Release Notes 9.06



version 9.06 includes the following improvements and new features:

  • Automatic enabling of Manager Portal and Timeline Scheduling
  • Renaming and redesign of


  • Enhancements to the reconcile process in Employee Maintenance.
  • Ability to lock a standard set with a password.
  • Ability to use job-level data in standard dollars.
  • New Manage Event Orders screen, which is used for importing and managing all event orders in


  • Reporting of nonproductive hours in the

    LMS Dashboard

  • Updates to the Mobile App:
    • Updating contact information in manager accounts
    • Viewing assignments
    • Forwarding messages and schedules to text messages.
  • Improved handling of shift lengths.
  • Enhancements to reports:
  • New Labor Standards report
  • Improvement the End of Pay Period report.
  • Enhancements to hours and rate earning in Time & Attendance.
  • Progressive Discipline functionality.
  • Modifications to existing work rules
  • New work rules.
  • Significant enhancement to Timeline Scheduling.


Manager Portal and Timeline Scheduling now enabled  (12703)

In this release, Manager Portal and Timeline Scheduling functionality is now automatically enabled for users.


Percent of Hours budget line type  (11976)

Users can now create Percent of Hours budget lines to allocate percentages of job class lines to subcategories of labor, such as company and leased labor. This new feature allows users to budget separately for company employees and leased laborers and to configure the appropriate rates of pay for each job line. For example, during peak season, a hotel might employ both company employees and contractors as housekeepers. The controller must budget a percentage of regular and overtime hours and wages for each category. The controller can now create two Percent of Hours budget lines: one for company employees and one for contractors. 

When creating a new budget line on the Budgeting screen (Main Menu > Financial > Budgeting), the New Budget Line dialog box now contains a Percent of Hours option in the Budget Line Type section.

Consistent naming of the Budgeting module in RMS  (12591)

In previous releases, the Budgeting module was referred to by different names throughout the RMS software. For example, under the Main Menu, the module was called Budgeting, but under the Reporting menu, it was called Budgeter. In this release, all references to the Budgeting module now use the correct module name, Budgeting.

New Actuals budget licensing scheme  (12586)

In previous releases, the available Budgeting licenses included EPEP and 30/60/90. This release introduces a new Actuals license. If the Actuals license is enabled, an Actuals section and check boxes appear on the Budgeting screen (Main Menu > Financial > Budgeting). 

Task label changes on the Budgeting screen  (12590)

The task labels on the Budgeting screen (Main Menu > Financial > Budgeting) have been changed to more accurately indicate functionality. The table below provides details about changes to these task labels.

In previous releasesIn this release
On the main Budget License
Forecast Budget KBI'sKBI Projections
Re-Calculate BudgetCalculate Working Dataset
Forecast Budget RatesAdjust Hours and Rates
Configure/View BudgetManage Budget Lines
On the 30/60/90 License
Reforecast Budget KBI's30/60/90 KBI Projections
Re-Forecast Budget DataManage 30/60/90 Lines
On the EPEP License
Enter Period End ForecastPeriod End KBI Projections
Re-Calculate ProfitCalculate Profit Dataset
View ProfitManage P&L Lines
On the Actual License
Enter Actual Budget KBIsEnter Actual KBI Values
Enter Actual Revenue/ExpenseManage Actual Values

Column header changes on Results tab of the Edit/View Line dialog box  (12587)

In previous releases, on the Results tab of the Edit/View Line dialog box for a job line, the column headers were too long and did not fit in the column space. These formatting issues with column headers affected the following line types: Job Class, Percent of Hours, and Percent of Labor.

In this release, the headers on the Results tab of the Edit/View Line dialog box for a job line (Main Menu > Financial > Budgeting > Manage Budget Lines > job line > Edit/View Line dialog box > Results tab) have been changed to be more readable. The table below provides details about these changes to column headers.

In previous releasesIn this release
Job Class line type
Total Projected HoursProjected
Total Hours Adj.Line Adj.
Total Adj. Projected HoursProject Adj.
Total Net HoursNet Hrs.
Total OT HoursOT Hrs.
Original RateRate
Percent of Hours line type
Base Net HoursBase Net
Base Reg. HoursBase Reg
Calc. Reg. HoursReg Hrs.
Base OT HoursBase OT
Calc. OT HoursOT Hrs.
Percent of Labor line type
Total Projected HoursProjected
Total Hours Adj.* This column has been removed.
Total Adj. Projected HoursBase Adj.
Total Net HoursBase Net
Total OT HoursBase OT
Total Fixed CostsBase Fixed
Calc. Proj. HoursProjected
Calc. Adj. Hours* This column has been removed.
Calc. Adj. Projected HoursNet Adj.
Calc. Net HoursNet Hrs.
Calc. OT HoursNet OT
Original RateRate

