_WATSON-20347 RN 9x

_WATSON-20347 RN 9x

Improved and customized warning messages in the Punch Validation work rule  (20347)

In previous releases, when an employee's punch triggered a Punch Validation warning or lockout, a generic message appeared on the Time Clock screen. This message did not provide a reason for the warning, and managers were unable to customize this message.

In this release, the Punch Validation work rule includes the following improvements:

  • Custom schedule warning and lockout messages—Administrative users responsible for work rule configuration can now write custom warning messages that appear on the Time Clock screen.
  • Improved default messages—If no custom warning message has been written, improved default messages provide more information to the employee about the reason for the rejected punch. See the table below for improved default messages.

Improved default messages

Rejected Punch TypeDefault Message
Schedule Lock OutYou are attempting to punch outside of the specified lock out range. Your punch will be recorded for Manager approval.
Schedule WarningThis punch may require manager authorization. Press Yes to perform action now. Press No to perform action later at your scheduled shift time.
Invalid Job WarningYou are trying to punch to a job you are not scheduled to work. This punch may require manager authorization. Press Yes to perform action now. Press No to perform action later at your scheduled shift time.
Invalid Job Lock OutYou are attempting to punch to a job you are not scheduled to work. Your punch will be recorded for Manager approval.
Unscheduled Lock OutYou are not scheduled at this time. Your punch will be recorded for Manager approval.

Updated versions: Version 9.16 and later.