Updates and hotfixes for 9.x releases

Updates and hotfixes for 9.x releases

This page contains updates and hotfixes for 9.x releases of UniFocus 


 software. An update is an improvement or new feature that is added to previously released software versions. A hotfix is a fixed issue that affects previously released software versions.

In the Overview of updates and hotfixes table below, click a Ticket number to go to the relevant note.

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Overview of updates and hotfixes

DateTicketOverviewCategoryTypeUpdated Versions

The new Accrual Transfer Rate Earning Rate work rule can be used to calculate an earning rate based on a cost accrual divided by an hours accrual.

ConfigurationUpdateVersion 9.20 and later.

The new Calculated Costs Accrual Benefit Accrual work rule can be used to create an hours-based vacation accrual based on the total number of hours that the employee worked during their last anniversary year.

ConfigurationUpdateVersion 9.20 and later.
2022-02-2826942On the Scheduling screen, you can move a shift from one employee to another employee for the same shift date, as expected. LaborHotfixVersion 9.20 and later.
2022-01-1126800Related KBIs can now be successfully copied in Forecast Structure, as expected.ConfigurationHotfixVersion 9.20 and later.
2021-11-2926153When you enter values on the Enter Actual KBIs screen, that data is reflected in the Trends screen of Labor Dashboard, as expected.AnalyticsHotfixVersion 9.20 and later.

You can now configure Break Period Penalty Post Calculation and Missing Break Post Punch Post Punch work rules to do the following:

  • Simultaneously check for short, late, and missing breaks
  • Check only for only late or short breaks.
ConfigurationUpdateVersion 9.20 and later.

The new Schedule Validation Attestation Post Punch work rule (Setup > Work Rules > Post Punch) allows you to configure an acknowledgement prompt that appears on Time Clocks when employees' punch times do not match their scheduled shift times (24390). 

ConfigurationUpdateVersion 9.20 and later.

If the Approve By Schedule Post Calculation work rule is not configured to approve overtime, a shift that surpasses the OT threshold is unapproved.

ConfigurationHotfixVersion 9.20 and later.

Include other hourly earning types in overtime calculations.

ConfigurationUpdateVersion 9.20 and later.

Pay a fixed earning using new options in the Split Shift Differential Rate work rule.

ConfigurationUpdateVersion 9.20 and later.
2021-08-2524827When users access Forecast Structure > Revenue Centers and then select a revenue center and a revenue center period, the name and configurations now reflect those in the master standard set.LaborHotfixVersion 9.20 and later.
2021-08-2524826The SQL processes that handle projected hours have been improved to more efficiently manage requests from properties with large numbers of jobs.LaborHotfixVersion 9.20 and later.

Managers can view schedules and respond to requests from employees with the Hide Schedules preferences option selected.

MobileHotfixVersion 9.20 and later.

Shifts that are approved automatically by


appear as approved in both Review Pay Period and Review Time Card.

Time & AttendanceHotfixVersion 9.20 and later.
2021-07-2824453The Weekly Labor Summary configuration screen features a new check box that allows you to exclude rows for labor structure levels that have no data for the selected date range.ReporterUpdateVersion 9.20 and later.
2021-07-2324510This release includes an updated message in the automated emails generated by the Hours Error interface.InterfacesUpdateVersion 9.20 and later.


 users will receive a Daily Digest email that provides at-a-glance metrics of key performance indicators throughout their organizations.

AnalyticsUpdateVersion 9.20 and later.


The Schedule Audits dialog box includes task-generated changes.LaborUpdateVersion 9.20 and later.
2021-06-0223845Users can now select the Share View check box after saving a report in ReporterReporterUpdateVersion 9.20 and later.
2021-05-2424452The Labor Effectiveness Report configuration screen features a new check box that allows you to exclude rows for labor structure levels that have no data for the selected date range.ReporterUpdateVersion 9.20 and later.
2021-05-1724656The Log Out button is no longer available on the post-punch screens of Time Clocks that require employee response.Time ClockUpdateTime Clocks versions 201 and later.
2021-05-1723856A Biometric Acknowledgment screen is now available for employee enrollment in UniFocus Time Clocks that have biometrics enabled.Time ClockUpdateTime Clocks versions 201 and later.
2021-05-1723577The Shift Adjustments screens in Time Clocks now correctly display all buttons.Time ClockHotfixTime Clocks versions 201 and later.

Schedule Audits tracks changes made by employees from the Mobile App.

LaborUpdateVersion 9.20 and later.
2021-03-1822243Employees can now scroll through benefits balances on the Time Off screen of the Mobile App.MobileHotfixVersion 9.20 and later.
2021-01-2521111Managers can now send email invitations to employees with email addresses that contain an apostrophe after the at sign ( @ ).AdministrationHotfixVersion 9.20 and later.
2021-01-2518325Reporter now consistently saves all fields in configured parameter sets.ReporterHotfixVersion 9.20 and later.

The Prompt For Fixed Hours Earning Post Punch work rule includes a pre-shift screening validation parameter. The work rule can be configured so that employees are only prompted to answer post-punch questions if they have not completed the pre-shift screening survey.

ConfigurationUpdateVersion 9.20 and later.
2020-12-1715553When an employee enters a Time Off Request in the UniFocus Mobile App, the Paid Hours field label changes to reflect the type of time off that they requested.MobileUpdateVersion 9.20 and later.
2020-12-1123573Accessing the Peer Schedules screen of the UniFocus Mobile App no longer results in time out errors.MobileHotfixVersion 9.20 and later.
2020-11-1718494UniFocus Mobile App running on Android devices now allows location services to be enabled.MobileHotfixVersion 9.20 and later.
2020-11-1622862A redesigned and improved Labor Dashboard is now available.AnalyticsUpdateVersion 9.20 and later.
2020-10-2122352Employees now receive notification messages after managers publish schedules on the Manage Schedules / Schedule Approvals screen.MobileHotfixVersion 9.20 and later.
2020-10-2117724When processing calculated KBIs during budget recalculation, the Budgeting software now correctly reads the open and closed statuses from the standard sets and revenue center KBI sets associated with the budget dataset (or the standard set selected when recalculating the budget).BudgetingHotfixVersion 9.20 and later.

Pre-shift screening certification can be re-activated automatically if the employee does not complete the pre-shift screening survey before the shift start time.

MobileUpdateVersion 9.20 and later.
2020-09-2222853Pre-shift notifications can be configured and enabled in the Pre-shift Screening Employee Alerts work rule (Setup > Work Rules > Employee Alerts).ConfigurationUpdateVersion 9.20 and later.
2020-09-2223027You can configure the Hours Distribution Accrual Benefit Accrual work rule (Setup > Benefit Accrual > Hours Distribution) to include additional hours-based earnings when calculating an employee's benefit accrual.ConfigurationUpdateVersion 9.20 and later.
2020-09-1523030Users with enabled Pre-Shift Screening no longer receive validation errors when copying schedules from the previous planning period to the current planning period in Scheduling.LaborHotfixVersion 9.20 and later.

The redesigned UniFocus Reporter centralizes 


reports, including client-specific and multiple-property reports.

ReporterUpdateVersion 9.20 and later.
2020-09-0417715Administrative users can now convert existing users to managers.AdministrationUpdateVersion 9.16 and later.
2020-09-0421073Managers can configure a threshold for shift overlap in the Mobile Setup screen.ConfigurationUpdateVersion 9.20 and later.

UniFocus Mobile App users can now register with an email address that contains multiple periods before the at (@) sign.

MobileHotfixVersion 9.20 and later.
2020-08-2622227The UniFocus Time Clock can be configured to photograph an employee as they enter a punch.Time ClockUpdateVersion 9.20 and later.
2020-08-2022830In the UniFocus Mobile App, selecting a push notification link to take an available pre-shift survey now correctly takes the employee to the home screen and opens the survey.MobileHotfixVersion 9.20 and later.
2020-08-2022013In the UniFocus Mobile App, notifications for time off requests (TORs) are correctly labeled.MobileHotfixVersion 9.20 and later.
2020-08-2020344UniFocus software configuration can now accommodate the rare cases in which the salaried managers' annual rates are interfaced from the system of record as one rate but need to be distributed among multiple jobs in UniFocus for payroll purposes.InterfacesUpdateVersion 9.20 and later.
2020-08-2022460Email addresses with an apostrophe ( ' ) before the at sign ( @ ) are valid and no longer return an error message.InterfacesUpdateVersion 9.20 and later.

Employees can now set their schedules to Private through the UniFocus Mobile App.

MobileUpdateVersion 9.20 and later.

When an employee submits a shift request from the UniFocus Mobile App, the resulting change to the employee's schedule is noted in the Audits dialog box on the Scheduling screen.

LaborUpdateVersion 9.20 and later.
2020-08-2022588When responding to post-punch questions in the UniFocus Mobile App, users can now scroll up and down to see the complete questions and available responses.MobileHotfixVersion 9.20 and later.
2020-08-2015412Employees with an expired certification cannot punch In to a job that requires the valid certification.MobileHotfixVersion 9.20 and later.
2020-07-0821020The Average Hours with Worked Before and After Check work rule pays out at the configured minimum wage.ConfigurationUpdateVersion 9.16 and later.
2020-07-0820953Mass invites send a new invitation with an updated expiration date to all users.T&AHotfixVersion 9.20 and later.
2020-07-0718664Users who do not have permission to view salaried employees no longer receive an error when running an Other Earnings report that includes an employee with letters in their Employee ID.T&AHotfixVersion 9.20 and later.
2020-06-3022360The UniFocus Mobile App can be configured to present employees with a pre-shift survey.MobileUpdateVersion 9.20 and later.
2020-06-2621765The software can be configured to dynamically apply standard sets.LaborUpdateVersion 9.20 and later.
2020-06-1715402GPS-enabled punch validation is available for the UniFocus Mobile Time ClockMobileUpdateVersion 9.20 and later.

The software for the UniFocus Time Clock has been redesigned to offer a new look and feel along with an enhanced user experience. 

For images and information, see Time Clock user interface overview - versions 120 and later.

