WATSON-17702 FI 9.x



In the UniFocus Mobile App, sorting the managers' Employee Schedules screen no longer separates employee split shifts.


In the managers' Employee Schedules screen of the UniFocus Mobile App, when employees have split shifts, the second shifts for the day appear in an unnamed row under the employees' names. In previous releases of the Mobile App, when managers sorted the screen, split shifts moved to the top or bottom of the screen (depending on the selected sort order). This issue caused split shifts to detach from the employees to whom they belonged. The issue occurred because split shifts appeared in unnamed rows under the named row of employee's first shift, and the sort functionality could not associate the unnamed row with the correct employees.

SolutionThe software has been updated so that sort functionality no longer separates split shifts for employees. A code fix enabled the unnamed rows of second jobs in a split shift to remain attached to the employees.
Updated versionsVersion 9.14 and later.