Process Roadmap: Working with event orders

Process Roadmap: Working with event orders

This process roadmap provides an overview of the process of working with event orders. Click the links in the Action column for more information on the steps. 

1Access the Manage Event Orders screen.

The process of working with event orders begins on the Planning screen of the Labor component (Main Menu > Labor > Planning). Clicking the Start button in the Manage Event Orders row opens the Manage Event Orders screen, which is where you import, review, and edit event orders.

2View the Event Planning Period.

Go to the Selected Event Orders pane and view the Event Planning Period tab to select the date range of event orders with which you will be working. View the gauges and tiles in the At a Glance section to see information about the event orders. In the Event Planning Period tab, you can manage event orders for the upcoming schedule period.

The event planning period is determined by the planning period set on the forecasting menu of the Planning screen.

3Import event orders.

Import event orders from your company's Event Management System (EMS). After the import is complete, the At a Glance tiles for the Event Planning Period tab update to reflect information on all  event orders.

This step imports all staged event orders that have been received from your company's EMS.
4Generate Work Content and Planned Shifts.

Generating work content takes all the imported information from the event orders and applies it to the related configuration to determine how much work there is to do. This work content includes event setup, resources, transportation, and tear down.

When generating work content for a new planning period for the first time (before completing the event order review), choose the Generator Mode "Work Content Only."

After generating work content, the At a Glance tiles update to reflect the changes to the event orders.

The time period you are working with will determine which option you choose for generating the work content and planned shifts.
5Review event orders and make corrections.

The Event Order pane displays a table of all event orders. The tiles in the At a Glance section provide information about the event orders, such as missing information, potential problems, and overlapping events. Use the gauges and charts to direct you to problems and event orders in the most need of review. Clicking on a tile filters the Event Orders pane so that you see only the event orders that match the criteria of the selected tile.

Review the event orders that appear in the Event Orders pane. Expand an event order to see the related events (or functions). Using the Selected Event Details pane, edit the events to resolve any problems. As you make changes to events, you will notice that they are marked with a red flag indicating that these events will need to have their work content generated again. 

If you have the appropriate permissions setting, you are able to mark events as "Reviewed" as you complete their review.

6Generate work content and planned shifts after correcting event orders.

When the event order review has been completed and all events are marked as "Reviewed," generate work content and planned shifts. Select the Generator Mode "Full Plan - Clear Scheduled." The system will create the planned shifts that are needed to accomplish all work for the period.

7Schedule labor.

Schedule planned shifts for the event orders.

For more information on scheduling labor, see the following sections of the Timeline Scheduling online help:

UniFocus recommends that you use Timeline Scheduling to more efficiently schedule the planned shifts.

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