Time ClockUpdateVersion 9.20 and later.
2020-06-0921839Employees' response time for Time Clock questions is counted as paid timeTime ClockUpdateVersion 9.20 and later.
2020-06-0921841Post Punch work rules can be configured to present warning messages in multiple languagesTime ClockUpdateVersion 9.20 and later. Latest Time Clock software is required.
2020-06-0922272The Time Clock checks all configured work rules before completing a punch.Time ClockHotfixVersion 9.20 and later. Latest Time Clock software is required.
2020-06-0821039When responding to a shift request, the text Enter a comment with this request now correctly appears on the screen.MobileHotfixVersion 9.18 and later.
2020-04-2121696Employees and managers on leave of absence can access certain parts of the UniFocus Mobile App, including Time Off Requests, Messages, and Preferences.MobileUpdateVersion 9.16 and later.
2020-04-2121714In this release of the UniFocus Mobile App, employees may now be granted access to schedules and shift requests while on leave of absence but cannot accept new shifts that occur during their leave of absence.MobileUpdateVersion 9.16 and later.
2020-04-2121897Managers cannot sign in to RMS while on a leave of absence.Time & AttendanceUpdateVersion 9.16 and later.
2020-04-0221774The Import Earnings feature imports earnings to the Time Card for all employees, including those with a status of Leave of Absence.Time & AttendanceUpdateVersion 9.16 and later.
2020-04-0121734Managers can view accrual balances for employees who are on leave of absence on the Benefits screen, on the Time Card screen, and in the Benefit Balances report.Time & AttendanceUpdateVersion 9.16 and later.
2020-04-0121744The Time Off Requests screen displays all employees, including those on leave of absence.Time & AttendanceUpdateVersion 9.16 and later.
2020-03-1919853Partners using the generic Reconcile Employees interface now receive notification emails that list all reconcile errors.InterfacesHotfixVersion 9.16 and later.
2020-03-0419924The Hours Distribution Accrual Benefit Accrual work rule has been updated with a Max Running Accrued parameter for specifying a limit to the number of hours that an employee can accrue within a year.ConfigurationUpdateVersion 9.18 and later.
2020-03-0421096The Anniversary Year Benefits Expiration work rule has been updated with new parameters that enable both the expiration and rollover of accrued hours.ConfigurationUpdateVersion 9.18 and later.
2020-03-0421099Scheduling now features validation checks for earnings associated with multiple accrual balances.LaborUpdateVersion 9.18 and later.
2020-03-0421097When a manager reviews time off requests in the UniFocus Mobile App, if an earning is included in multiple accruals, a validation check is made against all accruals to which that earning is associated.MobileUpdateVersion 9.18 and later.
2020-03-0421098, 21101, 21102Time & Attendance software now features validation checks for earnings associated with multiple accrual balances.Time & AttendanceUpdateVersion 9.18 and later.
2020-02-1220431In the UniFocus Mobile App, the Approve Time Off Requests screen now displays the correct number of days for multiple-day requests.MobileHotfixVersion 9.14 and later.
2020-02-1218857In the UniFocus Mobile App, the Paid Hours row of the Time Off Requests details screen now displays the number of hours requested by the employee.MobileHotfixVersion 9.16 and later.
2020-02-1221032The Break Period Penalty work rule now includes a Pay FLSA Regular Rate option for automatically factoring in all additional earnings that are included in the FLSA regular rate.ConfigurationUpdateVersion 9.16 and later.
2020-02-1120670The Punch Validation work rule includes three more custom message options.ConfigurationUpdateVersion 9.16 and later.
2020-01-3120437The Employee Master report correctly abides by Security permission settings that determine whether users can view pay rates.Time & AttendanceHotfixVersion 9.16 and later.
2020-01-3120671The Timeline Scheduling screen now correctly displays the banquet event order (BEO) detail note.LaborHotfixVersion 9.16 and later.
2020-01-3120672Users no longer receive error messages when editing or assigning a valid shift in the Schedule section of the Timeline Scheduling screen.LaborHotfixVersion 9.16 and later.
2020-01-0720373The Manage Event Orders screen no longer freezes and displays an error message.LaborHotfixVersion 9.16 and later.
2020-01-0620353When performing the Generate Projected Hours task on the Labor Planning screen, hours are now being successfully generated for 02/29 of a leap year.LaborHotfixVersion 9.16 and later.
2019-12-1719852Users can now import an Import Hours and Rates Adjustment CSV file that does not have information in the Notes column.FinancialHotfixVersion 9.16 and later.
2019-12-1719921Task Scheduler now correctly adheres to permissions that users configured in the Security screen.AdministrationHotfixVersion 9.14 and later.
2019-12-0419789Scheduled costs now appear in Labor-only licenses.LaborUpdateVersion 9.18 and later.
2019-12-0320239Emails containing employee schedules are now correctly formatted.Mobile HotfixVersion 9.16 and later.
2019-11-1920347Improved and customized warning messages in the Punch Validation work rule.ConfigurationUpdateVersion 9.16 and later.
2019-09-0619862The message in the UniFocus Mobile App invitation email no longer references managers' UniFocus user names. MobileHotfixVersion 9.10 and later.
2019-09-2618484The Earnings Approval Wizard now correctly approves all earnings.Time & AttendanceHotfixVersion 9.17 and later.
2019-07-0118597Improved filter functionality in employee schedules.MobileUpdateVersion 9.14 and later.
2019-07-0318242For installations of RMS software that include multiple databases, the RMS software correctly opens to the current active database.AdministrationHotfixVersion 9.14 and later.
2019-04-2318650The Property field on the Task Scheduler screen now correctly defaults to the property to which the user is logged in.AdministrationHotfixVersion 9.14 and later.
2019-04-3017734On the Employee Schedules screen of the UniFocus Mobile App, the employee names in the Name column stay aligned with their respective shifts when users scroll through the list.MobileHotfixVersion 9.15 and later.
2019-04-3018314In the UniFocus Mobile App, the Time Off Request screen header no longer disappears after a user swipes through three requests.MobileHotfixVersion 9.14 and later.
2019-04-3018495In the UniFocus Mobile App, when performing a shift giveaway, employees see a list of all other employees who have the same job and no conflicts for the day of the shift.MobileHotfixVersion 9.15 and later.
2019-04-3018463Administrative users the with the appropriate permission can enroll employees at Time Clocks, regardless of employees' scheduled shift length or any existing violations.Time ClockHotfixVersion 9.15 and later.
2019-06-2019038All employee punches are now correctly recorded in Time & Attendance.Time & AttendanceHotfixVersion 9.14 and later.
2019-06-1919026Improvement to property sort order on Security and Task Scheduler screens.AdministrationUpdateVersion 9.16 and later.
2019-04-2318376Improvements to the Adjustments Template CSV file.FinancialUpdateVersion 9.14 and later.
2019-06-1919153Shifts that are automatically approved by work rules now correctly appear as approved in both the employee Time Card and the Review Pay Period screens.Time & AttendanceHotfixVersion 9.14 and later.
2019-03-0617741When users with UFTC Punch to Schedule enabled for secondary jobs punch in to their secondary jobs, the punches are correctly assigned to the secondary jobsConfigurationHotfixVersion 9.14 and later.
2019-03-0617971Employees no longer receive error messages after sending swap shift requests.MobileHotfixVersion 9.15 and later.
2019-01-2117703In the UniFocus Mobile App, filter option labels in the Manager Schedules screen are no longer truncated when there is sufficient space to display the complete label name on the screen.MobileHotfixVersion 9.14 and later.
2019-01-1417696RMS users who are not mapped to an Employee ID in Employee Maintenance can now add and view Time & Attendance tiles in the Manager Portal screen.AnalyticsUpdateVersion 9.14 and later.
2018-12-1817044Property Administration-level users with Watson Admin permission can now run Earning Details and Shift Details reports when filtered by employees.Time & AttendanceHotfixVersion 9.14 and later.
2018-11-2717474The data load associated with the Manage Budget Lines screen has been reducedFinancialHotfixVersion 9.12 and later.
2018-11-1417735In the UniFocus Mobile App, employees' split shifts now correctly appear in chronological order on managers' Employee Schedules screens.MobileHotfixVersion 9.12 and later.
2018-11-1317702Corrected sort order on the Employee Schedules screen.MobileHotfixVersion 9.14 and later.
2018-11-1317694Administrative users can now copy users.AdministrationHotfixVersion 9.12 and later.
2018-11-1317371Time off requests no longer time out.MobileHotfixVersion 9.14 and later.
2018-11-1317495When saving changes after deleting a budget line, users no longer encounter the following error message: "Incorrect syntax near ')'."FinancialHotfixVersion 9.12 and later.
2018-11-1317729Separate instances of UniFocus RMS software can now be open simultaneously.InfrastructureHotfixVersion 9.12 and later.
2018-11-1217123Performance enhancement to the mobile Employee Schedules screen.MobileUpdateVersion 9.10 and later.
2018-11-1217267All calculated KBIs are now correctly calculating when users generate revenue center forecasts and then add an environment from the Edit Revenue Center Forecast screen.LaborHotfixVersion 9.12 and later.
2018-11-1217332Contiguous shifts for one job on a single day correctly appear on one line of an employee's Time Card screen.Time & AttendanceHotfixVersion 9.12 and later.
2018-10-2517443Enhancement to the process of copying users in the Security screen.AdministrationHotfixVersion 9.12 and later.



Copying users in the Security screen  (17443)

This release features a security enhancement to the process of copying users. You can only copy users who have equal or lesser permissions than you have. On the Security screen (Main Menu (  ) > Admin > Security), the Copy (  ) button is not available for selection if you are trying to copy a user who has a higher permission level than you have.


  • If you must copy a user with a higher permission level, you must escalate the task to a user with the appropriate administrative permissions.
  • This security improvement does not affect the process of adding a new user because you cannot create a new user with higher permission than you have.

Updated versions: Version 9.12 and later.

Improvement to property sort order on Security and Task Scheduler screens  (19026)

In both the the Security and Task Scheduler screens, the properties in the Property drop-down list are now sorted in alpha-numeric order.

Updated versions: Version 9.16 and later.


Managers can set an overlap threshold for shift requests  (21073)

In previous releases, a shift could not be assigned to an employee if the new shift overlapped a scheduled shift. For example, if an employee is scheduled to work from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM, they were not considered available for a shift that began at 11:50 AM.

In this release, managers can configure a threshold for shift overlap in the Mobile Setup screen. For example, if the overlap threshold is 15 minutes, an employee who is scheduled to work from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM can be assigned a shift that begins at 11:45 AM.

The configured threshold impacts these types of requests:

  • Give Away requests
  • Swap requests
  • Call In reassign
  • Drop reassign


Redesigned Labor Dashboard  (22862)

This release features a redesigned and improved Labor Dashboard. The gauges, charts, and tables provide interactive, at-a-glance views of vital labor and productivity data for your organization. This release offers the following Labor Dashboard screens:

  • At a Glance—Displays an overview of the information that is shown on other screens of the Labor Dashboard.
  • Issues and Opportunities—Displays the cost impact of various issues among properties.
  • Metrics and Reports—Displays a variety of productivity information.
  • Trends—Displays information about labor trends over multiple time frames.
  • Property Ranking—Allows you to compare selected properties against each other on a variety of labor management metrics.
  • Last Week Next Week—Compares metrics from the week prior to Scheduled and Projected Hours from the following week.
  • Best Available Data—Displays the Actual and Scheduled to Standard and Projected variance.

The Labor Dashboard also allows you to change zoom settings using keyboard shortcuts. 


Daily Digest notification email  (24721)



 users will receive a Daily Digest email that provides at-a-glance metrics of key performance indicators throughout their organizations. Depending on your license, you might see metrics for Labor and/or Time & Attendance modules.

Note: Various email templates are available for the Daily Digest email notification. Contact your UniFocus Partner Relationship Manager (PRM) for more information on configurations and available templates.

