The Schedule Approvals screen

The Schedule Approvals screen

* Personally identifiable information has been obscured or altered in the above image.

1Planning Period selectorSelect the planning period to work with.Default: The current planning period of All Properties labor structure level.

Filter the table by the following options:

  • All Properties—Displays all available properties in the table.
  • Schedules w/ Potential Issues—Displays only properties that have schedules with potential issues.
  • Completed Schedules—Displays only schedules that have been completed.

3  Schedule controls—The buttons that appear on the screen depend on your user permissions. For more information, see Overview of the schedule approval process, users, and permissions.
Change Schedule State

Restrict or allow schedule editing for all or selected labor structure levels during the selected planning period. 

Options include: 

  • Make Selected Closed for Editing—Restrict schedule editing only for selected jobs.
  • Make All Closed for Editing—Restrict schedule editing only for selected jobs.
  • Make Open for Editing:
    • Make Selected Closed for Editing—Restrict schedule editing only for selected jobs.
    • Make All Closed for Editing—Restrict schedule editing only for selected jobs.
    • Make Selected Open for Home Jobs—Allow schedule editing only for selected home jobs.
    • Make All Open for Home Jobs—Allow schedule editing for all home jobs.

These changes affect only the selected planning period.

Mark as Complete

This action is for a manager who writes schedules and has permissions to mark the schedule as complete.

Options include:

  • Mark Selected Schedules as Complete—Marks selected schedules as complete, which indicates that they are ready for approval.
  • Mark All Schedules as CompleteMarks all schedules as complete, which indicates that they are ready for approval.

This button appears only if you have the permission to mark as complete.

If a manager has access to scheduling and they have access to jobs that require approval, than they will have access to this screen.


This action is for managers who have permissions to approve and unapprove schedules.

Options include:

  • Approve Selected—Approves only schedules for selected labor structure levels.
  • Approve All w/ No IssuesApproves only schedules for labor structure levels with no issues.
  • Approve AllApproves schedules for all labor structure levels.
You must select the check box for a labor structure level before select Approve Selected.

This action is for managers who have permissions to approve and unapprove schedules.

Options include:

  • UnApprove Selected—Undoes an approved status only for schedules in the selected labor structure levels.
  • UnApprove All w/ No Issues—Undoes approved statuses for all schedules in labor structure levels with no issues.
  • UnApprove All—Undoes approved statuses for all schedules in the labor structure.
You must select the check box for a labor structure level before you approve.

This action is for managers who have permissions to publish schedules.

Options include:

  • Publish SelectedPublishes the selected schedules to employees' mobile devices.
  • Publish AllPublishes all schedules to employees' mobile devices.
You must select the check box for an labor structure level before you approve.

Select / Mark Complete check box

Select this check box for the individual schedules to complete, approve, unapprove, or publish.

If you have permission to approve or publish schedules, the label of this column is "Select".

If you have permission to mark schedules as complete, the label of this column is "Mark Complete".


Tree menu of the labor structure for an organization.

Once you drill down to the job level, the Details pane for the job appears

Period End Date

End date of the current planning period.

When you're dealing with multiple properties, they might not all be on the same planning period, or they might not have the same schedule week in terms of start day and end day.

Issue Indicator

Indicates that there are issues with a job in the labor structure level.
Issue Type

The indicators display the abbreviation for the issue type and the total number of issues at the labor structure level (including sub-levels).

  • Quality (Q)—The scheduling manager has scheduled too few hours, where the variance between the scheduled hours and the projected hours is outside of a configured threshold for under-scheduling. This is typically configured as 3% to 5% in most installations. So if the manager had scheduled too few hours or more than 5% below the projected hours, then the Quality indicator is colored purple and displays the number of related issues.
  • Cost (C)—The scheduling manager has scheduled too many hours above the projected hours outside of a configured threshold for over-scheduling. This is typically configured as 3% to 5% in most installations. So if the manager had scheduled more than 5% over the projected hours, then the Cost indicator is colored red and displays the number of related issues.
  • OT—This is a percentage of scheduled hours that are overtime (OT) hours. This threshold is configured based on the company's policy for acceptable scheduling of OT. For example, if the threshold is set to 3% and there are more than 3% scheduled hours are OT hours, then the OT indicator is colored blue and display the number of related issues.

