Adding a shift in an employee time card

  1. In the toolbar, click the Main Menu icon (  ).
  2. From the drop-down list, under the Time & Attendance section, select Review Pay Period.
    The Review Pay Period screen appears.
  3. Search for the employee whose time card you want to edit and double-click the row for that employee.
    The employee’s time card appears.
  4. To add a shift do one of the following:
    • Above the time card, click Add Shift (  ).
      The Add Shift dialog box appears.
    • Right-click on a row in the time card and select Add Shift.
      The Add Shift dialog box appears.
    • In the time card section, click the Time In, Break, Back, and Time Out cells and type in times for the shift. 

  5. Complete the fields as necessary.
    For more information see Add-Edit Shift dialog box. 
  6. Do one of the following:
    • To save and approve the shift at the same time, click Save & Approve.
    • To save the shift without approving, click Save Unapproved.

The dialog box closes, and your changes are applied.