Holiday Pay

Holiday Pay

Using the Holiday Pay task, you can calculate how much holiday pay active employees should receive based on your company's specific business rules. You are also able to create the earnings for the holiday pay.

Factors taken into consideration are:

  • Number of hours worked.
  • Status of the employee (full-time or part-time).
  • Average work day.
  • Rate of pay.
  • Seniority.
  • If they worked on the holiday or not.
  • If they were eligible for holiday pay even if they didn't work.

There are two items that must be configured prior to calculating the pay:

  1. Holidays must be entered into the system (see Configuring Holidays).
  2. Work rules must be configured (see Configuring Work Rules).

To view the information for a holiday:

  1. In the toolbar, click the Main Menu icon (  ).
  2. From the drop-down list, under the Time & Attendance section, select Holiday Pay.
    The Holiday Pay screen appears.
  3. From the drop-down list, select the appropriate holiday.
  4. If you have not already done so, click Calculate Eligible Hours.
  5. Once you have reviewed the data, click Create Earnings.
    This creates an Earning record for each eligible employee. If Calculate Eligible Hours and/or Create Earnings have been clicked previously, the date and time they were clicked is displayed.

Click image to view a full size screen shot

Fields on the Holiday Pay screen


Calculate Eligible Hours

Tell the system to perform the necessary calculations to determine the number of eligible holiday hours all active employees.

  • Disabled if earnings are generated.

  • Disabled if in Closed Pay Period (existing behavior).

  • Enables approval check boxes and defaults them to true.

  • Enables the Create Earnings icon (existing behavior).

  • Updates Eligible Hours Calculated On status (existing behavior).

Create Earnings

Create an Earning record for all employees who are to receive holiday pay.

  • Creates earnings if amount is non zero (existing behavior).

  • Creates earnings if Earning Type exists (existing behavior).

  • Creates earnings if manager has marked Approve.

  • Disabled if hours are not calculated (existing behavior).

  • Disabled in closed period (existing behavior).

  • Disabled if Earnings are generated.

  • Disables self.

  • Disables Approve to Pay check boxes.

  • Disables Calculate Eligible Hours.

  • Enables Remove Earnings icon.

  • Updates Earnings created on status (existing behavior).

Remove Earnings

Reject employee holiday eligibility causing holiday earnings to not be generated after the earnings have been created. Eligible hours as calculated are still displayed, however, the earnings are not displayed in the time cards.

  • Removes previously created holiday earnings and recalculates data sets.

  • Displays message for Earnings created on as Earnings as not created.

  • Is enabled only if earnings have been created.

  • Enables Approve to Pay check boxes.

  • Enables Create Earnings icon.

  • Enables Calculate Eligible Hours.

  • Is disabled if in a Closed period.

Approve to PayAccept/reject an individual employee's holiday eligibility
  • Not editable until holiday eligibility is calculated

  • Defaults to approve whenever holiday eligibility is calculated(including recalculated)

  • Not editable if earnings are generated

  • Persists approval if holiday pay tab is closed and reopened

EmployeeDisplays the name of the employee.

Hours Worked

Displays the number of hours worked by each employee.

Other Hours

Denotes any other hours an employee may have accrued. These hours would be based on the Differential work rules.

Avg Day

Displays the average number of hours an employee works per day.

Elig. Hours

Displays the number of hours for which the employee is eligible to be paid.


Displays the rate of pay for each employee.

Earning AmountDisplays the earning amount for the holiday pay.

Earning Type

Displays the type of earning the holiday pay will fall under.

Elig. Worked

Denotes whether an employee is eligible for holiday pay, if they worked on the holiday.

Elig. Not Worked

Denotes whether an employee is eligible for holiday pay even if they didn't work on the project.

Note: The results displayed are all based on how your Work Rules are configured.

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