In the tree menu, each line displays the sum of all issues within the labor structure level. In the example below, Property 2 contains only one job with issues (2 quality issues (Q) and 2 OT issues). Because the job is part of the Department, the Department is part of Division 1, and Division 1 is part of Property 2, each level displays the 2 quality issues (Q) and 2 OT issues.

Approval Status

The check mark icon indicates approval status. A gray check mark icon (  ) indicates that the schedule has not been approved. A green check mark icon (  ) indicates that the schedule has been approved. If the schedule does not require approval, N/A is displayed.

Publish Status

The arrow icon indicates publication status. A gray arrow icon (  ) indicates that the schedule has not been published. A blue arrow icon (  ) indicates that the schedule has been published. If the schedule does not require publishing, N/A is displayed. 

Schedule Completed

Number of schedules that have been completed out of the total number of jobs. For example, 10/280 means that 10 jobs have been completed out of 280 jobs.

When you drill down to the job level, this field will display the name of the user who completed the schedules.

Scheduled HoursNumber of scheduled hours.
Projected HoursNumber of projected hours.
Var %The overall percentage variance between scheduled and projected hours for the planning period.
Days OutThe number of days in the planning period where schedules are outside of the threshold for over- or under-scheduling.
Scheduled CostsThe cost of the schedule hours. Scheduled hours × rate of pay = scheduled costs.
Projected CostsThe cost of the projected hours. Projected hours × rate of pay = projected costs.
Variance CostsThe projected costs minus the schedule costs
OT %Percentage of scheduled hours that are OT hours.

# Emp. w/ OT

Number of employee with overtime scheduled.
Cost of OTThe premium portion of overtime. Example: If you have 10 hours of overtime paid at 1.5 of regular rate of 10 per hour, the cost of the OT = 10 hours × 10/hour × .5 premium = $50). In other words, if those 10 hours were regular hours they would cost you $100. Because they are OT hours, they cost you $150. $50 is the cost of them being OT. 
Available Hours

Available hours that are unscheduled. The number is the total available hours for all employees at the labor structure level.

Available hours for each employee = employee's available hours for the planning period − scheduled hours for the planning period − approved time off.

The number of available hours can be helpful to managers if they also look at the OT% and #Emp w/ OT fields. If managers see excessive available hours (that have not been scheduled), they might ask why employees are getting OT when there are several hours that have not been scheduled for other employees.

5Details pane

This collapsible pane shows details for the selected job.Click ( ) to expand the pane. Click ( ) or ( ) to collapse the panel.

6Job titleJob title of the selected labor structure level
7Aggregate information for planning period

Information includes:

  • Variance %—The overall percentage variance between scheduled and projected hours for the planning period.
  • Days Outside Threshold—The number of days in the planning period where schedules are outside of the threshold for over- or under-scheduling.
  • OT%—Percentage of scheduled hours that are OT hours.
  • OT Employees—Number of employees who have scheduled OT.

8List of issues by day of week

Issues by day:

  • Quality—The scheduling manager has scheduled too few hours, where the variance between the scheduled hours and the projected hours is outside of a configured threshold for under-scheduling. This is typically configured as 3% to 5% in most installations. So if the manager had scheduled too few hours or more than 5% below the projected hours, then the Quality indicator is colored purple and displays the number of related issues.
  • Cost—The scheduling manager has scheduled too many hours above the projected hours outside of a configured threshold for over-scheduling. This is typically configured as 3% to 5% in most installations. So if the manager had scheduled more than 5% over the projected hours, then the Cost indicator is colored red and displays the number of related issues.
  • OT—This is a percentage of scheduled hours that are overtime (OT) hours. This threshold is configured based on the company's policy for acceptable scheduling of OT. For example, if the threshold is set to 3% and there are more than 3% scheduled hours are OT hours, then the OT indicator is colored blue and display the number of related issues.

9Schedule controls

Option include:

  • ApproveApproves only schedules for selected labor structure levels.
  • UnApproveUndoes an approved status only for schedules in the selected labor structure levels.
  • Publish—Publish the schedule for the selected labor structure level.

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