Depending on your system configuration and template, your email notification contains the following information:

  • Total F&B and banquet covers. 

  • Forecast number of occupied rooms.
  • Occupancy rates.
  • Revenue center information.
  • Daily updates on employee information, including total numbers of attendance points, shift requests, punches with errors, unfilled shifts for the next day, and time off requests.
  • Sum of overtime hours.
  • Variance percentages between scheduled vs. projected and actual vs. standard hours.
  • Number of quality and cost issues.

For more information, see Daily Digest email for RMS 9.


Modification to the Hours Distribution Accrual work rule  (19924)

The Hours Distribution Accrual Benefit Accrual work rule (Setup > Work Rules > Benefit Accrual) has been updated with a Max Running Accrued parameter for specifying a limit to the number of hours that an employee can accrue within a year.

Updated versions: Version 9.18 and later.

Improved and customized warning messages in the Punch Validation work rule  (20347)

In previous releases, when an employee's punch triggered a Punch Validation warning or lockout, a generic message appeared on the Time Clock screen. This message did not provide a reason for the warning, and managers were unable to customize this message.

In this release, the Punch Validation work rule includes the following improvements:

  • Custom schedule warning and lockout messages—Administrative users responsible for work rule configuration can now write custom warning messages that appear on the Time Clock screen.
  • Improved default messages—If no custom warning message has been written, improved default messages provide more information to the employee about the reason for the rejected punch. See the table below for improved default messages.

Improved default messages

Rejected Punch TypeDefault Message
Schedule Lock OutYou are attempting to punch outside of the specified lock out range. Your punch will be recorded for Manager approval.
Schedule WarningThis punch may require manager authorization. Press Yes to perform action now. Press No to perform action later at your scheduled shift time.
Invalid Job WarningYou are trying to punch to a job you are not scheduled to work. This punch may require manager authorization. Press Yes to perform action now. Press No to perform action later at your scheduled shift time.
Invalid Job Lock OutYou are attempting to punch to a job you are not scheduled to work. Your punch will be recorded for Manager approval.
Unscheduled Lock OutYou are not scheduled at this time. Your punch will be recorded for Manager approval.

Updated versions: Version 9.16 and later.

Custom warning messages added to Punch Validation work rule (20670)

In previous releases, when an employee's punch triggered a Punch Validation warning or lockout, a generic message appeared on the Time Clock screen. 

In recent releases, options to customize the Job Lockout Message, Lockout Message, and Warning Message were added the Punch Validation work rule configuration. Administrative users responsible for work rule configuration can now write custom messages that appear on the Time Clock screen when an employee triggers a warning or lockout.

 Click here to see the release note for ticket 20347.

Improved and customized warning messages in the Punch Validation work rule  (20347)

In previous releases, when an employee's punch triggered a Punch Validation warning or lockout, a generic message appeared on the Time Clock screen. This message did not provide a reason for the warning, and managers were unable to customize this message.

In this release, the Punch Validation work rule includes the following improvements:

  • Custom schedule warning and lockout messages—Administrative users responsible for work rule configuration can now write custom warning messages that appear on the Time Clock screen.
  • Improved default messages—If no custom warning message has been written, improved default messages provide more information to the employee about the reason for the rejected punch. See the table below for improved default messages.

Improved default messages

Rejected Punch TypeDefault Message
Schedule Lock OutYou are attempting to punch outside of the specified lock out range. Your punch will be recorded for Manager approval.
Schedule WarningThis punch may require manager authorization. Press Yes to perform action now. Press No to perform action later at your scheduled shift time.
Invalid Job WarningYou are trying to punch to a job you are not scheduled to work. This punch may require manager authorization. Press Yes to perform action now. Press No to perform action later at your scheduled shift time.
Invalid Job Lock OutYou are attempting to punch to a job you are not scheduled to work. Your punch will be recorded for Manager approval.
Unscheduled Lock OutYou are not scheduled at this time. Your punch will be recorded for Manager approval.

Updated versions: Version 9.16 and later.

In this release, the Punch Validation work rule includes three more custom message options, including:

  • Invalid Job Lock Out message—If Enable Lockouts is selected, the Invalid Job Lock Out message displays on the time clock when the employee attempts to punch in to an invalid job.
  • Invalid Job Warning message—If Enable Warnings is selected, the Invalid Job Warning message displays on the time clock when the employee attempts to punch in to an invalid job.
  • Unscheduled message—The Unscheduled message displays on the time clock when the employee attempts to punch in to a job they are not scheduled for.

Updated versions: Version 9.16 and later.

Improvement to the Break Period Penalty work rule  (21032)

In previous releases, when configuring the Break Period Penalty Post-Calculation work rule, you had to use the Other Earnings field to manually add all additional earnings that you wanted to include in the rate calculation.

In this release, the Break Period Penalty work rule now includes a Pay FLSA Regular Rate check box. Selecting this check box automatically factors in all additional earnings that are included in the FLSA regular rate.

Updated versions: Version 9.16 and later.

Modifications to the Anniversary Year work rule (21096)

In previous releases, benefit expiration and rollover required the configuration of separate work rules. In this release, the Anniversary Year Benefits Expiration work rule (Setup > Work Rules > Benefit Expiration) has been updated with new parameters that enable both the expiration and rollover of accrued hours.

New parameters:

  • Factor—Factor to apply to the earning. Earning total dollars = Hours × Rate × Factor.
  • Pay Expiration—When this check box is selected, the expiration is paid out to the specified expiration earning at the home job rate.
  • Pay Expiration Earning—Earning to which the expiring amount is paid. The earning type is selected from a drop-down list.

Note: An earning that is associated with two different accrual balances can now be validated against those two different accrual balances.

Updated versions: Version 9.18 and later.


Holiday Eligibility work rules calculate and apply earnings based on configured minimum wage  (21020)

In this release, if the Pay at least Min. Wage parameter is selected on the Earning Types screen, the Average Hours with Worked Before and After Check work rule pays out at the configured minimum wage. 


 uses the Minimum Wage configured in either the States or Labor Structure Setup screens to calculate the earning.

Note: Minimum Wage is configured on the States screen. If you have configured minimum wage on the Labor Structure screen, the minimum wage from Labor Structure overrides the minimum wage on the States screen.


Administrators can convert existing users to RMS managers  (17715)

In this release of RMS, administrative users can now convert existing users to managers by giving them permissions in the Security (Administration > Security) screen.


Configure notifications in the Employee Alerts Pre-shift Screening work rule  (22853)

In this release, each type of pre-shift notification can be configured and enabled in the Pre-shift Screening Employee Alerts work rule (Setup > Work Rules > Employee Alerts). The Employee Alerts Pre-shift Screening work rule contains parameters that allow you to:

  • Configure a 2nd notification to be sent to the employee at the specified number of hours before the shift start time.
  • Enable or disable manager notifications:
    • If Send Manager Notification is selected, the manager receives a notification that the employee has not completed the survey at the configured number of hours prior to the shift start time.
    • If Send Manager Notification is not selected, the manager is not notified.

Note: Pre-shift screening surveys no longer require schedules to be published before surveys are generated.

Updated versions: Version 9.20 and later.


Include additional hours-based earnings when calculating hours distribution  (23027)

In this release, you can configure the Hours Distribution Accrual Benefit Accrual work rule (Setup > Work Rules > Benefit Accrual) to include additional hours-based earnings when calculating an employee's benefit accrual. For example, if employees are permitted to take 40 hours of paid sick leave each year, you can configure the Hours Distribution Accrual work rule to include the Sick Accrual Earning Type. This ensures that employees accrue vacation time when they were out sick.

Updated versions: Version 9.20 and later.


Time Clock prompts post-punch questions if employees did not complete Pre-shift screening survey (23376)

In this release, the Prompt For Fixed Hours Earning Post Punch work rule includes a pre-shift screening validation parameter which checks whether the employee has completed the pre-shift screening survey before prompting post-punch questions. This new parameter allows you to configure the work rule so that employees are only prompted to answer post-punch questions if they have not completed the pre-shift screening survey.

Updated versions: 9.20 and later.


Pay a fixed earning using new options in the Split Shift Differential Rate work rule (24130)

In some locations, an employer might be required to pay a penalty earning to employees who work split shifts if the break between the shifts does not meet a minimum number of hours.

In this release of 


, the Setup > Work Rules > Shift Differential > Split Shift Differential Rate work rule includes a Fixed Amount option in the Split Shift Pay Type parameter, as well as a Fixed Amount parameter where you can enter a fixed amount for the earning. With these new options, you can configure 


 to pay a fixed hour earning at the rate of the worked job if an employee works a split shift and the break between the two shifts is less than the required number of hours.

Updated versions: Version 9.20 and later.


Include other hourly earning types in overtime calculations (24131)

In this release of 


, a new OT Hours Earnings parameter has been added to the Setup > Work Rules > Hours Distribution > Weekly OT work rule. Use the OT Hours Earnings parameter to pay a selected hourly earning at the overtime rate. Hours paid out at this rate will be included in OT calculations. For example, in some locations, Holiday hourly earnings are paid at the overtime rate. An employee works a total of 48 hours, including 40 regular hours, 6 holiday hours, and 2 overtime hours. A total of 8 hours is counted toward overtime paid for the workweek. 

Updated versions: Version 9.20 and later.

Schedule Validation Post Punch work rule  (24390)

This release features a new Schedule Validation Attestation Post Punch work rule (Setup > Work Rules > Post Punch) that allows you to configure an acknowledgement prompt that appears on Time Clocks when employees' punch times do not match their scheduled shift times. This rule is helpful if there is a discrepancy between the scheduled shift and the employees' punch. The acknowledgment (or attestation) message enables the employees to verify that they agreed to work a shift that differs from their originally scheduled shift. For example, if users are clocking in or out too late or early, they will receive a message that asks whether they worked a shift that was longer or shorter than their scheduled shifts.

Updated versions: Version 10.3 and later.

Improvements to Post Calculation and Post Punch work rules  (25536) 

In previous releases, the Break Period Penalty Post Calculation and Missing Break Post Punch Post Punch work rules could only be configured to simultaneously check for short, late, and missing breaks. In this release, you can now configure Break Period Penalty Post Calculation and Missing Break Post Punch Post Punch work rules to do the following:

  • Simultaneously check for short, late, and missing breaks
  • Check only for only late or short breaks.

The configuration screens for these work rules now contain a Check Missing Break toggle. Selecting the toggle includes missing breaks in the validation check. Leaving the toggle turned off excludes missing breaks in the validation check.

Updated versions: Version 9.20 and later.

New Accrual Transfer Rate Earning Rate work rule (25786)

This release of 


 features a new Accrual Transfer Rate Earning Rate work rule. The Accrual Transfer Rate rule is used to calculate an earning rate based on a cost accrual divided by an hours accrual. By dividing the amount earned by the number of hours that went into the accrual, you can determine the rate at which the accrual should be paid out. 

Updated versions: Version 9.20 and later.