Standardization of decimal points on the Results tab of the Edit/View Line dialog box  (12592)

In this release, decimal points on the Results tab of the Edit/View Line dialog box for a job line (Main Menu > Financial > Budgeting > Manage Budget Lines > job line > Edit/View Line dialog box > Results tab) have been standardized based on their unit of measure:

  • For columns that show hours, numbers display up to one decimal place. For example, 313.14 appears as 313.1.
  • For columns that show rates of pay, numbers display up to four decimal places. For example, 241.140900 appears as 241.1409.
  • For columns that show costs, numbers display up to two decimal places. For example, 2865.86149 appears as 2865.86.

This change affects the following line types: Job Class, Percent of Hours, and Percent of Labor. 

Field label and order changes on the General tab of the Edit/View Line dialog box  (12589)

This release includes field label and order changes in the General tab of the Edit/View Line dialog box for job lines (Main Menu > Financial > Budgeting > Manage Budget Lines > job line > Edit/View Line dialog box > General tab). These changes affect the following line types: Job Class, Percent of Hours, and Percent of Labor.

Field label changes on the General tab

The table below provides details about the field label changes.

In previous releasesIn this release
AccountRegular Costs Accounts
Unit Account CodeRegular Hours Account

Field order changes on the General tab

The order of fields has been changed. See the table below for field order changes.

Note: Because the field labels have changed, the Field order in previous releases column below contains the original field names.

Row in dialog boxField order in previous releasesField order in this release
SecondAccount, Unit Account CodeRegular Costs Account, Regular Hours Account
ThirdOT Hours Account, OT Costs AccountOT Costs Account, OT Hours Account

Employee Maintenance

Change to employee custom field configuration  (12467)

In previous releases, the Type drop-down menu of the Custom Employee Fields dialog box (System Setup > Employee > Employee Field Override > Custom Fields) contained a Number option. Custom Number fields containing large numbers (for example, 23518326.00) appeared in the database using an exponent notation (for example, 2.3818326E7), which caused an exponent notation to appear in the Audit Report.

In this release, the Type drop-down menu of the Custom Employee Fields dialog box no longer contains a Number option, but rather three options for entering a number: Integer, Decimal 2, and Decimal 4. This improvement allows users to specify whether the custom field allows only a whole number (Integer), a number with up to two decimal places (Decimal 2), or a number with up to four decimal places (Decimal 4). Specifying the type of number enables RMS to correctly store the number value in the database and render it in the Audit Report.

Employee Maintenance, Interfaces

Improvements to the employee reconcile process

This release includes the following improvements to the employee reconcile process:

Last reconcile date and time (11582)

In previous releases, on the Reconcile Employees screen, the Last Reconcile read-only field displayed only the date on which the last reconcile employee interface was run. For clients who require multiple property reconciles each day, this field did not display the most current information.

In this release, on the Reconcile Employees screen (Main Menu > Admin > Employee Maintenance > gear icon > Reconcile Employees), the Last Reconcile read-only field displays both the date and time at which the last reconcile employee interface was run. This improvement provides more detailed information to clients who require multiple property reconciles each day.

Reconcile errors and statistics  (11711)

Viewing errors for different reconcile processes

In previous releases, a reconcile process that contained errors would erase information from a previous reconcile process, and the employees in error would no longer appear on the Employees with Errors tab on the Employee Maintenance screen.

In this release, a reconcile process that contains errors does not erase information from a previous reconcile process. The Employees with Errors tab of the Reconcile Employees screen now features a Show Errors for Reconcile Run drop-down menu. This drop-down menu contains records for the last 30 runs. Users can select a specific record, which is labeled by date and time.

Statistics section on the Reconcile Employees screen

The Reconcile Employees screen now features a statistics section that displays the following read-only fields:

  • Active Employees
  • Invalid Employees
  • Employee Numbers Updated
  • Employees Not In Reconcile
  • Updated Employees
  • Deactivated Employees
  • Employees Skipped
  • Inserted Employees 
  • To Deactivate Employees

These fields display statistics from the latest reconcile process.

Employee Maintenance, Time & Attendance

Correct order for employee custom fields  (12396)

In this release, employee custom fields now appear in the correct order on the Employee Maintenance and Employee Field Overrides - Custom Fields screens.


