Working with custom fields

This page describes how to use the Employee Field Override screen to add custom fields to the General tab of the Employee Maintenance screen.

Note: Custom fields will not appear on the Employee Maintenance screen unless you have the appropriate database configuration. Contact your UniFocus PM or Consultant to make the necessary database changes.

Adding a custom field

  1. On the Employee Field Override screen, click Custom Fields.
    The Custom Employee Fields dialog box appears. 
  2. Click Add.
    An empty row appears at the top of the dialog box.
  3. Optionally, you can enter additional rows if you want to add more than one custom field.
  4. Enter the information for your custom field(s).
    For more information, see Custom Employee Fields dialog box - field descriptions.
  5. Do one of the following:
    • If you want to add another custom field:
      1. click Add.
        An empty row appears at the top of the dialog box.
      2. Enter the information for your custom field.
      3. Click OK.
    • If you are ready to apply the field(s) to the Employee Maintenance screen, click OK.

The Custom Employee Fields dialog box closes, and the custom fields appear on the General tab of the Employee Maintenance screen.

Custom Employee Fields dialog box – field descriptions


Name of the field you are adding.

If UniFocus is exporting employee data to a payroll or HR system, this field name should match the field name on the export file.

This name does not appear on the Employee Maintenance screen.


Label (or field name) of the field you are adding.

This is the text string that appears for the control of field that you are adding.


The type of field or control that you are adding.

Select your control from the drop-down list. Options include:

  • Checkbox – Check box control.
  • Date – Field to enter a date.
  • Integer – Field to enter a whole number.
  • Decimal 2 – Field to enter a number with up to two decimal places.
  • Decimal 4 – Field to enter a number with up to four decimal places.
  • Text – Field to enter text.
  • Time – Field to enter time of day.

The section of the General tab on which the custom field appears.

Select the category from the drop-down list. Options include:

  • Personal Information
  • Employment Information
  • Contact Information
  • Edit Time Clock / Kiosk
  • Other

Check box to select whether the custom field requires data:

  • Selected – The field requires data.
  • Cleared – The field does not require data.

If a field is marked as Required, the employee information cannot be entered or updated in 


unless the required field is complete. An error message appears if the required field is not completed. If employees' records are being imported from an external source, the interface will not be completed without this required information.

Max LengthThe maximum number of characters allowed for the field. 
AddAdds a row for you to enter information for a new custom field.

You can add several custom fields before submitting your entries.

OKSubmits the custom field(s) and closes the dialog box.If you added several custom fields, you must click OK for those fields to appear on the Employee Maintenance screen.
CancelCancels your entry and closes the dialog box.Â