_WATSON-22830 FI 9x
Summary | In the UniFocus Mobile App, selecting a push notification link to take an available pre-shift survey now correctly takes the employee to the home screen and opens the survey. |
Description | The UniFocus Mobile App can be configured to present employees with a pre-shift survey. For each day that an employee is scheduled to work, UniFocus will send a survey to the employee's Mobile App. Managers can configure a push notification to be sent a specified number of hours before the employee's shift start time. The employee can take the survey before reporting to work. In some instances of previous releases, when employees selected a push notification link to take an available pre-shift survey, the survey did not open. This error occurred because the push notification did not correctly log the employee in to their home screen. |
Solution | The software has been updated so that selecting a push notification link correctly logs the employee in to their home screen and opens the available pre-shift survey. |
Updated versions | Version 9.20 and later. |