_WATSON-21839 RN 9x

_WATSON-21839 RN 9x

Employees' response time for Time Clock questions is counted as paid time  (21839)

In this release, when an employee is required to answer Post Punch questions after an Out or Break punch, the Time Clock records the punch after the employee has finished answering all prompts, so that the punch includes the time it took the employee to answer the questions. For example, if an employee punches Out at 16:00 and it takes them three minutes to answer Time Clock questions, their punch is recorded at 16:03, after they have finished responding to all questions. Likewise, when an employee is required to answer questions after an In or Back punch, the Time Clock records the initial punch, so that the time it takes to respond to Time Clock questions is counted as paid time.

This improvement, which applies to physical and Mobile App Time Clocks, ensures that the time employees spend on responding to Post Punch questions is counted as paid time.

Note: See Post Punch for information on the Post Punch work rule.

Updated versions: Version 9.20 and later.

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