Release Notes 9.16 - Printable

Release Notes 9.16 - Printable



version 9.16 includes the following improvements and new features:

  • The Employee Maintenance screen accepts email addresses that contain special characters.

  • An update to the OT DT Daily, Weekly, 6th day OT, 7th Day DT Hours Distribution work rule.
  • A new Daily/Weekly Guaranteed Hours Weekly Differential work rule.
  • Improvements to the Adjustments Template CSV file.
  • A new filter on the Review Pay Period screen.

This release also includes several fixed issues. For more information, see Fixed issues in version 9.16.

For a printable one-page version of these release notes, see Release Notes 9.16 - Printable.

Updates and hotfixes

See Updates and hotfixes for 9.x releases.

Coming Soon

Build 9.16.176

Leave of Absence updates Part 2:

  • Employees and managers on leave of absence can access certain parts of the UniFocus Mobile App, including Time Off Requests, Messages, and Preferences (21696).
  • In this release of the UniFocus Mobile App, employees may now be granted access to schedules and shift requests while on leave of absence (21714).
  • Managers cannot sign in to RMS while on a leave of absence (21897). 

Build 9.16.168

Leave of Absence updates Part 1:

  • The Import Earnings feature imports earnings to the Time Card for all employees, including those with a status of Leave of Absence (21774).
  • Managers can view accrual balances for employees who are on leave of absence on the Benefits screen, on the Time Card screen, and in the Benefit Balances report (21734).
  • The Time Off Requests screen displays all employees, including those on leave of absence (21744).

Mobile update:

  • Mobile broadcasts—Partner Administrators can now submit requests for UniFocus to send broadcast messages to all employees who are registered for the UniFocus Mobile App (21660). For more information, see Update: Mobile broadcasts.

Build 9.16.156

  • Partners using the generic Reconcile Employees interface now receive notification emails that list all reconcile errors (19853).
  • The Break Period Penalty work rule now includes a Pay FLSA Regular Rate option for automatically factoring in all additional earnings that are included in the FLSA regular rate (21032).
  • In the Mobile App, the Paid Hours row of the Time Off Requests details screen now displays the number of hours requested by the employee (18857).
  • In the UniFocus Mobile App, the Approve Time Off Requests screen now displays the correct number of days for multiple-day requests (20431).
  • Improved and customized warning messages in the Punch Validation work rule (20670).
  • The Employee Master report correctly abides by Security permission settings that determine whether users can view pay rates (20437). 
  • The Timeline Scheduling screen now correctly displays the business event order (BEO) detail note (20671).
  • Users no longer receive error messages when editing or assigning a valid shift in the Schedule section of the Timeline Scheduling screen (20672).

Build 9.16.134

  • When performing the Generate Projected Hours task on the Labor Planning screen, hours are now being successfully generated for 02/29 of a leap year (20353).
  • Users can now import an Import Hours and Rates Adjustment CSV file that does not have information in the Notes column (19852).
  • Task Scheduler now correctly adheres to permissions that users configured in the Security screen (19921).
  • Emails containing employee schedules are now correctly formatted (20239). 
  • Improved and customized warning messages in the Punch Validation work rule (20347). 
  • The message in the UniFocus Mobile App invitation email no longer references managers' UniFocus user names  (19862). 
  • Improved filter functionality in employee schedules (18597).
  • All employee punches are now correctly recorded in Time & Attendance (19038). 
  • Improvement to property sort order on Security and Task Scheduler screens (19026).
  • On the Employee Schedules screen of the Mobile App, the employee names in the Name column stay aligned with their respective shifts when users scroll through the list (17734). 
  • In the UniFocus Mobile App, the Time Off Request screen header no longer disappears after a user swipes through three requests (18314). 
  • In the Mobile App, when performing a shift giveaway, employees see a list of all other employees who have the same job and no conflicts for the day of the shift (18495). 
  • Administrative users the with the appropriate permission can enroll employees at Time Clocks, regardless of employees' scheduled shift length or any existing violations (18463). 
  • Improvements to the Adjustments Template CSV file  (18376). 
  • The Property field on the Task Scheduler screen now correctly defaults to the property to which the user is logged in (18650). 