New Calculated Costs Accrual Benefit Accrual work rule (27183)

This release of 


 features a new Calculated Costs Accrual Benefit Accrual work rule. The Calculated Costs Accrual rule can be used to create an hours-based vacation accrual based on the total number of hours that the employee worked during their last anniversary year. The rule then multiplies the calculated hours-based accrual by the employee's home job rate of pay to create a cost-based accrual.

Updated versions: Version 9.20 and later.


Improvements to the Adjustments Template CSV file  (18376)

The following improvements have been made to the Adjustments Template file (Main Menu > Financial > Budgeting > Adjust Hours and Rates):

  • The Start Date and End Date fields now default to the year of the working dataset.
  • Jobs in the Job Name field are now sorted alphabetically in the following order: Division, Department, Job.

For more information, see Fields in the Adjustments Template CSV file - version 9.14 and later.

Updated versions: Version 9.14 and later.


Improved handling of files with annual rates distributed among multiple jobs  (20344)

UniFocus software configuration can now accommodate the rare cases in which the salaried managers' annual rates are interfaced from the system of record as one rate but need to be distributed among multiple jobs in UniFocus for payroll purposes. With this improvement:

  • Employee Maintenance accurately displays the split-salary annual rates for each position.
  • Hourly rates for each position are calculated correctly based on the assigned salary distribution.
  • The Time Card hours are appropriately distributed at the correct rates.

Note: Contact your UniFocus Partner Relationship Manager (PRM) for more information.

Improved Employee Import interface (22460)

In some instances of previous releases, the Employee Import interface displayed a Column email isn't a valid email address error message for email addresses with an apostrophe ( ' ) before the at sign ( @ ). For example, bryan.o'neil@example.com would display an error message.

In this release, email addresses with an apostrophe ( ' ) before the at sign ( @ ) are valid and no longer return an error message.

Updated versions: Version 9.20 and later.

Update to Hours Error automated email for the Hours Error interface  (24510)

This release includes an updated message in the automated emails generated by the Hours Error interface.

Updated versions: Version 9.20 and later.


Performance enhancement to the mobile Employee Schedules screen  (17123)

This release features quicker load times for managers’ Employee Schedules screen in the UniFocus Mobile App.

Updated versions: Version 9.12 and later.

Scheduled costs now appear in Labor-only licenses  (19789)

Scheduled cost is the cost of scheduled hours, that is, scheduled hours multiplied by the rate of pay. In previous releases of UniFocus software, scheduled costs appeared in Scheduling and Schedule Approvals screens only if both Time & Attendance and Labor licenses were enabled for an organization. In this release, organizations with only a Labor license can now view scheduled costs in Scheduling and Schedule Approval screens.


  • To enable this functionality, contact your UniFocus Partner Relationship Manager (PRM).
  • Scheduled costs now appear on the Budget Labor Summary by Day report.

Updated versions: Version 9.18 and later.

Validation checks for earnings associated with multiple accrual balances  (21099)


 Scheduling now features validation checks for earnings associated with multiple accrual balances. When a manger manually enters or approves employee earnings in Scheduling screens, if an earning is included in multiple accruals, a validation check is made against all accruals to which that earning is associated. If the validation check fails for any accrual that would exceed the allowed negative balance, the manager is notified that this request would put the employee beyond the allowed negative balance for the accrual. The manager cannot approve the TOR.

Updated versions: Version 9.18 and later.

Dynamic application of standard sets  (21765)

In most operations, labor standards for target markets remain stable, regardless of fluctuations in metrics. However, exceptional circumstances might call for the application of standard sets that differ from the norm. For example, hotels might use consistent labor standards, regardless of fluctuations in average daily rate (ADR)—mainly because businesses like hotels rarely experience wide fluctuations in revenue within specific time periods or seasons. For a rare event, such as the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, a hotel might need to apply a separate labor standard to reduce operating losses in environments where occupancy is recovering faster than the ADR being paid for a room. 

In this release, the UniFocus software can now be configured to determine the daily standard set that should be used for generating projected and standard hours based on the forecast and actual values of a determinant KBI. For example, with this new feature, the system can automatically choose which set of standards to use based on the ADR being forecast and actually paid for the day.

The following screens and functionality include changes based on this new feature:

  • Enter revenue in Edit Rooms Foreacast screen

    If dynamically applied standard sets are applied, an additional Rooms Revenue KBI line appears. 

  • Enter revenue in Enter Actual KBIs screen

    If dynamically applied standard sets are applied, an additional Rooms Revenue KBI line appears. 

  • Weekly Labor Summary Report—The configuration screen includes an option to include the dynamically applied standard set. The generated report displays information for the dynamically applied standard set. 
  • Task Scheduler—For users with existing tasks set up to generate standard and projected hours, the Task Scheduler will apply the dynamically selected standard sets, not the originally configured standard sets for the tasks.

Note: If you are interested in dynamically applied standard sets, contact your UniFocus Partner Relationship Manager (PRM). 

Updated versions: Version 9.20 and later.


Schedule audits show changes made by employee shift requests  (22445)

In this release, schedule changes made by employee shift requests are recorded in schedule audits. When an employee submits a shift request from the UniFocus Mobile App and the request is accepted by a manager, the resulting change to the employee's schedule is noted in the Audits dialog box on the Employee Schedules screen.

For example, Employee A submits a Drop Request from the Mobile App. A manager accepts the Drop Request and creates an Urgent Pickup Request for the dropped shift. Employee B accepts the Urgent Pickup Request. The resulting changes to both employees' schedules appears on the Employee Schedules screen in


. If the manager opens the Audits dialog box on the Employee Schedules screen and selects the date range of the changed shift, they would see two new lines in the table noting the change to Employee A's schedule and the change to Employee B's schedule.


Schedule Audits tracks changes made by employees from the Mobile App  (23793)

This release of the UniFocus software features a tracking improvement to the Schedule Audits dialog box on the Scheduling screen (Labor > Scheduling > Audit). When an employee initiates a change to their schedule by accepting or submitting a shift request in the Mobile App, the change is notated as Employee Initiated in the description column of the audit table. 

The following types of requests are considered to be initiated by the employee:

  • Manager approved Call In
  • Manager approved Drop
  • Manager approved Swap 
  • Manager approved Give Away
  • Manager approved Pick Up 
  • Employee approved Urgent Pick Up request

Updated versions: 9.20 and later.


Schedule Audits dialog box includes task-generated changes  (24129)

In this release, the Schedule Audits dialog box includes changes that were made by running tasks on the Employee Schedules screen and through Task Scheduler. When running a task creates a change to Employee Schedules, the change is recorded in the Schedule Audits table. The Changed By column of the table displays the username of the person who initiated the task, and the Changed On column displays the date and time when the task was completed. A task-generated change is recorded when:

  • A shift is created or deleted by Generate Schedules.
  • A shift is created or deleted by Restore Auto Schedules.
  • A shift is created or deleted by Copy Schedules.
  • Recalculate Shifts causes a shift to be adjusted due to a Schedule Lunch work rule.
  • A shift is deleted by Clear Shifts.

Note: In some cases, running a task causes a shift to be deleted and the recreated. If the shift is recreated with the same start time, end time, job, employee, and date as the original shift, no change is recorded in the Schedule Audits table.

Updated versions: 9.20 and later.


GPS-enabled punch validation for the UniFocus Mobile Time Clock  (15402)

This release features GPS-enabled punch validation for the Mobile Time Clock. In conjunction with a virtual Time Clock's virtual perimeter, or geofence, this functionality can be configured to allow or reject employee punches based on the following criteria:

  • Employees have location-based services enabled on their mobile devices.
  • Employees are within the geofence.

On the Time Clock setup screen, the Edit Time Clock dialog box contains a new GPS Validation Mode drop-down menu with the following options:

  • Allow Punch—If selected, there are no location-based service restrictions. Employees can punch using the Mobile App.
  • Disallow Punch—If selected, employees cannot punch using the Mobile App and will receive notification messages if they do not have location-based services enabled on their mobile devices or if they are outside of the geofence. 
  • Store as Rejected Punch—If selected, the following occurs for employees who do not have location-based services enabled on their mobile devices or are outside of the geofence:
    1. Employees receive a notification that their devices are outside of the configured geofence and that their punches will be stored for manager review. 
    2. Employees are allowed to punch.
    3. The punches appear in employees' Time Card screens as a rejected punches.


  • GPS punch validation is optional and turned off by default. 
  • Like GPS punch validation, a virtual Time Clock's geofence is configured on the Time Clock setup screen. The geofence is defined by the longitude, latitude, and radius of the virtual Time Clock.

Updated versions: Version 9.20 and later.

Improved filter functionality in Employee Schedules  (18597)

The UniFocus Mobile App now prompts first-time users to select jobs that they want to filter before they use Employee Schedules. The Employee Schedules screen appears after the filtered jobs are selected.

Updated versions: Version 9.14 and later.

Mobile App Validation checks for earnings associated with multiple accrual balances  (21097)

When a manager reviews time off requests in the Mobile App, if an earning is included in multiple accruals, a validation check is made against all accruals to which that earning is associated. If the validation check fails for any accrual and would exceed the allowed negative balance, the manager is notified that this request would put the employee beyond the allowed negative balance for the accrual. The manager cannot approve the TOR.

Updated versions: Version 9.18 and later.

Restricted Mobile App access for employees on leave of absence  (21696)

In previous releases, employees and managers with a status of Leave of Absence could not access the UniFocus Mobile App.

In this release, employees and managers on leave of absence can access certain parts of the Mobile App, including Time Off Requests, Messages, and Preferences.

Employees and managers on leave of absence will not have access to the following features:

  • Alerts
  • Call Ins Response
  • Approve Time Off
  • Approve Shift requests
  • Manage Schedules
  • Employee Schedules
  • Revenue Center Forecasting
  • Time Clock

Updated versions: Version 9.16 and later.

Shift request handling during a leave of absence  (21714)

In this release of the UniFocus Mobile App, employees may now be granted access to schedules and shift requests while on LOA. If configured to do so, the employees cannot accept new shifts for dates on which their status is set to Leave of Absence. Employees cannot accept a Shift Give Away, Swap, or Urgent Pick Up request for any dates during their leave of absence. Active employees cannot send requests to employees for dates on which the recipient is on a leave of absence.

Updated versions: Version 9.16 and later.


Pre-shift screening for the Mobile App  (22360)

The UniFocus Mobile App can now be configured to present employees with a pre-shift survey. For each day that an employee is scheduled to work, UniFocus will send a survey to the employee's Mobile App. Managers can configure a push notification to be sent a specified number of hours before the employee's shift start time. The employee can take the survey before reporting to work.

Note: When employees encounter the pre-shift survey on their Mobile App, they are still allowed to access their main menu and other mobile screens. However, if they do not take the survey, they will receive a prompt each time they open the app.

This new pre-shift screening survey is helpful when employees' responses to a survey are required before punching in for shifts. For example, in the case of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, an organization might require employees to complete a wellness screening survey before they punch in for their shifts.

