Adding and editing user-defined datasets

Adding and editing user-defined datasets

You can add and edit multiple user-defined datasets simultaneously.

  1. In the toolbar, click the System Setup icon (  ).
  2. From the drop-down list, select Financial > User Defined Datasets.
    The User Defined Datasets screen appears.
  3. Below the table, click Edit
    The Edit User Defined Datasets dialog box appears.
  4. Edit the fields as necessary.
    For more information, see Edit User Defined Datasets dialog box.
  5.  Click OK.

User Defined Datasets dialog box


Number associated with the user-defined dataset. These numbers are prefilled by the system.

Type NameType the name of the data set in the field or edit the name of the existing dataset, 
KBI SetClick the field to open the drop-down menu of available KBI sets to associate with the user-defined dataset. Select an option from the drop-down list. 
OKCloses the dialog box and updates the User Defined Datasets screen with your changes. 
CancelCloses the dialog box without applying your changes.