Employee Configuration Report

This report allows you to view employee information and employee preferences at a glance.

Click the image to view a sample report.

Key Information

  • Allows you to view employee information and employee preferences at a glance.
  • Provides employee information such as Employee Type, Employee ID, Hire Date, Availability, Job Rank, Job, Date Trained, and Skill Rank.

Report Options



Determines whether one specific division or all divisions are included in the report.


Determines whether one specific department or all departments are included.


Determines whether one specific job or all jobs are included.

Sort Employees By

Sorts employees by name or hire date.


If selected:

  • General—Displays general information about the employee.
  • Jobs—Displays the skills for which the employee is authorized.
  • Availability—Displays the employee's availability information.
  • Regular Schedules—Displays the employee's regular schedule, if applicable.
  • Assignments—Displays the assignments the employee is authorized to work.

Running the Report

To run the report:

  1. Choose System Setup from the Reports menu.
  2. Open All Setup and click Employee. The report options screen is displayed.
  3. Choose the appropriate Division, Department and Job.
  4. Choose the appropriate sorting option from the Sort Employees By drop-down list.
  5. Select any or all of the items listed under Show, you wish to be displayed
  6. Click the Run icon to run the report.

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{include: TOC-System Setup Reports]