Secondary KBIs

Configuring Secondary KBIs

To manually configure Secondary KBIs:

  1. Select KBI Distribution from the Configuration menu.
  2. Click the Secondary KBIs tab.
  3. Select a KBI from the drop-down list.
  4. Determine whether the KBI is a percent of base KBI or a non-primary statistical KBI.
    • If the KBI is a percent of base KBI:
      • Note that the Base KBI  that was previously configured, now appears and proceed to Step 6.
    • If the KBI is a non-primary statistical KBI:
      • Select a Base KBI from the drop-down list.
  5. Click in a cell and enter your percentage.
  6. Repeat Step 5 for each day of the week, for each period.

Generating Percentages

To generate percentages for Secondary KBIs:

  1. Select KBI Distribution from the Configuration menu.
  2. Click the Secondary KBIs tab.
  3. Select a Secondary KBIs from the drop-down list.
  4. Click the Generate Percentages button.
  5. Determine how many years of data you want to use in the calculations.
  6. Select the appropriate dataset year for each year of data you want to use.