Improvements and new features

See the pages below for improvements and new features in version 9.16:


Employee Maintenance

Email addresses entered in Employee Maintenance can now contain special characters (15911)

In previous releases, you could not enter employee email addresses that contained certain special characters (such as an apostrophe) in the Employee Maintenance screen (Main Menu > Admin > Employee Maintenance). If you attempted to add an email address with a special character, you would receive an exception error. In this release, the Employee Maintenance screen accepts email addresses that contain special characters.

Security and Task Scheduler screens

Improvement to property sort order on Security and Task Scheduler screens  (19026)

In both the the Security and Task Scheduler screens, the properties in the Property drop-down list are now sorted in alpha-numeric order.

Updated versions: Version 9.16 and later.


Work rules

Modification to the OT DT Daily, Weekly, 6th day OT, 7th Day DT Hours Distribution work rule  (17114)

The OT DT Daily, Weekly, 6th day OT, 7th Day DT Hours Distribution work rule (System Setup > Work Rules > Hours Distribution) has been updated with an Override Consecutive Days OT option for setting consecutive or nonconsecutive for either 6th day or 7th day. In previous releases, you could select 6th day and 7th day, either consecutive or nonconsecutive. Now you can specify that the 6th day is nonconsecutive and the 7th day is consecutive. 

Daily/Weekly Guaranteed Hours work rule  (17903)

The Weekly Differential work rule type (System Setup > Work Rules > Weekly Differential) now includes a Daily/Weekly Guaranteed Hours work rule. This rule ensures that the employee is paid for a minimum number of hours on a daily/weekly basis by creating a negative or positive hours-based earning.

Example: In your organization, you have salaried employees who are required to punch in to Time Clocks. Because these salaried employees typically punch in at 09:00 and out at 17:00, you want a configuration that closely matches the 8-hours-per-day, 40-hours-per-week pay model. Using the Daily/Weekly Guaranteed Hours work rule, you can specify that the employees be paid a maximum and minimum of 8 hours per day and 40 hours per week. If an employee worked at least .01 hours (that is, greater than zero) and the minimum is set to 8, the rule will create an earning for 8 hours for the day. Because the maximum is also set to 8, if the employee worked 16 hours that day, the rule will create an earning for 8 hours for the day. The same method applies to the week. If the week has a maximum and minimum of 40 hours, the generated earning will either increase or decrease to 40 hours.


  • This work rule provides flexibility in how you configure the thresholds. You do not need to configure both a maximum and a minimum.
  • If an employee's status changes midweek, a manual adjustment may be required. For example, if an employee is terminated on a Wednesday, the calculation will still run for 40 hours.

Improved and customized warning messages in the Punch Validation work rule  (20347)

In previous releases, when an employee's punch triggered a Punch Validation warning or lockout, a generic message appeared on the Time Clock screen. This message did not provide a reason for the warning, and managers were unable to customize this message.

In this release, the Punch Validation work rule includes the following improvements:

  • Custom schedule warning and lockout messages—Administrative users responsible for work rule configuration can now write custom warning messages that appear on the Time Clock screen.
  • Improved default messages—If no custom warning message has been written, improved default messages provide more information to the employee about the reason for the rejected punch. See the table below for improved default messages.

Improved default messages

Rejected Punch TypeDefault Message
Schedule Lock OutYou are attempting to punch outside of the specified lock out range. Your punch will be recorded for Manager approval.
Schedule WarningThis punch may require manager authorization. Press Yes to perform action now. Press No to perform action later at your scheduled shift time.
Invalid Job WarningYou are trying to punch to a job you are not scheduled to work. This punch may require manager authorization. Press Yes to perform action now. Press No to perform action later at your scheduled shift time.
Invalid Job Lock OutYou are attempting to punch to a job you are not scheduled to work. Your punch will be recorded for Manager approval.
Unscheduled Lock OutYou are not scheduled at this time. Your punch will be recorded for Manager approval.

Updated versions: Version 9.16 and later.



Improvements to the Adjustments Template CSV file  (18376)

The following improvements have been made to the Adjustments Template file (Main Menu > Financial > Budgeting > Adjust Hours and Rates):

  • The Start Date and End Date fields now default to the year of the working dataset.
  • Jobs in the Job Name field are now sorted alphabetically in the following order: Division, Department, Job.

