Approving earnings using the Earnings Approval Wizard

Use the Earnings Approval Wizard to approve earnings for individual or all employees. The Earnings Approval Wizard, which is accessed from the Review Pay Period screen, is often used by high-level managers to provide secondary reviews of employees' time cards.

Note: Only manually entered earnings can be approved. You cannot approve work rule-generated earnings.

Important: Unapproved earnings are not exported to payroll.

To run the Earnings Approval Wizard:

  1. In the toolbar, click the Main Menu icon (  ).
  2. From the drop-down list, under the Time & Attendance section, select Review Pay Period.
    The Review Pay Period screen appears.
  3. Click Pay Period Management (  ). 
  4. From the drop-down list, select Earnings Approval Wizard.
    The Earnings Approval Wizard appears.
  5. (Optional) To reorder columns in the table, click Reorder Columns and reorder the columns using the Reorder Columns dialog box.
    For more information, see Reordering columns in the Earnings Approval Wizard.
  6. To approve earnings, do one of the following:
    • To approve individual earnings, in the Approved column, select the check boxes for all employees who have earnings you want to approve.

    • To approve earnings for all employees, click Approve All Earnings.

The earnings are approved. The Approval Level column now reflects your approval level.

For more information, see Earnings Approval Wizard.