Based on an employee's response, UniFocus can trigger the following:

  • Email notifications—Email notifications can be sent to specific individuals, such as an HR Manager or a Security Director.
  • Call-in notifications—Call-in notification can be sent to the manager for an employee's shift for the day. If the employee fails the survey, managers receive call-ins for all shifts for that day. The call-in notification immediately notifies managers that the employee is calling if for work. The manager can then cover the employee's shift by reassigning it, making it available for pickup, or making it an urgent pickup.
  • Certifications—For each employee, UniFocus can set up a certification that has an indefinite expiration date. When the system receives a failed survey response, it will update the certification to expired. If this certification is configured for the employee's job in the Labor Structure, the employee cannot be scheduled or clock in for a shift. Once the employee has been cleared, an authorized manager, such as an HR Manager, can update the certification as valid.

Note: Pre-shift screening in the Mobile App is configurable at the property level. To configure pre-shift screening, contact your UniFocus Partner Relationship Manager (PRM).

Updated versions: Version 9.20 and later.


Employees can now set their schedules to Private  (22444)

In this release of the UniFocus Mobile App, employees can now make their schedules private. If an employee makes their schedule private, their schedules cannot be seen by other Mobile App users, except the employee's manager and administrators.

If an employee enables privacy settings, they will not be listed on the following screens:

  • Peer Schedules
  • Give Away Requests
  • Swap Requests
  • Peer-to-peer notifications

The Weekly Schedule Report includes a new filter that allows managers to show or hide employees who have their schedules set to private. UniFocus recommends that you set the Show Employees with Schedule Privacy Restrictions toggle switch to OFF if you plan to post the report where other employees will be able to see the schedule.

  • If OFF, the Weekly Summary report excludes employees who have privacy settings enabled. A separate list is generated that shows which employees do not appear in the report due to privacy settings.
  • If ON, and if there are employees with privacy settings, generating the report triggers the following warning message: "This report will show employees who have elected for their schedules to be kept private from their peers. DO NOT POST."


Pre-shift screening certification can be re-activated automatically  (22810)

In previous releases, a pre-shift screening certification could be added for each employee. The certification expired when an employee's survey response indicated that they might be experiencing symptoms of COVID-19. Before the employee could return to work, an authorized manager had to reactivate the certification.

In this release, there are two ways that the pre-shift screening certification can be expired:

  • The employee's survey response indicates that they might have symptoms of COVID-19. In this case, the certification can only be reactivated by an authorized manager.
  • The employee does not complete the survey before the shift start time. In this case, the certification will automatically renew if the employee completes the survey before the shift start time, or at it will automatically renew at 23:59 (11:59 PM) on the date of the missed survey.

Note: Pre-shift screening in the Mobile App is configurable at the property level. To configure pre-shift screening, contact your UniFocus Partner Relationship Manager (PRM). For more information, see Pre-shift screening for the Mobile App  (22360).

Updated versions: Version 9.20 and later.


Paid field label matches type of Time Off Request being submitted (15553)

In this release of the UniFocus Mobile App, when an employee enters a Time Off Request, the Paid Hours field label changes to reflect the type of time off that they requested. For example, if the type of time off being requested is an hours-based earning, the field changes to Paid Hours. If no earning type is mapped to the type of time off being requested, the field becomes Amount.

Updated versions: 9.20 and later.


Redesigned Reporter  (20194)

This release features a redesigned version of the UniFocus Reporter, which centralizes all 


reports, including client-specific and multiple-property reports. With Reporter, you can do the following:

  • View and access all reports from one screen.
  • Preview report layouts by clicking on thumbnails.
  • Search for reports by name or keywords.
  • Set reports as favorites and move them to the top of the report list.
  • Task-schedule and distribute reports.
  • Export reports.

Note: Previous versions of 


 software offered a limited-release of Reporter.

See Reporter documentation for more information.

Updated versions: Version 9.20 and later.


Exclude rows with zero data from Labor Effectiveness Report  (24452)

In this release, the Labor Effectiveness Report configuration screen features a new check box that allows you to exclude rows for labor structure levels that have no data for the selected date range. By default, the Labor Effectiveness Report displays rows and sections for all divisions, departments, and jobs. If the Suppress Zero Rows check box is selected, the report excludes rows in which all cells in the row contain zeros. If a job row contains only zeros, the job does not appear on the report. If all jobs in a department are excluded from the report, the department subtotals section is also excluded. Likewise, if no jobs or departments in a division contain data for the selected date range, the division subtotals section does not appear on the report.



 versions: Version 9.20 and later.


Exclude rows with zero data from Weekly Labor Summary  (24453)

In this release, the Weekly Labor Summary configuration screen features a new check box that allows you to exclude rows for KBIs and labor structure levels that have no data for the selected date range. By default, the Weekly Labor Summary displays rows and sections for all divisions, departments, and jobs. If the Suppress Zero Rows check box is selected, the report excludes rows in which all cells in the row contain zeros. Rows are excluded from the report if:

  • If a KBI row contains only zeros, the KBI does not appear on the report.
  • If a job row contains only zeros, the job does not appear on the report.
  • If all jobs in a department are excluded from the report, the department subtotals section does not appear on the report.
  • If no jobs or departments in a division contain data for the selected date range, the division subtotals section does not appear on the report.
  • If no jobs or departments in a division contain data for the selected date range, KBIs for the division do not appear in the report, regardless of whether data exists for the KBI.



 versions: Version 9.20 and later.

Time & Attendance

Validation checks for earnings associated with multiple accrual balances  (21098, 21101, 21102)


 Time & Attendance software now features validation checks for earnings associated with multiple accrual balances. When a manger manually enters or approves employee earnings in Time Card, Benefits, or Employee Requests screen, if an earning is included in multiple accruals, a validation check is made against all accruals to which that earning is associated. If the validation check fails for any accrual and would exceed the allowed negative balance, the manager is notified that this request would put the employee beyond the allowed negative balance for the accrual. The manager cannot approve the TOR.

Updated versions: Version 9.18 and later.

Improved tracking of accrued benefits for employees on leave of absence  (21734)

In this release, managers can view accrual balances for employees who are on leave of absence on the Benefits screen, on the Time Card screen, and in the Benefit Balances report. Managers can manually edit the employee's earnings in the Earnings Info columns of the Time Card screen.

Updated versions: Version 9.16 and later.

Time Off Requests screen includes employees on leave of absence  (21744)

In previous releases, the Time Off Requests screen excluded requests from employees whose current status was set to Leave of Absence. 

In this release, the Time Off Requests screen displays all employees, including those on leave of absence. Managers are now able to view and respond to Time Off Requests for employees with a current status of Leave of Absence. 

Updated versions: Version 9.16 and later.

Import Earnings includes employees on leave of absence  (21774)

In previous releases, the Import Earnings feature of the Review Pay Period screen did not add earnings for dates during which the employee had a status of Leave of Absence.

In this release, the Import Earnings feature imports earnings to the Time Card for all employees, including those with a status of Leave of Absence. Additionally, the Import Earnings feature can now import earnings that are mapped to accruals.

Updated versions: Version 9.16 and later.

Managers cannot access RMS while on leave of absence  (21897)

In this release, managers cannot sign in to


 while on a leave of absence. Although managers with a current status of Leave of Absence cannot access any area of


, certain screens of the UniFocus Mobile App can be enabled by contacting the UniFocus Partner Success Team.

Note: The manager's username must be mapped to a registered employee for access to be restricted during a leave of absence. If the username is not mapped, no restrictions are applied. For more information, see Employee User Maps.

Updated versions: Version 9.16 and later.

Time Clock

Redesigned UniFocus Time Clock software  (21796)

The software for the UniFocus Time Clock has been redesigned to offer a new look and feel along with an enhanced user experience. The new Time Clock user interface features the following key changes and improvements:

  • A new color scheme that provides stronger visual emphasis of messages, buttons, and actions. 
  • An updated UniFocus logo.
  • Improved icons, graphics, and visual indicators.
  • An updated layout that repositions buttons for optimal performance.

For images and information, see Time Clock user interface overview - versions 120 and later.

Employees' response time for Time Clock questions is counted as paid time  (21839)

In this release, when an employee is required to answer Post Punch questions after an Out or Break punch, the Time Clock records the punch after the employee has finished answering all prompts, so that the punch includes the time it took the employee to answer the questions. For example, if an employee punches Out at 16:00 and it takes them three minutes to answer Time Clock questions, their punch is recorded at 16:03, after they have finished responding to all questions. Likewise, when an employee is required to answer questions after an In or Back punch, the Time Clock records the initial punch, so that the time it takes to respond to Time Clock questions is counted as paid time.

This improvement, which applies to physical and Mobile App Time Clocks, ensures that the time employees spend on responding to Post Punch questions is counted as paid time.

Note: See Post Punch for information on the Post Punch work rule.

Updated versions: Version 9.20 and later.

Post Punch language selection and display in Time Clocks (21841)

In this release, the Post Punch work rules can be configured to present warning messages in multiple languages. If messages are configured for multiple languages, when an employee's punch triggers a Post Punch prompt, the message is presented to the employee in their preferred language.

For example, an employee works an eight hour shift and is required to take a lunch break. Due to overwhelming demand, the employee misses their lunch break for that day. When the employee punches Out, the Out punch triggers a Post Punch message to alert the employee to the missing break. The Time Clock recognizes that this employee has chosen Spanish as their preferred language and displays the alert in Spanish.


  • Please contact your Partner Relationship Manager or the UniFocus Partner Success team to configure a work rule in multiple languages.
  • For more information on the affected work rules, see Post Punch and Punch Validation.

Updated versions: Version 9.20 and later. Latest Time Clock software is required.


Employee photos at Time Clocks  (22227)

In this release, the UniFocus Time Clock can be configured to photograph an employee as they enter a punch.

System requirements: 

  • RMS

    version 9.20 or later.
  • Updated Time Clock software (version 121 or later). 
  • Camera functionality must be enabled from the Time Clock Settings screen on the Time Clock.

Hardware requirements:

  • Saturn J1900 Time Clock
  • A mounted UniFocus Time Clock camera. Contact your UniFocus Partner Relationship Manager (PRM) or the Partner Success Team for more information.

The Time Clock camera takes the picture once a single, clearly visible face is in the frame. The camera does not take the picture if there are multiple faces in the frame or if the employee is standing too close to or too far away from the Time Clock.

In addition to the new Time Clock functionality, the Punch Image Review screen has been added to


. If the Time Clock is configured to save the punch photographs, managers can review the photos taken at the Time Clock from the Punch Image Review screen. Images will remain available to view for 30 days.

Acknowledgment for biometric enrollment  (23856)

A Biometric Acknowledgment screen is now available for employee enrollment in UniFocus Time Clocks that have biometrics enabled. The scrollable message on this screen explains that employee biometric information is stored securely, used only for time and attendance purposes, and will eventually be permanently deleted. Although the message appears in the locale language for the clock, employees can select their preferred language from the language buttons at the bottom of the screen. After reading the Biometric Acknowledgment message, employees select the Continue to Enrollment button to provide consent and complete the enrollment process.