Clear Cache functionality  (12234)

On the home page of the RMS application, the Preferences drop-down menu now includes a Clear Cache option. This option can be used to clear the cache of the RMS embedded browser.

Note: Although clearing the cache does not negatively affect RMS, this function should only be used by UniFocus Support and Implementation for troubleshooting purposes.


Manually entered hours in the Hours by Job Analysis report  (11067)

In previous releases, the Hours by Job Analysis report was the only labor report that did not include manually entered hours. In this release, the Hours by Job Analysis report (Reports > Labor > Analysis > Hours by Job Analysisnow includes manually entered hours.

Locking a standard set with a password  (11677)

Users can now lock a standard set using a password. On the Standard Sets screen (System Setup > Labor > Standard Sets), a lock/unlock icon appears at the bottom of the list of standard sets. Users can lock a standard set by selecting the set, clicking the lock icon, and then specifying a password. To edit or delete a locked standard set, users must enter the password. This feature is helpful for UniFocus LMS Installers who want to preserve the default settings and lock those settings when they leave a property. 

Note: Although users can copy a locked standard set to another standard set without entering a password, they cannot copy a locked standard set from another standard set. The copy of the standard set is not locked.

Use job-level data in standard dollars  (11113)

The Property Labor/Scheduler screen (System Setup > Property > Labor/Scheduler) now features a Use Job Level Data in Standard Dollars check box. Selecting this check box causes the following types of hours to be included in labor standards to determine rate calculation:

  • Auxiliary labor hours (hours and costs by job).
  • Hours and dollars imported from interfaces.
  • Hours entered manually through application.

Per-service task standards tasks on the Labor Standards screen  (12272)

In previous releases, all tasks standards for event-related jobs appeared as a "per guest" calculation, even if the task standard was "per service." On the Event Task Standard tab of the Labor Standards screen, the Staffing Levels column incorrectly displayed the text "per-guest" for per-service task standards. Also, the tooltip (visible when users hover the pointer over the table cell) incorrectly displayed "Per Guest." 

In this release, on the Event Task Standard tab of the Labor Standards screen (System Setup > Labor Standards), the Staffing Levels column now correctly displays the text "per-service" for per-service task standards. Also, the tooltip now correctly displays "Per Service."  

The Manage Event Orders screen 

In previous releases, importing and managing event orders was done in a separate Watson Event Labor application. With this release, all event order importing and management functionality has been integrated into RMS (Main Menu > Labor > Planning > Manage Event Orders). The new Manage Event Orders screen allows users to more easily and efficiently plan and manage labor for hotel banquets.  

Note: The Manage Event Orders option only appears if the Event Labor license has been activated.

 The panes in the Manage Event Orders screen contains tiles, gauges, and tables that display detailed information about event orders and the events they contain. Using the various filters and controls, users can: 

  • Import event orders from their company's Event Management System (EMS).
  • Review and edit event orders.
  • Plan and schedule labor for events.

Controls and search functionality 

The Manage Event Orders screen features an action selection row that allow users to: 

  • Add new events and event orders.
  • Delete events and event orders.
  • Import event orders.
  • Update autogenerated event functions.
  • Copy events and event orders.
  • Generate work content and planned shifts for event orders.
  • Search for specific event order information. 

Panes for viewing planning period information 

  • Tiles and gauges – The At a Glance pane provides tiles for event planning periods. The tiles feature gauges and tables that display information about exceptions or problems for event orders in that period. Users can click on the tiles to filter information that appears in the event orders pane. 
  • Labor Summary pane – This pane provides general labor information for selected planning periods. 

Panes for viewing and editing Event Orders and events 

  • Event Orders pane – The Event Orders pane features a table that provides key information about the event orders for the selected period. Users can also use this pane to view the individual events within each event order. This table also displays icons for to alert users to events and event orders that require immediate attention. 
  • Selected Event Details pane – The Selected Event Orders pane allows users to view and edit details for each event in an event order.
    • Ignoring events – Users can choose to ignore specific events in an event order without changing the details for the event or ignoring the entire event order. Ignoring an event devirtualizes it so that the UniFocus software does not calculate labor for the event.

Labor, Time & Attendance

Reports exported from report window  (9507)

In previous releases, users could not export a report directly from the report options window. They had to first run the report, save it, and then open it from a local folder. In this release, users can now directly export a report from the report options window using the new Export option.