For more information, see Fields in the Adjustments Template CSV file - version 9.14 and later.

Updated versions: Version 9.14 and later.


Improved filter functionality in Employee Schedules  (18597)

The UniFocus Mobile App now prompts first-time users to select jobs that they want to filter before they use Employee Schedules. The Employee Schedules screen appears after the filtered jobs are selected.

Updated versions: Version 9.14 and later.

Time & Attendance

To learn more about improvements to Time & Attendance work rules, see Configuration - version 9.16.

Review Pay Period

Only Show Directly Managed Employees filter in Review Pay Period  (17614)

By default, the Review Pay Period screen (Main Menu > Time & Attendance > Review Pay Period) shows all employees with the job for which the manager is responsible. Employees appear on the screen even if they did not work during the selected pay period. This release includes a new filter, Only Show Directly Managed Employees, that allows managers to see only their employees who worked during the selected pay period.

Note: The Only Show Directly Managed Employees filter is not available by default. To enable this filter on the screen, contact your UniFocus Partner Relationship Manager (PRM).

Summary of issues fixed in this release

17728, 18650The Property field on the Task Scheduler screen now correctly defaults to the property to which the user is logged in.


users who are not mapped to an Employee ID in Employee Maintenance can now add and view Time & Attendance tiles in the Manager Portal screen.


Google Maps image functionality has been deprecated in the Time Clocks configuration screen of



17741When users with UFTC Punch to Schedule enabled for secondary jobs punch in to their secondary jobs, the punches are correctly assigned to the secondary jobs.


no longer autoschedules employee shifts that do not have the required planned shift ID.


When a manager deletes an employee's shift in the Review Pay Period screen of the


software, the Edits counter in the employee's Mobile Time Card now updates accordingly.

17454When employees open Shift Details from the My Schedules screen of the Mobile App, their avatar images correctly appear next to their information.
17703In the UniFocus Mobile App, filter option labels in the Manager Schedules screen are no longer truncated when there is sufficient space to display the complete label name on the screen.
17734On the Employee Schedules screen of the Mobile App, the employee names in the Name column stay aligned with their respective shifts when users scroll through the list.
17971Employees no longer receive error messages after sending swap shift requests.
17973In the Employee Requests screen of the Mobile App, managers now receive notifications when attempting to approve employees' submitted time off requests that will result in a negative balance.
18314In the UniFocus Mobile App, the Time Off Request screen header no longer disappears after a user swipes through three requests.
18495In the Mobile App, when performing a shift giveaway, employees see a list of all other employees who have the same job and no conflicts for the day of the shift.
19862The message in the UniFocus Mobile App invitation email no longer references managers' UniFocus user names. 
20239Emails containing employee schedules are now correctly formatted.
Time & Attendance
19038All employee punches are now correctly recorded in Time & Attendance. 
19153Shifts that are automatically approved by work rules now correctly appear as approved in both the employee Time Card and the Review Pay Period screens.
Time Clock
18463Administrative users the with the appropriate permission can enroll employees at Time Clocks, regardless of employees' scheduled shift length or any existing violations.

Fixed Issues



See the note for 18650.


SummaryThe Property field on the Task Scheduler screen now correctly defaults to the property to which the user is logged in.

In some instances of previous releases, the Property field on the Task Scheduler screen did not correctly default to the property to which the user was logged in.


The software has been updated so that the Property field on the Task Scheduler screen now correctly defaults to the property to which the user is logged in.

Updated versionsVersion 9.14 and later.





users who are not mapped to an Employee ID in Employee Maintenance can now add and view Time & Attendance tiles in the Manager Portal screen.


In previous releases,


users who were not mapped to an Employee ID in Employee Maintenance could not add and view Time & Attendance tiles in the Manager Portal screen. Users received the following error message: "User must also be an employee." This issue prevented non-employee users, such as UniFocus Consultants, from modifying the Manager Portal screen.

SolutionThe software has been updated so that non-employee users who are not mapped to an Employee ID in Employee Maintenance can now add and view Time & Attendance tiles in the Manager Portal screen. They will no longer receive error messages.
Updated versionsVersion 9.14 and later.