  • This Biometric Acknowledgment screen is not available by default. To enable for your clocks, contact your UniFocus Partner Relationship Manager (PRM).
  • If an employee selects a different language during the acknowledgment, that language will become the employee's default language for the Time Clock.
  • If biometrics or Biometric Acknowledgment is not enabled for a Time Clock, employees go directly to the Enter Your PIN screen. 

Updated versions: Time Clock version 201 and later.

Log Out button is hidden on Time Clock post-punch screen  (24656)

Some Time Clocks are configured so that employees must respond to a question after they enter a punch. The Time Clock software has been updated so that the Log Out button is no longer available on these post-punch screens. This improvement ensures that employees respond to questions on the post-punch screens.

Updated versions: Time Clock version 201 and later.




SummaryAdministrative users with appropriate permissions can copy users on the Security screen, as expected.

In some instances of previous releases, administrative users with appropriate permissions were unable to copy users on the Security screen (Main Menu ( )> Admin > Security). In these instances, the Copy ( ) button was not available.


The software has been updated so that administrative users with appropriate permissions can copy users on the Security screen, as expected. The Copy ( ) button is now available.

Updated versionsVersion 9.12 and later.



For installations of 


software that include multiple databases, the 


software correctly opens to the current active database.


For installations of 


software that include multiple databases, users can change their database from any screen in the application. By default, the software should open with the current active database selected.

In some instances of previous releases, for installations of 


software that included multiple databases, the software opened to the first database record in the uniportal.userdatabase table for that portaluser rather than the current active database.

Note: This issue affected only installations with multiple databases. It had no impact on single-database installations.


The software has been updated so that in installations that include multiple databases, the 


software correctly opens to the current active database.

Updated versionsVersion 9.14 and later.


SummaryThe Property field on the Task Scheduler screen now correctly defaults to the property to which the user is logged in.

In some instances of previous releases, the Property field on the Task Scheduler screen did not correctly default to the property to which the user was logged in.


The software has been updated so that the Property field on the Task Scheduler screen now correctly defaults to the property to which the user is logged in.

Updated versionsVersion 9.14 and later.


SummaryTask Scheduler now correctly adheres to permissions that users configured in the Security screen.
DescriptionIn some instances of previous releases, Task Scheduler was not adhering to permissions that users configured in the Security screen. For example, if users have Can View Cost permission and ran the Labor Effectiveness Report in Task Scheduler, the resulting report included not only the rate of pay and cost-based earnings for organization levels (such as divisions and departments) to which they have permission to view, but also those in organization levels to which the users do not have permission to view.
SolutionThe software has been updated so that Task Scheduler adheres to permissions that users configured in the Security screen. Scheduled tasks and reports now include only information to which users have permission to access.
Updated versionsVersion 9.16 and later.


SummaryManagers can now send email invitations to employees with email addresses that contain an apostrophe after the at sign ( @ ).

In some instances of previous releases, in the Employee Maintenance screen, when managers sent an invitation to an employee with an email address that contained an apostrophe after the at sign ( @ ), the following results occurred:

  • The manger received an exception error.
  • The email invitation was not sent to the employee.

For example, managers would receive an error if they tried to send an invitation to an employee with the email address bryan.smith@example'.com

SolutionThe software has been updated so that managers can now send email invitations to employees with email addresses that contain an apostrophe after the at sign ( @ ). Managers no longer receive errors, and employees receive the invitations, as expected.
Updated versionsVersion 9.20 and later.





users who are not mapped to an Employee ID in Employee Maintenance can now add and view Time & Attendance tiles in the Manager Portal screen.


In previous releases,


users who were not mapped to an Employee ID in Employee Maintenance could not add and view Time & Attendance tiles in the Manager Portal screen. Users received the following error message: "User must also be an employee." This issue prevented non-employee users, such as UniFocus Consultants, from modifying the Manager Portal screen.

SolutionThe software has been updated so that non-employee users who are not mapped to an Employee ID in Employee Maintenance can now add and view Time & Attendance tiles in the Manager Portal screen. They will no longer receive error messages.
Updated versionsVersion 9.14 and later.



When you enter values on the Enter Actual KBIs screen, that data is reflected in the Trends screen of Labor Dashboard, as expected.


The Trends screen of Labor Dashboard displays labor management information over different time periods with different levels of granularity. Values entered on the Enter Actual KBIs screen appear on the Trends screen.

In some instances of previous releases, when you entered values on the Enter Actual KBIs screen, that data was not reflected in the Trends screen. 

SolutionThe software has been updated so that when you enter values on the Enter Actual KBIs screen, that data is reflected in the Trends screen of Labor Dashboard.
Updated versionsVersion 9.20 and later.



SummaryWhen processing calculated KBIs during budget recalculation, the Budgeting software now correctly reads the open and closed statuses from the standard sets and revenue center KBI sets associated with the budget dataset (or the standard set selected when recalculating the budget).

In some instances of previous releases, when processing calculated KBIs, the Budgeting application was reading open and closed statuses from the default standard set instead of reading the statuses from the standard sets and revenue center KBI sets associated with the budget dataset (or the standard set selected when recalculating the budget).

SolutionThe Budgeting software has been updated so that, when processing calculated KBIs during budget recalculation, it correctly reads the open and closed statuses from the standard sets and revenue center KBI sets associated with the budget dataset (or the standard set selected when recalculating the budget).
Updated versionsVersion 9.20 and later.



SummaryWhen users with UFTC Punch to Schedule enabled for secondary jobs punch in to their secondary jobs, the punches are correctly assigned to the secondary jobs.

In the Time Clocks 


configuration screen (System Setup > Time & Attendance > Time Clocks), the UFTC Punch to Schedule option authorizes the Time Clock to automatically associate an employee's punch with a job, based on the schedule.

In some instances of previous releases, when users with UFTC Punch to Schedule enabled for secondary jobs punched in to their secondary jobs, the punches were incorrectly assigned to their home jobs.

SolutionThe software has been updated so that when users with UFTC Punch to Schedule enabled for secondary jobs punch in to their secondary jobs, the punches are correctly assigned to the secondary jobs.
Updated versionsVersion 9.14 and later.




If the Approve By Schedule Post Calculation work rule is not configured to approve overtime, a shift that surpasses the OT threshold is unapproved.


Some properties have a backend configuration enabled that allows the Time Clock to record a new Out punch after an employee answers post punch questions. This configuration is known as the adjustPunchTimeForPostPunchResponse flag.

In some instances of previous releases, if a property had the adjustPunchTimeForPostPunchResponse flag enabled and an Approve By Schedule Post Calculation work rule in place, some overtime shifts were automatically approved by the system, even if the work rule was not configured to approve overtime.

For example, an employee punched out of their shift at the designated time. Because the total hours for the shift were under the configured daily OT threshold and matched the scheduled hours, the Approve By Schedule Post Calculation work rule approved the shift.

The employee was then presented with post punch questions. After the employee responded to all post punch questions, a new Out punch was recorded. The total hours for the shift, including the time it took the employee to answer the post punch questions, now surpassed the configured daily OT threshold. Because the shift had already been approved with the previously recorded Out time, the approved status for the shift remained.


The software has been updated so that, if the Approve By Schedule Post Calculation work rule is not configured to approve overtime, a shift that surpasses the OT threshold is unapproved.

Updated versionsVersion 9.20 and later.



Related KBIs can now be successfully copied in Forecast Structure, as expected.


Related KBIs depend on data from existing KBIs with comparable data and configurations. When related KBIs are copied in Forecast Structure, backend SQL processes associate data from the existing KBI with the newly copied related KBI. 

In some instances of previous releases, when related KBIs were copied, the necessary links were not created in the SQL table. As a result, the KBI was copied, but it did not include the required data from associated KBIs.


The software has been updated so that related KBIs can be successfully copied, and the necessary links are created in the associated SQL table.

Updated versionsVersion 9.20 and later.




Separate instances of UniFocus


software can now be open simultaneously.


In some cases, you might want to open separate instances of the


software. For example, you might want to have one open instance displaying the Timeline Scheduling screen and another open instance displaying the Revenue Center Forecasting screen. By viewing side-by-side instances, you can use the revenue center forecasting data to make informed decisions about how to schedule employees.



software allowed for multiple instances in past versions, a recent version introduced an issue that prevented multiple open instances. If you tried to open a separate instance, the system sent an exception error.


The software has been updated so that separate instances of


software can now be open simultaneously.

Updated versionsVersion 9.12 and later.



SummaryPartners using the Reconcile Employees interface now receive notification emails that list all reconcile errors.

Partners using the Reconcile Employees interface receive notification emails that list employees with reconcile errors. In some instances of previous releases, partners using this interface received notification emails that contained only employees with incorrect home jobs rather than all reconcile errors.

SolutionThe software has been updated so that notification emails for the Reconcile Employees interface now correctly list all reconcile errors.
Updated versionsVersion 9.16, 9.18, and 9.20.




SummaryThe data load associated with the Manage Budget Lines screen has been reduced.

In some instances of previous releases, users received error messages when opening the Manage Budget Lines screen. This issue occurred in installations where users added extremely large reference datasets that required more system memory than the users had available to them.

Note: This issue did not cause a loss of data, but rather a reduction of the data loaded into working memory.


The software has been updated to improve memory management.

Note: Although the data load issue has been improved, users might still encounter an error message if they are adding several large datasets. For questions or concerns, contact your UniFocus Partner Relationship Manager.

Updated versionsVersion 9.12 and later.



SummaryWhen saving changes after deleting a budget line, users no longer encounter the following error message: "Incorrect syntax near ')'."

In some instances of previous releases, saving changes after deleting a budget line resulted in incomplete data that caused the system to return the following error message: "Incorrect syntax near ')'." This error occurred because the system allowed the passing of a null entry when saving to the database.

SolutionThe software has been updated to correct a condition that allowed the passing of a null entry when saving to the database. Now incomplete data cannot be sent.
Updated versionsVersion 9.12 and later.


SummaryUsers can now import an Import Hours and Rates Adjustment CSV file that does not have information in the Notes column. 
DescriptionIn some instances of previous releases, users received a NullPointerException error when importing an Import Hours and Rates Adjustment CSV file that did not have information in the Notes column. 
SolutionThe software has been updated so that RMS no longer validates Notes entries in an imported Import Hours and Rates Adjustment CSV file. Users can now import an Import Hours and Rates Adjustment CSV file that does not have information in the Notes column.
Updated versionsVersion 9.16 and later.



SummaryAll calculated KBIs are now correctly calculating when users generate revenue center forecasts and then add an environment from the Edit Revenue Center Forecast screen.

In previous releases, when users generated revenue center forecasts and then added an environment from the Edit Revenue Center Forecast screen, the system correctly recalculated the revenue center KBIs based on environment-matched history but failed to recalculate calculated KBIs that use the revenue center KBI in their formulas.


The software has been updated so that all revenue center KBIs and calculated KBIs are correctly calculating.