LMS Dashboard

Reporting of Non-Productive Hours  (DSH-3690)

In previous releases, non-productive hours (for example, training hours) were excluded from the worked and scheduled hours reported in the LMS Dashboard. In this release, non-productive hours are now reported in the LMS Dashboard. This improvement, which enables users to monitor the financial impact of non-productive hours, includes the following changes to the LMS Dashboard:

Non-Productive Hours gauge  (DSH-3692)

The At A Glance page now features a Non-Productive Hours gauge that displays the percentage of non-productive hours compared to total hours paid. This gauge helps users see the relationship of the classification of hours that are not included in productivity calculations to the hours that are part of productivity. The following information appears below the gauge:

  • Dollar Impact  The dollar value of the non-productive hours.
  • Details  Link that takes users to the new Non-Productive Hours details page.
  • Trend  Link that takes users to the Trends page.
  • Info  Icon that opens the embedded online help topic for the gauge.

Non-Productive Hours Details page  (DSH-3694)

This screen displays detailed information about recorded non-productive hours. It includes the following:

  • A gauge that displays non-productive variance.
  • A bar chart that displays the non-productive percentage of hours.
  • A table that displays the following columns and information:
    • Org Layer.
    • Non-productive %.
    • Non-Productive Hours.
    • Non-Productive Dollars.
  • The ability to drill down into organization levels.
  • Ability to export to Excel.
  • Ability to capture a screenshot of the page.

Trend reports for non-productive hours, percentages, and dollars  (DSH-3696)

When viewing the Trends page, users can now select the following report views from the Available Trends Reports drop-down menu:

  • Non-Productive Hours – Filters information to the Hours section.
  • Non-Productive Costs  Filters information to the Dollars section.
  • Non-Productive Percentage  Filters information to the Percentages section.

Property Ranking page  (DSH-3697) 

When viewing the Property Rankings page, users can now select the following report views from the Metrics drop-down menu: 

  • Non-Productive Hours – Filters information to the Hours section.
  • Non-Productive Costs  Filters information to the Dollars section.
  • Non-Productive Percentage  Filters information to the Percentages section.


Updating contact information in manager accounts  (11308)

In previous releases, users who were logged in to the Mobile App as a manager could not update their contact information. They had to log in to their employee accounts to update contact information.

In this release, users who are logged in to the Mobile App as managers can now update their contact information from a Contact Information screen (Preferences > Update Contact Information). They can also select the Forward to Email option and enter a forwarding email address.

Viewing assignments in the Mobile App  (11558)

In previous releases, employees could not see the assignments for which they were scheduled in the Mobile App.

In this release, employees can now see the assignments for which they are scheduled in the Mobile App. In RMS, the Mobile screen (System Setup > Mobile) now includes a Show Assignments check box. Managers can select this check box to display assignments and two levels of subassignments in employee schedules that appear in the Mobile App. 

Forwarding messages and schedules to text messages  (12148)

In previous releases, users could only forward messages and schedules to emails. In this release, the Preferences screen in the Mobile App contains options for users to forward messages and schedules to both email and text messages (SMS).

Access to Mobile Time Clocks  (13098)

In the Mobile App, users can only view and access the Time Clock to which they are granted access.

Planner Engine

Defined shift length and minimum shift length in 8.x and 9.x versions of RMS software

RMS versions 8.x and 9.x handle defined shift lengths and minimum shift lengths differently for jobs with a specific illogical configuration, that is, jobs that have a shift with a defined shift length that is shorter than the minimum shift length. An example of a job with this illogical configuration is a job with a shift defined as starting at 8 A.M. and ending at 12 P.M. (4 hours in length) and a minimum shift length of 6 hours. This shift has a standard of 4 hours from 1 to 99999999.

In 8.x versions of the RMS software, for jobs that have this configuration, the minimum shift length overrides the defined shift length, resulting in projected/standard hours equal to the minimum shift length. In the example above, the minimum shift length of 6 hours overrides the defined shift length of 4 hours, resulting in 6 projected/standard hours. 

In 9.x versions of the RMS software, for jobs that have this configuration, the defined shift length overrides the minimum shift length overrides, resulting in projected/standard hours equal to the defined shift length. In the example above, the defined shift length of 4 hours overrides the minimum shift length of 6 hours, resulting in 4 projected/standard hours.


Labor Standards Report  (11844)

This release features the new Labor Standards Report, which replaces the Job Class Configuration Report found in previous versions of RMS (8.26 and earlier). The Labor Standards Report (Reports > System Setup > All Setup > Labor Standards Report ) provides information on all configuration elements affecting projected/standard hours.

Hours and costs of multi-property employees appear in the End of Pay Period report  (13087) 

In previous releases, the End of Pay Period report only included hours of employees who worked at different properties. In this release, the End of Pay Period report includes both the hours and the associated costs of employees who work at different properties.