Google Maps image functionality has been deprecated in the Time Clocks configuration screen of




In some instances of previous releases, the Time Clock


configuration screen (System Setup > Time & Attendance > Time Clocks) displayed a Java error in the Google Maps image tile.


The software has been updated to remove Google Maps image functionality in the Time Clocks configuration screen of





SummaryWhen users with UFTC Punch to Schedule enabled for secondary jobs punch in to their secondary jobs, the punches are correctly assigned to the secondary jobs.

In the Time Clocks 


configuration screen (System Setup > Time & Attendance > Time Clocks), the UFTC Punch to Schedule option authorizes the Time Clock to automatically associate an employee's punch with a job, based on the schedule.

In some instances of previous releases, when users with UFTC Punch to Schedule enabled for secondary jobs punched in to their secondary jobs, the punches were incorrectly assigned to their home jobs.

SolutionThe software has been updated so that when users with UFTC Punch to Schedule enabled for secondary jobs punch in to their secondary jobs, the punches are correctly assigned to the secondary jobs.
Updated versionsVersion 9.14 and later.





no longer autoschedules employee shifts that do not have the required planned shift ID.


In previous releases, the software occasionally autoscheduled employee shifts that did not have the required planned shift ID. These shifts could not be edited or deleted.

SolutionThe software has been updated with a code fix that prevents assignment of employee shifts without a required planned shift ID.




When a manager deletes an employee's shift in the Review Pay Period screen of the


software, the Edits counter in the employee's Mobile Time Card now updates accordingly.


When a manager deletes an employee's shift in the Review Pay Period screen of the


software, the count of edits in the Time Card summary of the employee's Mobile Time Card should add an edit to the screen.

In previous releases, when a manager deleted an employee's shift in the Review Pay Period screen of the


software, the Edits counter in the employee's Mobile Time Card did not update accordingly. For example, if an employee's Mobile Time Card showed 0 edits in the counter, and a manager deleted one of the employee's shifts on the Review Pay Period screen, the counter on the employee's Mobile Time Card screen still displayed 0 instead of 1.


The software has been updated so that when a manager deletes an employee's shift in the Review Pay Period screen of the


software, the Edits counter in the employee's Mobile Time Card now updates accordingly.


SummaryWhen employees open Shift Details from the My Schedules screen of the Mobile App, their avatar images correctly appear next to their information.

In some instances of the Mobile App, when employees opened Shift Details from the My Schedules screen, the text "undefined" appeared in place of employees' avatar images.

SolutionThe Mobile App software has been updated so that when employees open Shift Details from the My Schedules screen, their avatar images correctly appear next to their information.



SummaryIn the UniFocus Mobile App,, filter option labels in the Manager Schedules screen are no longer truncated when there is sufficient space to display the complete label name on the screen.

In the UniFocus Mobile App, filter option labels are truncated only if there is not sufficient space to display the complete name on the screen.

In some instances of previous Mobile App versions, filter option labels were truncated in the Manager Schedules screen even if there was enough space to display the complete label. For example:


    • Show Home Job
    • Show Worked

Incorrect (Issue identified in this ticket)

    • Show H...
    • Show W...

The software has been updated so that filter option labels in the Manager Schedules screen are no longer truncated when there is sufficient space to display the complete label name on the screen.

Updated versionsVersion 9.14 and later.


SummaryOn the Employee Schedules screen of the UniFocus Mobile App, the employee names in the Name column stay aligned with their respective shifts when users scroll through the list.

On the Employee Schedules screen of the Mobile App, the employee names in the Name column should always be aligned with their respective shifts.

In some instances of previous Mobile App releases, when managers scrolled through employee schedules on the Employee Schedules screen, only the names scrolled. The shifts column froze, causing a misalignment of employee names with their respective shifts.

SolutionThe Mobile App software has been updated so that employee names in the Name column stay aligned with their respective shifts when users scroll through the list on the Employee Schedules screen.
Updated VersionsVersion 9.15 and later.



SummaryEmployees no longer receive error messages after sending Swap Shift requests.