Updated versionsVersion 9.12 and later.


SummaryWhen performing the Generate Projected Hours task on the Labor Planning screen, hours are now being successfully generated for 02/29 of a leap year.

When running the Generate Projected Hours task on the Labor Planning screen, projected hours should be generated for all valid dates within the effective dates range.

In some instances of previous releases, when 02/29 was included in the effective dates and the selected dates fell on a leap year, the system processed the date but did not generate any hours for it, even though the date was valid.

SolutionThe software has been updated to successfully generate projected hours for 02/29 on a leap year.
Updated versionsVersion 9.16 and later.


SummaryThe Manage Event Orders screen no longer freezes and displays an error message.

In some instances of previous releases, when a user tried to access the Manage Event Orders screen, the screen froze and displayed an error message.

SolutionThe software has been updated so that the Manage Event Orders screen now opens as expected, without freezing and displaying an error message.
Updated versionsVersion 9.16 and later.


SummaryThe Timeline Scheduling screen now correctly displays the banquet event order (BEO) detail note.

In some instances of previous releases, the BEO detail note did not appear correctly on the Timeline Scheduling screen. Because the note was misaligned with the corresponding schedule bar, the text box became too small to display the complete BEO detail note. 

SolutionThe software has been updated so that BEO detail notes appear correctly on the Timeline Scheduling screen.
Updated VersionsVersion 9.16 and later.


SummaryUsers no longer receive error messages when editing or assigning a valid shift in the Schedule section of the Timeline Scheduling screen.
DescriptionIn some instances of previous releases, users received error messages when editing or assigning a valid shift in the Schedule section of the Timeline Scheduling screen.
SolutionThe software has been updated so that users no longer receive error messages when editing or assigning a valid shift in the Schedule section of the Timeline Scheduling screen.
Updated VersionsVersion 9.16 and later.


SummaryUsers with enabled Pre-Shift Screening no longer receive validation errors when copying schedules from the previous planning period to the current planning period in Scheduling.

In some instances of previous releases, users with enabled Pre-Shift Screening received validation errors when copying schedules from the previous planning period to the current planning period in Scheduling.

These errors were a result of software processes used to validate certification start and expiration dates. They were not the result of user error.


The software processes used to validate certification start and expiration dates have been improved so that users with Pre-Shift Screening no longer receive validation errors when copying schedules from the previous planning period to the current planning period in Scheduling.

Updated versionsVersion 9.20 and later.



The SQL processes that handle projected hours have been improved to more efficiently manage requests from properties with large numbers of jobs.


In some instances of previous releases, when attempting to generate projected hours, users received the following error message:

The incoming request has too many parameters. The server supports a maximum of 2100 parameters. Reduce the number of parameters and resend the request.

For properties containing many jobs, this error was caused by the large number of parameters passed to SQL.


The SQL has been modified to more efficiently receive the large number of parameters passed from properties containing many jobs.

Updated versionsVersion 9.20 and later.



When users access Forecast Structure > Revenue Centers and then select a revenue center and a revenue center period, the name and configurations now reflect those in the master standard set.


In some instances of previous releases, when users accessed Forecast Structure > Revenue Centers and then selected a revenue center and revenue center period, the name of the resulting standard set reflected the name of the first standard set listed in System Setup > Labor Standard Sets. However, the configurations (days, times, capacity, and so on) reflected those in the master standard set.


The software has been updated so that when users access Forecast Structure > Revenue Centers and then select a revenue center and a revenue center period, the name and configurations (days, times, capacity, and so on) reflect those in the master standard set.

Updated versionsVersion 9.20 and later.



On the Scheduling screen, you can move a shift from one employee to another employee for the same shift date, as expected. 


In some instances of previous releases, moving a shift from one employee to another employee for the same shift date on the Scheduling screen resulted in an error. 

SolutionThe software has been updated so that you can now move a shift from one employee to another employee for the same shift date, as expected. 
Updated versionsVersion 9.20 and later.



SummaryEmployees with an expired certification cannot punch In to a job that requires the valid certification.

If a job requires a valid certification, employees with expired certifications should be restricted from entering punches for that job.

In some instances of previous Mobile App releases, employees with an expired certification could successfully punch In to a job that required the valid certification.

SolutionThe UniFocus Mobile App has been updated so that employees with an expired certification cannot punch In to a job that requires a valid certification.
Updated versionsVersion 9.20 and later.


SummaryWhen employees submit time off requests that are sent to a large number of managers, the process no longer times out and sends error message to employees.
DescriptionIn previous releases, when employees submitted time off requests that were sent to a large number of managers, a time out message occurred and an error was sent to the employees. This issue occurred because the process timed out.
SolutionThe software has been updated so that the process no longer times out when employees submit time off requests that are sent to a large number of managers.
Updated versionsVersion 9.12 and later.



In the UniFocus Mobile App, sorting the managers' Employee Schedules screen no longer separates employee split shifts.


In the managers' Employee Schedules screen of the UniFocus Mobile App, when employees have split shifts, the second shifts for the day appear in an unnamed row under the employees' names. In previous releases of the Mobile App, when managers sorted the screen, split shifts moved to the top or bottom of the screen (depending on the selected sort order). This issue caused split shifts to detach from the employees to whom they belonged. The issue occurred because split shifts appeared in unnamed rows under the named row of employee's first shift, and the sort functionality could not associate the unnamed row with the correct employees.

SolutionThe software has been updated so that sort functionality no longer separates split shifts for employees. A code fix enabled the unnamed rows of second jobs in a split shift to remain attached to the employees.
Updated versionsVersion 9.14 and later.


SummaryIn the UniFocus Mobile App,, filter option labels in the Manager Schedules screen are no longer truncated when there is sufficient space to display the complete label name on the screen.

In the UniFocus Mobile App, filter option labels are truncated only if there is not sufficient space to display the complete name on the screen.

In some instances of previous Mobile App versions, filter option labels were truncated in the Manager Schedules screen even if there was enough space to display the complete label. For example:


    • Show Home Job
    • Show Worked

Incorrect (Issue identified in this ticket)

    • Show H...
    • Show W...

The software has been updated so that filter option labels in the Manager Schedules screen are no longer truncated when there is sufficient space to display the complete label name on the screen.

Updated versionsVersion 9.14 and later.


SummaryOn the Employee Schedules screen of the UniFocus Mobile App, the employee names in the Name column stay aligned with their respective shifts when users scroll through the list.

On the Employee Schedules screen of the Mobile App, the employee names in the Name column should always be aligned with their respective shifts.

In some instances of previous Mobile App releases, when managers scrolled through employee schedules on the Employee Schedules screen, only the names scrolled. The shifts column froze, causing a misalignment of employee names with their respective shifts.

SolutionThe Mobile App software has been updated so that employee names in the Name column stay aligned with their respective shifts when users scroll through the list on the Employee Schedules screen.
Updated VersionsVersion 9.15 and later.


SummaryIn the UniFocus Mobile App, employees' split shifts now correctly appear in chronological order on managers' Employee Schedules screens.
DescriptionIn some instances of previous releases of the UniFocus Mobile App, employees' split shifts incorrectly appeared in reverse chronological order on managers' Employee Schedules screens. For employees with split shifts, their earlier shifts appeared on the bottom row instead of on the top row.
SolutionThe software has been updated so that employees' split shifts now correctly appear in chronological order on managers' Employee Schedules screens of the UniFocus Mobile App.
Updated versionsVersion 9.14 and later.


SummaryEmployees no longer receive error messages after sending Swap Shift requests.

In some instances of previous Mobile App releases, employees received error messages after sending Swap Shift requests. These error messages were caused by certain data processing issues regarding shifts that were available for the swap requests.

SolutionThe Mobile App software has been updated so that employees no longer receive error messages after sending Swap Shift requests.
Updated versions:Version 9.15 and later.


SummaryIn the UniFocus Mobile App, the Time Off Request screen header no longer disappears after a user swipes through three requests.
DescriptionIn previous releases of the UniFocus Mobile App, the Time Off Request screen header would disappear after a user swiped through three requests.
SolutionThe software has been updated so that the Time Off Request screen header remains on the screen when users swipe through requests.
Updated versionsVersion 9.14 and later.


SummaryUniFocus Mobile App running on Android devices now allows location services to be enabled.

When accessing the Mobile App Time Clock screen, users are prompted to allow location services if it is not already enabled for the device. In some instances of previous Mobile App releases, when users selected Allow, location services were not successfully enabled on Android devices. Users then received a notification that they were offsite.

SolutionThe software has been updated so that allowing location services through the Mobile Time Clock prompt successfully enables location services for Android devices.
Updated versionsVersion 9.20 and later.


SummaryIn the UniFocus Mobile App, when performing a shift giveaway, employees see a list of all other employees who have the same job and no conflicts for the day of the shift.

In the Mobile App, when performing a shift giveaway, employees should see a list of all other employees who have the same job and no conflicts for the day of the shift.

In some instances of previous Mobile App releases, employees who were performing a shift give-away would not see employees with shifts that occurred at any time during the day of the shift, even if other employees' shifts did not conflict with the specific shift in the give-away request.

SolutionThe Mobile App software has been updated so that employees performing a shift giveaway see a list of all other employees who have the same job and no conflicts for the day of the shift.
Updated versionsVersion 9.15 and later.


SummaryIn the UniFocus Mobile App, the Paid Hours row of the Time Off Requests details screen now displays the number of hours requested by the employee.

In some instances of previous Mobile App releases, the Paid Hours row of the Time Off Requests details screen appeared blank.

SolutionThe software has been updated so that the Paid hour row of the Time Off Request details screen now displays the number of hours requested by the employee.
Updated versionsVersion 9.16 and later.



The message in the UniFocus Mobile App invitation email no longer references managers' UniFocus user names. 


In previous releases, when managers invited employees to join the UniFocus Mobile App, the invitation email contained a message that referenced the managers' user names:

<User Name> has invited you to access the employee mobile application.

This message could be confusing because employees might not know the system user name of their managers.

The software has been updated so that when managers invite employees to join the UniFocus Mobile App, the invitation email contains a message that does not reference managers' user names:

You have been invited to register for the UniFocus Mobile App.

Updated versionsVersion 9.10 and later.


SummaryEmails containing employee schedules are now correctly formatted.

When employees enable email notifications for Scheduling, they receive an email when managers publish their schedules. In some instances of previous releases, the emails containing the employees’ schedules appeared as a line of text rather than a table. The line of text was very difficult to read.

SolutionEmailed schedules now display in an easily readable table.
Updated versionsVersion 9.16 and later.


SummaryIn the UniFocus Mobile App, the Approve Time Off Requests screen now displays the correct number of days for multiple-day requests.

In some instances of previous releases, the Approve Time Off Request screen did not display the correct number of days for multiple-day requests.


An employee submitted a time off request for Monday through Friday. The Approve Time Off Request screen displayed this as a 4-day request. The request should appeared as a 5-day request, including Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.