Time & Attendance

Hours and Rate earnings  (12256)

This release offers a set of enhanced Time & Attendance functionality that allows users to pay out vacation pay at a rate other than the job rate of pay for employees. This functionality is useful in situations in which employees' vacation pay rate is not the same as their usual pay rate. For example, employees usual rate of pay might be $10.00 an hour; however, certain vacation days might need to be paid at $10.50 an hour and other vacation days might need to be paid at $11.00 an hour. 

New features in this set of functionality include the following:  

  • Configuring the Hours and Rate earning type (12384) – Users can now configure an Hours and Rate earning type in the Earning Types screen (System Setup > Earning Types). When adding an Earning or Memo earning type, users can select an Hours and Rate option from the Unit Type drop-down menu. The resulting Add Earning Type dialog box displays the appropriate Hours and Rate unit type.
  • Hours and Rate earnings on employee time cards (12385) – Users can now create and edit an Hours and Rate earning on an employee time card (Main Menu > Time & Attendance > Review Pay Period).  
  • Hours and Rate earnings excluded in rate rule (12386) – Users can configure earning rate rules to ignore earnings with the Hours and Rate unit of measurement. When running earning rate rules, manually entered Hours and Rate earnings will not be overwritten.
  • Punch types not mapped to Hours and Rate earnings  (12387)  Users cannot map punch types to earning types with an Hours and Rate unit of measurement.  
  • Hours and Rate earnings in the Audit tab (12388) – After users add an Hours and Rate earning to an employee's time card (Main Menu > Time & Attendance > Review Pay Period > employee > Time Card), that change appears in the Audit tab. Users can then view, edit, and delete the earning. 
  • New column header in the Other Earnings Summary report (12415) – The Other Earning Summary report now includes a new Hours column header for the Hours and Rate earning type.
  • Hours and Rate earnings created from time-off request distributions use the home job's rate (12406) – When entering time-off requests, users can now select earnings created from distributions that apply the employees' home job rates. If earning types are appropriately configured with the new Hours and Rate earning category, users can create time-off requests in RMS (Main Menu > Time & Attendance > Employee Requests) or in the Mobile App that apply the Hours and Rate earning type for each requested day. 
  • Hours and rate appear in the End of Pay Period report (12412) – If employees have earnings with an Hours and Rate earning type applied, when users run the End of Pay Period report, those Hours and Rate earnings will correctly appear under the Other Hours heading.
  • Hours and Rate earning types on the Review Time Card screen (12428) – Hours and Rate earning types now appear on the Review Time Card screen (Main Menu > Time & Attendance > Review Pay Period > employee > Time Card using the convention of the number of hours at the value of the rate. For example, an Hours and Rate earning of five hours and $15.00 appears as 5.00 at 15.00.

Progressive Discipline  (12071)

The Progressive Discipline functionality enables RMS to automatically generate template-based HR documents as a result of employee events. An employee event is an event that is triggered by an accumulation of employee points. For example, a company has determined that each time employees are late for work, they receive an employee point for the late arrival. Five late arrivals (or five Late Arrival employee points) will trigger an employee event, which generates a notification letter for the employee. 

The Progressive Discipline functionality includes the following features:

  • Searching for employees (12332) – The Attendance Points and Events screen (Main Menu > Time & Attendance > Attendance Points and Events) now features a search field. Users can search by the following criteria:
    • Employee name
    • Employee number
    • Job type
    • Event type
    • Point type
  • Configuring event document templates (12333) – The Employee Event Document Templates screen (System Setup > Time & Attendance > Employee Event Document Templates) allows users to create templates for event documents that are automatically generated for employee events.
    • Tags used in document name (12443) – Most document template tags can be used in document file names.

      Note: Points table block tags, such as start points and end points, cannot be used in document file names.

  • Configuring an event rule for a document template (12334) – Users can configure an event rule to have a template for printing a document.
  • Filtering by unexecuted events (12336) – Users can now filter the Attendance Points and Events screen to display unexecuted events. The Filter dialog box on the Attendance Points and Events screen now includes a Show Only Unexecuted Events check box.
  • Button to generate an employee event document (12339) – For events that are not excused and have a configured document, a Generate Event Document button now appears on the Attendance Points and Events screen. Users click this button to open the employee event document associated with the violation.
  • Executed or ignored events are not re-created (12395) – As an improvement to the event generation process, executed or ignored events are no longer re-created nightly during event generation. This improvement helps users to more efficiently maintain a record of events with which they have already interacted.
  • Local time is now displayed for executed events and ignored points (12429) – When an event is executed or a point is ignored, the correct local time for that action now appears on the Attendance Points and Events screen.