In some instances of previous Mobile App releases, employees received error messages after sending Swap Shift requests. These error messages were caused by certain data processing issues regarding shifts that were available for the swap requests.

SolutionThe Mobile App software has been updated so that employees no longer receive error messages after sending Swap Shift requests.
Updated versions:Version 9.15 and later.


SummaryIn the Employee Requests screen of the Mobile App, managers now receive notifications when attempting to approve employees' submitted time off requests that will result in a negative balance.

In previous releases of the Employee Requests screen of the Mobile App, if employees submitted time off requests that resulted in a negative balance, managers received no notifications and could approve the requests.


Employee Requests in the Mobile App has been updated so that managers receive notifications when employees submit time off requests that will result in a negative balance. Managers are now unable to approve the request.


SummaryIn the UniFocus Mobile App, the Time Off Request screen header no longer disappears after a user swipes through three requests.
DescriptionIn previous releases of the UniFocus Mobile App, the Time Off Request screen header would disappear after a user swiped through three requests.
SolutionThe software has been updated so that the Time Off Request screen header remains on the screen when users swipe through requests.
Updated versionsVersion 9.14 and later.


SummaryIn the UniFocus Mobile App, when performing a shift giveaway, employees see a list of all other employees who have the same job and no conflicts for the day of the shift.

In the Mobile App, when performing a shift giveaway, employees should see a list of all other employees who have the same job and no conflicts for the day of the shift.

In some instances of previous Mobile App releases, employees who were performing a shift give-away would not see employees with shifts that occurred at any time during the day of the shift, even if other employees' shifts did not conflict with the specific shift in the give-away request.

SolutionThe Mobile App software has been updated so that employees performing a shift giveaway see a list of all other employees who have the same job and no conflicts for the day of the shift.
Updated versionsVersion 9.15 and later.



The message in the UniFocus Mobile App invitation email no longer references managers' UniFocus user names. 


In previous releases, when managers invited employees to join the UniFocus Mobile App, the invitation email contained a message that referenced the managers' user names:

<User Name> has invited you to access the employee mobile application.

This message could be confusing because employees might not know the system user name of their managers.

The software has been updated so that when managers invite employees to join the UniFocus Mobile App, the invitation email contains a message that does not reference managers' user names:

You have been invited to register for the UniFocus Mobile App.

Updated versionsVersion 9.10 and later.


SummaryEmails containing employee schedules are now correctly formatted.

When employees enable email notifications for Scheduling, they receive an email when managers publish their schedules. In some instances of previous releases, the emails containing the employees’ schedules appeared as a line of text rather than a table. The line of text was very difficult to read.

SolutionEmailed schedules now display in an easily readable table.
Updated versionsVersion 9.16 and later.

Time & Attendance


SummaryAll employee punches are now correctly recorded in Time & Attendance

In some instances of previous releases, an issue on the Time Clock Server prevented punches from being recorded in the Time & Attendance application.

SolutionSoftware on the Time Clock Server has been updated so that all employee punches are now recorded in Time & Attendance.
Updated versionsVersion 9.14 and later.


SummaryShifts that are automatically approved by work rules now correctly appear as approved in both the employee Time Card and the Review Pay Period screens.

In some instances of previous releases, shifts that were automatically approved by work rules appeared as approved in the employee Time Cards but unapproved in the Review Pay Period screen.

SolutionThe software has been updated so that shifts that were automatically approved by work rules now correctly appear as approved in both the employee Time Card and the Review Pay Period screens.
Updated versionsVersion 9.14 and later.

Time Clock


SummaryAdministrative users the with the appropriate permission can enroll employees at Time Clocks, regardless of employees' scheduled shift length or any existing violations.

In the UniFocus Time Clock, administrative users with the permission to enroll employees should be able to enroll any employee, regardless of scheduled shift length or any existing violations.

In some instances of previous releases, users were unable to enroll employees at Time Clocks if employees had scheduled shifts that were over the maximum daily hours work rule limit, as indicated on the scheduled shifts. Users would receive exception errors when attempting to enroll.

SolutionThe software has been updated so that administrative users the with the appropriate permission can enroll employees at Time Clocks, regardless of employees' scheduled shift length or any existing violations.
Updated versionsVersion 9.15 and later.

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