SolutionThe software has been updated so that the Approve Time Off Requests screen of the Mobile App now displays the correct number of days for multiple-day requests.
Updated versionsVersion 9.14 and later.



When responding to a shift request, the text Enter a comment with this request now correctly appears on the screen.


When managers respond to a shift request in the UniFocus Mobile App, they can select the Enter a comment with this request option to enter a comment in response to the request.

In some instances of the UniFocus Mobile App, this label text was incorrectly truncated to ment with this request.

SolutionThe UniFocus Mobile App has been updated so that the Enter a comment with this request text is no longer truncated when responding to a shift request. 
Updated versionsVersion 9.18 and later.


SummaryIn the UniFocus Mobile App, notifications for time off requests (TORs) are correctly labeled.

In some instances of previous UniFocus Mobile App releases, all notifications for TORs were labeled as "unpaid," regardless of the request type.

For example, if a manager approved an employee's TOR for Paid Vacation, the employee received a message that the manager has approved the request for Unpaid Vacation.

This error occurred because the word "Unpaid" was hard-coded for all request types in the system.


The software has been updated so that notifications for TORs now use variables that display the specific TOR type. 

Updated versionsVersion 9.20 and later.



SummaryWhen responding to post-punch questions, users can now scroll up and down to see the complete questions and available responses.

In some instances of previous UniFocus Mobile App releases, when answering post-punch questions, some users were not able to scroll down to read through the entire question and select a response.

SolutionThe UniFocus Mobile App has been updated so that users can now scroll up and down when responding to post punch questions.
Updated versionsVersion 9.20 and later.


SummaryIn the UniFocus Mobile App, selecting a push notification link to take an available pre-shift survey now correctly takes the employee to the home screen and opens the survey.

The UniFocus Mobile App can be configured to present employees with a pre-shift survey. For each day that an employee is scheduled to work, UniFocus will send a survey to the employee's Mobile App. Managers can configure a push notification to be sent a specified number of hours before the employee's shift start time. The employee can take the survey before reporting to work.

In some instances of previous releases, when employees selected a push notification link to take an available pre-shift survey, the survey did not open. This error occurred because the push notification did not correctly log the employee in to their home screen.


The software has been updated so that selecting a push notification link correctly logs the employee in to their home screen and opens the available pre-shift survey. 

Updated versionsVersion 9.20 and later.



SummaryUniFocus Mobile App users can now register with an email address that contains multiple periods before the at (@) sign.

In some instances of previous Mobile App releases, if a user tried to register with an email address that contained two or more periods before the at (@) sign, they received the following error message: Invalid ID or email address. Please Try again. For example, john.j.smith@example.com would display an error message.


The Mobile App has been updated so that users can now register with an email address that contains multiple periods before the at (@) sign.

Updated versionsVersion 9.20 and later.



Employees now receive notification messages after managers publish schedules on the Manage Schedules / Schedule Approvals screen.


In rare instances of previous releases, employees did not receive notification messages after managers published schedules on the Manage Schedules / Schedule Approvals screen.

Note: This issue did not affect the publication of schedules. It only prevented notification messages from being sent.

SolutionThe software has been updated so that employees now receive notification messages after managers publish schedules on the Manage Schedules / Schedule Approvals screen.
Updated versionsVersion 9.20 and later.



SummaryAccessing the Peer Schedules screen of the UniFocus Mobile App no longer results in time out errors.
DescriptionIn some previous instances of the UniFocus Mobile App releases, slow load times for the Peer Schedules screen resulted in time out errors.

The software has been updated to improve the load time for the Peer Schedules screen. Users no longer receive time out errors.

Updated versionsVersion 9.20 and later.



SummaryEmployees can now scroll through benefits balances on the Time Off screen of the Mobile App.

In some instances of previous releases, when employees accessed the Time Off screen of the UniFocus Mobile App, they were unable to scroll through the benefits balances section at the top of the screen. 

SolutionThe Mobile App has been updated so that employees can now scroll through their benefits balances on the Time Off screen.
Updated versionsVersion 9.20 and later.




Managers can view schedules and respond to requests from employees with the Hide Schedules preferences option selected.


In the Preferences > Profile screen of the UniFocus Mobile App, employees can select Hide Schedules to prevent their peers from viewing their schedules in Peer Schedules, Shift Requests, and the Weekly Schedule Report.

In some instances of previous releases of the Mobile App, when an employee selected Hide Schedules, their schedules were also hidden in the manager's Mobile App. Managers could only view the employee's schedules and requests in




The software has been updated so that, if an employee selected the Hide Preferences option in their Mobile App, managers can still view schedules and respond to requests.

Updated versionsVersion 9.20 and later.




Reporter now consistently saves all fields in configured parameter sets.


In some instances of previous releases, Reporter did not consistently save all fields in configured parameter sets.

This issue did not affect all reports in Reporter. In instances where fields in parameter sets did not save, users were still able to manually select those fields when generating an individual report.

SolutionThe software has been updated so that Reporter now consistently saves all fields in configured parameter sets.
Updated versionsVersion 9.20 and later.


SummaryUsers can now select the Share View check box after saving a report in Reporter

In some instances of previous Reporter releases, users were unable to select the Share View check box after saving a report. This issue prevented users from sharing the saved report view.

SolutionThe software has been updated so that users can select the Share View check box after saving a report in Reporter. 
Updated VersionsVersions 9.20 and later.

Time & Attendance



Property Administration-level users with Watson Admin permission can now run Earning Details and Shift Details reports when filtered by employees.


In some instances of previous releases, Property Administration-level users with Watson Admin permission could not run Earning Details and Shift Details reports when filtered by employees. The generated report was a blank page.


The software has been updated so that Property Administration-level users with Watson Admin permission can now run Earning Details and Shift Details reports when filtered by employees.

Updated versionsVersion 9.14 and later.


SummaryContiguous shifts for one job on a single day correctly appear on one line of an employee's Time Card screen.

In previous releases, at companies using contiguous shifts, contiguous shifts for one job on a single day were breaking into separate lines on the employees' Time Card screens. This issue occurred because jobs were being matched incorrectly due to different assignments.


The software has been updated so that contiguous shifts for one job on a single day correctly appear on one line of an employee's Time Card screen. As expected, shifts worked for multiple jobs appear on a unique line for each job.

Updated versionsVersion 9.12 and later.



The Earnings Approval Wizard now correctly approves all earnings.


In some instances of previous releases, the Earnings Approval Wizard (Review Pay Period > Pay Period Management > Earnings Approval Wizard) timed out when managers tried to approve all earnings for a large number of employees.


The software has been updated so that the Earnings Approval Wizard now correctly approves all earnings.

Updated versionsVersion 9.17 and later.


SummaryAll employee punches are now correctly recorded in Time & Attendance

In some instances of previous releases, an issue on the Time Clock Server prevented punches from being recorded in the Time & Attendance application.

SolutionSoftware on the Time Clock Server has been updated so that all employee punches are now recorded in Time & Attendance.
Updated versionsVersion 9.14 and later.


SummaryShifts that are automatically approved by work rules now correctly appear as approved in both the employee Time Card and the Review Pay Period screens.

In some instances of previous releases, shifts that were automatically approved by work rules appeared as approved in the employee Time Cards but unapproved in the Review Pay Period screen.

SolutionThe software has been updated so that shifts that were automatically approved by work rules now correctly appear as approved in both the employee Time Card and the Review Pay Period screens.
Updated versionsVersion 9.14 and later.


SummaryThe Employee Master report correctly abides by Security permission settings that determine whether users can view pay rates.
DescriptionIn some instances of previous releases, the Employee Master report displayed pay rates to users who did not have the Can View Salaried Exempt Costs permission enabled in the Security screen.
SolutionThe software has been updated so that the Employee Master report only displays pay rates to users who have the Can View Salaried Exempt Costs permission enabled in the Security screen.
Updated versionsVersion 9.16 and later.



SummaryUsers who do not have permission to view salaried employees no longer receive an error when running an Other Earnings report that includes an employee with letters in their Employee ID.

In some instances of previous releases, users who did not have permission to view salaried employees received an error when running an Other Earnings report that included an employee with letters in their Employee ID.

SolutionThe Other Earnings report has been updated so that it does not generate an error when the report is run by a user who does not have permissions to view salaried employees and the report includes an employee with letters in their EmployeeID.
Updated versionsVersion 9.20 and later.



SummaryMass invites send a new invitation with an updated expiration date to all users.

When managers send Mobile App invitations to employees, employees have a specified amount of time to register. (The amount of time is configurable; the default is 10 days.) If employees do not register in time, the expired verification codes should refresh when the managers send new invitations.

In some instances of previous releases, when Mobile App invitations were sent to multiple users, expired codes were not correctly refreshing. If employees tried to register with the new invitation, they received an error message notifying them that the code had expired. This issue prevented managers from being able to re-invite employees.

SolutionThe UniFocus software has been updated so that mass invites send a new invite with an updated expiration date to all users.
Updated versionsVersion 9.16 and later.




Shifts that are approved automatically by 


 appear as approved in both Review Pay Period and Review Time Card.


In some instances of previous releases, the Review Pay Period screen displayed some system-approved shifts as unapproved. However, when the manager accessed the employee's Time Card, the Review Time Card screen displayed the shifts as approved.


The software has been updated so that shifts that are approved automatically by 


 appear as approved in both Review Pay Period and Review Time Card.

Updated versionsVersion 9.20 and later.

Time Clock


SummaryAdministrative users the with the appropriate permission can enroll employees at Time Clocks, regardless of employees' scheduled shift length or any existing violations.

In the UniFocus Time Clock, administrative users with the permission to enroll employees should be able to enroll any employee, regardless of scheduled shift length or any existing violations.

In some instances of previous releases, users were unable to enroll employees at Time Clocks if employees had scheduled shifts that were over the maximum daily hours work rule limit, as indicated on the scheduled shifts. Users would receive exception errors when attempting to enroll.

SolutionThe software has been updated so that administrative users the with the appropriate permission can enroll employees at Time Clocks, regardless of employees' scheduled shift length or any existing violations.
Updated versionsVersion 9.15 and later.


SummaryThe Time Clock checks all configured work rules before completing a punch.

In some instances of previous Time Clock releases, when an employee punched In for an unscheduled shift, a configured Punch Validation work rule triggered a warning message asking the employee if they wanted to override the warning and complete the punch. If the employee selected Yes, the Time Clock allowed the punch without any additional configured prompts.


The Time Clock software has been updated so that when an employee chooses to override a warning message, the Time Clock checks all configured work rules before completing the punch.

Updated versionsVersion 9.20 and later. Latest Time Clock software is required.


SummaryThe Shift Adjustments screens in Time Clocks now correctly display all buttons.
DescriptionIn some instances of Time Clock version 201, the Approve, Dispute, and Postpone Until my Next Punch buttons did not appear on the Shift Adjustments screen. This issue prevented users from responding to shift adjustments.
SolutionThe software has been so that the Shift Adjustments screen now correctly display all buttons.
Updated VersionsTime Clock version 201 and later.

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