Approved time off requests for unpaid days in Edit Time Off Request dialog box  (11128)

In previous releases, only approved time off requests for paid days appeared in the calendar of the Edit Time Off Request dialog box. These requests appeared as encircled numerals in the upper-right corner of a calendar day. For example, if on October 23, three employees had approved time off requests for paid days and one employee had an approved time off requests for an unpaid day, the numeral 3 appeared in the upper-right corner of that calendar day.

In this release, approved time off requests for both paid and unpaid days appear in the calendar of the Edit Time Off Request dialog box. These requests appear as encircled numerals in the upper-right corner of a calendar day. For example, if on November 2, four employees have approved time off requests for paid days and two employees have approved time off requests for an unpaid day, the numeral 6 appears in the upper-right corner of that calendar day.  

Units are no longer included in the Other Hours column  (12141) 

In previous releases, the Other Hours column of the Review Pay Period screen included earnings with a unit of measurement of "Unit." In this release, the Other Hours column of the Review Pay Period screen (Main Menu > Time & Attendance > Review Pay Periodincludes only earnings with a unit of measurement of "Hours" or "Hours and Dollars."

Modifications to existing work rules

Modification to the Holiday Time of Day Accrual work rule  (11471)

The Holiday Time of Day Accrual work rule (System Setup > Work Rules > Benefits Accrual) has been modified so that users can include hours that have been transferred to another earning. Hours that are worked on holidays and moved to a benefit bank are now included in the Holiday Time of Day Accrual.   

Modification to the FLSA OT Rate work rule  (12260)

The FLSA OT Rate work rule (System Setup > Work Rules > Overtime Rate Work Rules) has been modified so that users can include gratuities in the calculation of the overtime (OT) rate for qualifying employees' entire pay periods. The Edit Work Rule Item dialog box now includes a Calculate Over Pay Period check box that users can select to calculate the rate for the pay period rather than the work week. 

Modification to the OT DT Daily, Weekly, 6th Day OT, 7th Day DT Hours Distribution work rule  (12341)

The OT DT Daily, Weekly, 6th Day OT, 7th Day DT Hours Distribution work rule (System Setup > Work Rules > Hours Distribution Work Rules) has been modified so that users can include mapped earnings, which are mapped through Earning Type Pay Mappings, in the count as a shift for the consecutive day count. The Edit Work Rule Item dialog box now contains a Consecutive Days Include Earnings Type Pay Map check box. This modification allows for correct payment of overtime (OT) and double time (DT) hours when a Holiday Not Worked earning time should be counted as a shift in a consecutive day count.

Modification to the Annual Holiday Entitlement work rule  (12498)

The Annual Holiday Entitlement work rule (System Setup > Work Rules > Benefit Accrual) has been modified so that full time entitlements can now correctly include partial days. In previous releases, although users could enter partial days (for example, 20.5 days) in the Entitlement Array field of the Edit Work Rule Item dialog box, those partial day earnings were not calculated—only full days, or whole numbers, were calculated. In this release, calculations for the accrual earnings correctly include decimal places for partial day earnings.

New work rules

Earning Override Job Rate work rule  (8931) 

The Earning Rate work rule category (System Setup > Work Rules > Earning Rate) now includes an Earning Override Job Rate work rule. Users can apply this work rule to override employees' job rates and apply a factor on the new rates for specific earnings. This new feature helps ensure that tipped and/or union employees are correctly paid.

Guaranteed Hours in Pay Period work rule  (12261)

The Post-Calculation Rules category (System Setup > Work Rules > Post-Calculation Rules) now includes a Guaranteed Hours in Pay Period work rule. Users can apply this work rule to ensure that employees are paid for a guaranteed minimum number of hours. This work rule is useful for union employees who are guaranteed to be paid for a specific number of hours. When the Guaranteed Hours in Pay Period work rule is applied, if employees work fewer hours than the number for which they are guaranteed pay, their standard rate of pay is applied to the difference.

For example, if a union employee is guaranteed to be paid $10.00 an hour for 40 hours of work per week, but the employee works only 35 hours, the Guaranteed Hours in Pay Period work rule ensures that the difference of $50.00 (five hours at $10.00 an hour) is paid to the employee along with the actual earnings of $350.00.

Note: Employees cannot have zero hours in their time cards for this work rule to apply.

