Copying scheduled shifts to time cards

Copying scheduled shifts to time cards

You use the Copy Schedules to Actuals option to copy employees' scheduled shifts into their time cards. This option is helpful if your company does not use Time Clocks and you must manually enter employee punches into employees' time cards. 


  • The Copy Schedule to Actuals functionality is not a default


    setting and cannot be configured by users. To activate this functionality, you must contact your UniFocus Configuration Specialist.
  • You must have the appropriate permission setting to use this option.

Warning: Copying scheduled shifts to time cards will delete actual punches and replace them with estimates.

To copy scheduled shifts to time cards:

  1. In the toolbar, click the Main Menu icon (  ).
  2. From the drop-down list, under the Time & Attendance section, select Review Pay Period.
    The Review Pay Period screen appears.
  3. Click Pay Period Management ). 
  4. From the drop-down list, select Copy Schedules to Actuals.
    The Copy Schedules to Actuals dialog box appears.
    For more information, see Copy Schedules to Actuals dialog box.
  5. From the Start Date drop-down list, select the start date of the date range for scheduled shifts to copy.
  6. From the End Date drop-down list, select the end date of the date range for scheduled shifts to copy.
  7. (Optional) To approve all shifts, select Approve Shifts.
  8. From the Job tree menu, select the jobs for which scheduled shifts will copy to time cards.
  9. Click OK.
    A dialog box appears. The message explains that all existing shifts matching the selected jobs during the period will be removed.
  10. To continue, click Yes.
    A Copy Schedules to Actual dialog box appears. It displays a progress bar and details about the copying process.
  11. When the process is finished, click Close.
    The dialog boxes close.