_WATSON-20953 FI 9x
_WATSON-20953 FI 9x
Summary | Mass invites send a new invitation with an updated expiration date to all users. |
Description | When managers send Mobile App invitations to employees, employees have a specified amount of time to register. (The amount of time is configurable; the default is 10 days.) If employees do not register in time, the expired verification codes should refresh when the managers send new invitations. In some instances of previous releases, when Mobile App invitations were sent to multiple users, expired codes were not correctly refreshing. If employees tried to register with the new invitation, they received an error message notifying them that the code had expired. This issue prevented managers from being able to re-invite employees. |
Solution | The UniFocus software has been updated so that mass invites send a new invite with an updated expiration date to all users. |
Updated versions | Version 9.16 and later. |
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