actual dates. If you have entered holidays for multiple years, you can view those holidays by selecting the Year you want to view from the drop-down.

Creating Holiday Types allows you to further classify the holiday. For example, some companies offer employees the option of choosing one additional holiday in addition to the company's default holidays. Having a Holiday Type for Electives helps you track which employees are taking which holiday.

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 Terms & Definitions


Identifies the holiday.


Allows you to designate which type of Holiday.


Denotes the date of the holiday.

Hours Data Created

Denotes the date that the record was created. This field is automatically filled in when the earning is created.

Earning Created

Denotes the date that the record was actually created. This field is automatically filled in when the earning is created.

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