_WATSON-22444 RN 9x
Employees can now set their schedules to Private (22444)
In this release of the UniFocus Mobile App, employees can now make their schedules private. If an employee makes their schedule private, their schedules cannot be seen by other Mobile App users, except the employee's manager and administrators.
If an employee enables privacy settings, they will not be listed on the following screens:
- Peer Schedules
- Give Away Requests
- Swap Requests
- Peer-to-peer notifications
The Weekly Schedule Report includes a new filter that allows managers to show or hide employees who have their schedules set to private. UniFocus recommends that you set the Show Employees with Schedule Privacy Restrictions toggle switch to OFF if you plan to post the report where other employees will be able to see the schedule.
- If OFF, the Weekly Summary report excludes employees who have privacy settings enabled. A separate list is generated that shows which employees do not appear in the report due to privacy settings.
- If ON, and if there are employees with privacy settings, generating the report triggers the following warning message: "This report will show employees who have elected for their schedules to be kept private from their peers. DO NOT POST."