Payroll JE Map

Payroll JE Map

Payroll JE Mapping configures how you want to export T&A data to an accounting system for tax and budgeting purposes.

Terms & Definitions


Payroll JE Map Type                        

Allows you to associate types of hours/earnings to a specific Dollar and/or Hours account. Note that you can associate a JE Map Type with either a Dollar Account, an Hours Account, or both.

Dollars Account

Allows you to select the specific dollar-based account to associate with the JE Map Type.

Hours Account

Allows you to select the specific hours-based account to associate with the JE Map Type.

Reverse Sign

Allows you to override the default sign. By default, numbers are imported as is. However, there may be a situation where you want an item to show with the sign reversed. An example of when this may be used is to show bad debt write-offs or a credit (refund) to an item that is normally entered as a positive. The Import screen allows you to import/enter a negative sign on a particular day for an item that is configured as positive.

Include in EPEP

Allows you to determine whether the data is included in EPEP data/calculations.

Include in Accruals

Allows you to determine whether the mapping is included in payroll accruals.

Use Accrual Factor

Allows you to designate the factor which is used in the payroll accrual, if applicable.

Accrual Factor

Allows you to enter the amount that is used in the accrual calculation.

Import Maps

Allows you to import mapping data.

Export Maps

Allows you to export mapping data.

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