Release Notes 9.06.01



version 9.06.01 includes the following improvements and new features:

  • KBI sets
  • Dynamic spread standards
  • Budget Labor Summary by Day report
  • Updates to Timeline Scheduling

Budgeting, Labor

KBI sets  (11163)

The KBI set functionality enables users to change how KBIs work from year to year within Budgeting while not adversely affecting current year budgeting and LMS forecasting. From year to year, users can change their capture ratios on calculated KBIs as well as change how a KBI is configured year to year without affecting current operations.

Changes to Forecast Structure screens  (12760)

The Forecast Structure screen (System Setup > Forecast Structure) and dialog boxes have been modified so that users can edit KBIs.

Changes to the Forecast Structure screen include the following:

  • The General and Labor statistical tabs have been moved below the main Details section.
  • The following fields have been separated the main Details section and moved the General tab: Fcst Flow Plan, Actual Flow Plan, and Notes.
  • The following controls have been added:
    • Edit button – Opens the Edit KBI dialog box for the selected KBI. This dialog box allows users to edit the selected KBI.
    • KBI Set drop-down menu – Allows users to select a KBI Set
  • The Edit button at the bottom of the field now allows users to edit the KBI set associated with the KBI.

KBI Sets configuration screen  (12752)

This release features a new KBI Sets configuration screen (System Setup > Financial > KBI Sets). This screen displays details for all configured KBI sets and enables users to add, edit, copy, and delete KBI sets.

Changes to reports

Users can now run several configuration reports based on KBI sets.

The new KBI set functionality affects several report screens: 

  • Standard Sets (12826, 12827, 12828, 12829, 12833) – In the following report screens, users can now select a standard set from the new Standard Set drop-down menu in the Display section:
  • KBI Sets (12831, 12832) – In the following report screens, users can now select a KBI set from the KBI Set drop-down menu in the Display section:
  • Configuration Validation Report (12834) – KBI configurations are now validated for each KBI set, and any incorrect configurations appear in the report. (Reports > System Setup > All Setup > Configuration Validation.)  

Standard sets configuration with associated KBI sets  (12839)

Standard sets can now with associated with KBI sets. The Standard Sets screen (System Setup > Labor > Standard Sets) now contains a new KBI Set field field.

User-defined datasets allow association with KBI sets  (12847)

User-defined datasets can now be associated with a KBI set. The User Defined Datasets screen (System Setup > Financial > User Defined Datasets) now contains a new KBI Set column.

System-defined datasets allow association with KBI sets (12873)

System-defined datasets can now be associated with a KBI set. The User Defined Datasets screen (System Setup > Financial > System Defined Datasets) now contains a new KBI Set column.

Ability to configure the revenue center values for each standard set  (12862)

Revenue centers can now be configured with standard sets. Changes include the following:

Standard sets on the Revenue Center screen  (12863)

The Revenue Center screen (System Setup > Forecast Structure > Revenue Centers) now allows users to associate a standard set with a revenue center.  

Changes to the Revenue Center screen include the following: 

  • The following controls have been added:
    • Edit button – Opens the Edit Revenue Period Center dialog box for the selected standard set. This dialog box allows users to edit the unit type associated with the revenue center period.
    • Standard Set drop-down menu – Allows users to select a standard set to be associated with the revenue center period.
  • The Edit button at the bottom of the field now allows users to edit the standard set associated with the revenue center period.
  • The Add Revenue Center Period dialog box now contains a Standard Set drop-down menu to associate a standard set to the newly created revenue center period.

Creating a new standard set based on an existing standard set  (12865)

On the Standards Sets screen (System Setup > Labor > Standard Sets), the Add Standard Sets dialog box now contains a Based On drop-down menu so that a new standard set can be based on another standard set. When adding a new standard set, the associated KBI set from the "based on" standard set is copied to the new Standard Set.

