_RNforWorkRulesDocImprovement 9x
_RNforWorkRulesDocImprovement 9x
Improved layout and descriptions in Work Rules user documentation
The online help for work rules has been updated with the following improvements:
- Page navigation—At the top of the help page for each work rule type, there is a page-level table of contents. Clicking a link takes you to the relevant work rule description.
- Table format—Documentation for each work rule is now organized in a table. This format not only improves readability of the descriptions, but it also allows for expanded content such as examples, tips, and best practices.
- Revised content—Descriptions of rules and parameters have been edited.
Expanded content—New content includes examples, tips, best practices, and supplemental help topics.
The image below shows an excerpt of the updated documentation for the Schedule Lunch work rule:
# | Item | Description |
1 | Overview | A brief description of the work rule type. |
2 | Table of contents | Click a link to go to the documentation for the selected work rule. |
3 | Work Rule | Name of the work rule. |
4 | Description | Description of the work rule and how it might be used. |
5 | Tips * | Helpful information about how and when to use the work rule. |
6 | Example(s) * | Examples of how the work rule might be used in typical business operations. |
7 | Parameters | Descriptions and examples of the configuration options within the work rule. |
* Not all work rule descriptions contain tips and examples.