Guaranteed Wage OT Rate work rule  (12375) 

The Overtime Rate Work Rules category (System Setup > Work Rules > Overtime Rate Work Rules) now includes a Guaranteed Wage OT Rate work rule. With this work rule, users can pay overtime (OT) hours based on a guaranteed wage for the week.

This work rule uses the following calculations:

  1. (Guaranteed Weekly Hours) x (Hourly Rate) = Guaranteed Weekly Pay
  2. (Guaranteed Weekly Pay) / (Total Hours Worked) = Guaranteed Overtime Rate
  3. (Guaranteed Overtime Rate) x Overtime Factor = Overtime Premium
  4. Hourly Rate + Overtime Premium = Overtime Rate

For example, an employee works 40 hours a week at a rate of $8.50 an hour. If the Guaranteed Wage OT Rate work rule is applied and the employee works 45 hours in the week, the overtime rate calculation is as follows:

  1. 40 hours x $8.50 = $340.00 
  2. $340.00 / 45 hours = $7.56 
  3. $7.56 x 0.5 = $3.78
  4. $8.50 + $3.78 = $12.28

The employee's overtime rate is $12.28.

Combination Job Regular Rate work rule  (12053) 

The Regular Rate Work Rules category (System Setup > Work Rules > Regular Rate Work Rules) now includes a Combination Job Regular Rate work rule. Users can apply this new work rule to ensure that union employees who work two jobs at different pay rates are paid at the higher rate for all hours worked. This work rule can be configured for both daily and weekly hours. 

For example, during a work day or work week, employees might work their primary job at $8.00 an hour and another job at $10.00 an hour. If the Combination Job Regular Rate work rule is configured with a Daily Hours Threshold of 4 and a Weekly Rate Days Threshold of 2, employees would be paid as follows: 

  • If employees work five hours a day at the job that pays $10.00 an hour and three hours at their primary job that pays $8.00 an hour, they are paid all eight hours of the work day at $10.00 an hour—a total of $80.00 for the day.
  • If employees work three days a week at the job that pays $10.00 an hour and two days at their primary job that pays $8.00 an hour, they are paid all five days of the work week at $10.00 an hour—a total of $400.00 for the week. 

Day of Year work rule  (11286) 

The Benefit Accrual work rule category (System Setup > Work Rules > Benefits Accrual) now includes a Day of Year work rule. This work rule allows users to create a fixed yearly accrual amount that renews each year on a specific day. Users can apply the Day of Year work rule if they need to create an accrual type that must be renewed only on a yearly basis. For example, if all employees are entitled to receive 40 hours of personal time each year, users can apply a Day of Year work rule to allow the accrual type to renew on January 1 of each year.

Days Worked Daily Differential work rule  (12316)

The Daily Differential work rule category (System Setup > Work Rules > Daily Differential) now includes a Days Worked Daily Differential work rule. With this work rule, users can apply a fixed daily earning to employees who meet both of the following conditions:

  • Employees work a specified number of hours in a day.
  • Employees work less than a specified number of shifts in a week.

For example, a payroll administrator needs to apply a fixed earning of an additional $3.50 a day for union employees who work at least eight hours a day but less than five shifts in a work week. Using the the Days Worked Daily Differential work rule, the payroll administrator can ensure that union employees who meet the conditions receive the fixed daily earning on top of their daily pay. Employees who work more than five shifts in a work week would not receive the fixed earning.

Timeline Scheduling

This release includes several Timeline Scheduling improvements and new features.


General improvements and new features in Timeline Scheduling include the following: 

  • Saved timeline views (12254) – The Timeline Scheduling screen now preserves the most recently selected views each time a user closes the Timeline Scheduling tab in the RMS application. For example, if a user selects the Jobs view in the top pane, the Employees view in the bottom pane, and then closes the Timeline Scheduling tab, when the user reopens the Timeline Scheduling tab, the Jobs view will appear in the top pane and the Employees view will appear in the bottom pane.
  • Alerts (12320) – Alerts now appear in the Statistics, Jobs, and Employee timeline views.
  • Localized dates (11799) – All date fields can now be localized to meet the date format requirements of client countries, properties, and locales.
  • Subassignments in timeline views (12577) – Shifts assigned to a subassignment are now associated with the subassignment rather than the assignment. When grouped by assignment, the shift bars in the schedule panes now display subassignments under the parent assignment. This new feature helps users to better organize labor by allowing them to see the relationship among shifts, subassignments, and assignments on the timelines.

Jobs view

Improvements to the Jobs view include the following:

  • Assignments Sub Group By option (12473) – In the left pane of the Jobs view, the Sub Group By column filter now includes an Assignments option. By selecting this filter option, users can filter the Jobs view to see the assignments that exist for a job. This improvement helps users to better visualize the work that can be scheduled to available employees.  

