Punch Image Review

Punch Image Review

If one or more Time Clocks at your property have been configured to take a photograph when an employee enters a punch, you can view those photographs from the Punch Image Review screen.

* Personally identifiable information has been obscured or altered in the above image.

Fields on the Punch Image Review screen

SearchSearch for employees by name or by employee ID number.
Employee listSelect an employee from the list to view images associated with that employee's Time Clock punches.The employee list shows only those employees that you have access to.

Slideshow view

Select this view to display images in the slideshow format. In the slideshow view, you can navigate through images by selecting the Previous (  ) or Next (  ) button or by selecting an image from the thumbnails at the bottom of the pane.

Grid view

Select this view to display images in the grid format. In the grid view, images are displayed as medium-sized thumbnails and are arranged by date and time, starting with the most recent.


Expand / Collapse

View or hide the employee list.


Previous / Next

Use these buttons to manually move between images in the slideshow view.These controls are only available in slideshow view.
Time Clock image detailsEach image displays the date and time when the photograph was taken and the name of the Time Clock that captured the image.

Play Slideshow

Use these buttons to automatically move between images in the slideshow view.This control is only available in slideshow view.