Interfaces, Labor

Dynamic spread standards  (12624)

Special events, like banquets or fundraisers, present challenges when staffing the appropriate number of employees to handle the work needed for the event. For example, a large banquet that occurs at a specific time can cause a spike in work for valets, who are parking and retrieving more vehicles before and after the duration of the event. In previous releases, RMS calculated coverage for these large events as a spread across an entire day. However, spikes in work volume at specific times within the day can result in insufficient coverage. In this release, to better address the surge in volume at specific times, RMS now allows users to apply KBI values at time increments smaller than a day. This added granularity enables RMS to create a dynamic spread, which generates standards based on these smaller increments of time.

There are two methods for delivering these KBI values used to develop dynamic spread standards:

  • Users can set up dynamic spreads directly in RMS.
  • Users can provide an interface file containing the KBI data that can be imported into RMS. 

The Dynamic Spread Standards functionality features the following set of improvements:

Changes to the Spread Standards tab  (12639, 12884)

The Spread Standards tab (System Setup > Labor Standards > Spread Standards tab) of the Labor Standards screen now features the following user interface changes for configuring dynamic spread standards:

  • A new Type column displays either "Fixed" or "Dynamic" depending on the type of spread standard. 
  • The Add Spread Standard dialog box now contains Fixed and Dynamic radio buttons. The default selection is Fixed, which refers to the traditional way of adding standards. Selecting Dynamic allows you to configure a dynamic spread standard and enables the following fields and controls:
    • A Units drop-down menu from which users can select either Minutes/Unit or Units/Person per period. 
      • Minutes/Unit – How many minutes it takes an employee to complete a unit (that is, a KBI value)—for example, how many minutes it takes a valet to park 1 car.
      • Units/Person per period – How many units are accomplished by an employee for a given period (defined for the assignment)—for example, how many cars a valet can park in a 15-minute period. A "Per Period Length of:..." label appears when users select Units/Person as the Unit Type.  
    • Buttons to add and delete volume ranges. 

Imported forecast data in Planning tab  (12642)

A new Review Forecast Dynamic Spread line and Start button appear on the Planning screen (Main Menu > Labor > Planning) when viewing advanced options. If users click the Start button for Review Forecast Dynamic Spread line, the resulting screen displays a table of imported, forecast dynamic data. Users can change the viewing period at the top of the screen. Each cell contains a visual representation of values in each period of the data table for the corresponding Date and KBI. Clicking a cell displays the individual data points. 

Imported actuals data in the Actuals tab  (12643)

A new View Actual Dynamic Spread line and Start button appear on the Labor actual screen (Main Menu > Labor > Actuals) when viewing advanced options. If users click the Start button for View Actual Dynamic Spread line, the resulting screen displays a table of imported, actual dynamic spread data. Users can change the viewing period at the top of the screen. If users then click a cell on the screen, a dialog box showing the Dynamic Spread Values for that KBI and date appears.

New standard sets handle dynamic spread standards list  (12768)

When a new standard set is created based on an existing standard set (System Setup > Labor > Standard Sets), all the assignments in the labor structure will have the configured labor standards copied from the existing standard set to the new standard set. 

Labor, Reports

Labor cost percentage can now be displayed in Budget Labor Summary by Day report (13142)

On the Budget Labor Summary By Day report (Reports > Budgeting > Comparative > Budget Labor Summary By Day), users with the full Budgeting license can now display the labor cost percentage for each level of the labor structure. The Labor Structure screen features a Labor Cost Percentage column, where users with the full Budgeting license can specify the revenue-based KBI used to calculate the labor cost percentage at the organization level.

Timeline Scheduling

The following improvements have been made to the Timeline Scheduling screen:

Job and Employee views

  • Job and assignment appears in shift bar (12578) – In previous releases, the shift bar in the Employee view displayed only the job name for the employee. In this release, the shift bar now displays the job name, the assignment, and, if applicable, the subassignment for the shift.

Statistics View 

  • Filtering individual KBIs (12311) – The column menu now contains a KBIs filter for filtering individual KBIs that appear in the the timeline view. Clicking the KBIs filter opens a fly-out menu of all available KBIs. User can clear the check boxes in front of the KBIs they do not want to see.
    • KBI option hidden (12446) – If there are no KBIs associated with selected jobs, the KBI filter option will not appear in the column menu.