Employees view

Improvements to the Employees view include the following:

  • Display or hide the Show Stats column in Employee view (12010) – Users can now select or clear check boxes in the column menu to display or hide the Show Stats column. The Show Stats column, which appears next to employee names in the left pane, displays additional information about the employee.
  • Column stats rounding (12213) – Percentages for column stats are now rounded to the nearest whole number. 

Statistics View

Improvements and new features in the Statistics view include the following:

  • Hours preset default option in Statistics view (12206) – In the previous release, All was the default Presets option in the Statistics view. In this release, Hours is now the default Presets option in Statistics view. 
  • KBI preset in Statistics view (12313) – The Preset menu now includes a KBIs option (Statistics view > column menu > Presets > KBIs). Selecting this option enables users to view only KBIs so that they can compare shifts to KBIs without searching for the KBIs.
  • KBI stats filter in Statistics view (12310) – The Filter Types menu now includes a KBIs option (Statistics view > column menu > Filter Types > KBIs). Selecting the KBIs filter type allows users to see the KBI values for the selected jobs so that they can compare schedules to KBIs.  
  • Average coverage percentage for the day (12249) – The average coverage percentage for the day appears as the root-level statistic in the Coverage Percent section. The coverage percent is the percentage of the system plan that is covered by scheduled shifts.
    • Coverage percentage is displayed for the hours preset (12302) – The Hours preset (Presets > Coverage) now includes the coverage percent, which is displayed above hours.
  • Outside variance Indicators
    The outside variance for a specific job on a specific day is the discrepancy between the scheduled hours and the projected hours ((scheduled − projected) / projected). Viewing outside variance indicators helps users see if the right amount of work is scheduled. 
    • Outside variance threshold indicator in hours scheduled (12253) – The outside variance threshold indicator enables users to see when a schedule has cost or service problems. When configured through the Labor Structure screen (System Setup > Labor Structure), the hours timeline in the Statistics view displays the appropriate indicators. 
      • If the variance for a specific job on a specific day is less than the configured threshold for that job, the stat bar displays a yellow background. 
      • If the variance for a specific job on a specific day is over than the configured threshold for that job, the stat bar displays a red background. 
    • Outside variance indicator in schedule pane headers (12291) – In the schedule pane for visible timelines, an alert appears in the header for each day that has a schedule that is outside of the configured variance for the selected jobs.
      • If the variance for any selected job on a certain day is less than the configured threshold for that job, the header bar has a yellow background and displays the text "Under Scheduled."
      • If the variance for any selected job on a certain day is over than the configured threshold for that job, the timeline header bar has a red background and displays the text "Over Scheduled."
      • If a day has both a job that is underscheduled and one that is overscheduled, only the overscheduled alert appears in the header.

Workflow View

The Workflow view displays how work is flowed relative to the planned shifts. Each planned shift appears as a block on the timeline. With the Workflow view, users can see work content as it is assigned to planned shifts and determine how to best reassign that work content. The following features appear in the the Workflow view:


The Show Stats menu in the column menu of the left pane now includes the options to show or hide the following stat columns:

  • Shift Hours (12324) – If users select the Shift Hours check box (column menu > Show Stats > Shift Hours), the Shift Hours column appears next to the Work Content Tasks in the left pane. This column displays the number of system and manager hours in the selected date range.
  • Distributed Hours (12325) – If users select the Distributed Hours check box (column menu > Show Stats > Distributed Hours), the Distributed Hours column appears next to the Work Content Tasks in the left pane. This column displays the number of distributed system and manager hours in the selected date range.
  • Undistributed Hours (12326) – If users select the Undistributed Hours check box (column menu > Show Stats > Undistributed Hours), the Undistributed Hours column appears next to the Work Content Tasks in the left pane. This column displays the number of undistributed system and manager hours in the selected date range.

Planned hours (12322, 12323)

The column menu of the left pane includes check boxes for showing or hiding System Projected Hours and Manager's Planned Hours. If System Projected Hours is selected, a blue line appears in the timeline. This line indicates the number of system-planned hours at different times throughout the day. The system plan line allows users to compare user-planned hours to system-generated planned hours. If Manager's Planned Hours is selected, an orange line appears in the timeline. Both options can be selected simultaneously.

User Interface

New graphics

  • New graphics for login screen (12732) – The Resource Management Solutions (


    ) login screen now features the updated UniFocus logo and new graphics. 
  • New icon (12809) – The


     application features a new icon.