Release Notes 9.14 - Printable

Release Notes 9.14 - Printable

This release introduces a few key changes to the design, content, and categorization of UniFocus release notes. With these changes, we hope to better communicate how we’re continually improving our software and your user experience.

The release notes will have three main sections:

  • Overview—An overview of improvements, new features, and fixed issues.
  • Improvements and new features—A section dedicated to improvements and new features.
  • Fixed issues—A new section that documents how UniFocus has addressed known issues.

With this release, we have also improved our categorization of improvements, new features, and fixed issues. For more information, see Categories in release notes.

If you have any comments or questions, please contact your UniFocus Partner Relationship Manager (PRM).



version 9.14 includes the following improvements and new features:

  • Security enhancement to the process of copying users.
  • Improved CSV file and process for batch-importing hours and rates adjustments.
  • Improved overtime rate calculation of piece pay.
  • Improvements to the UniFocus Mobile App:
    • Improved published schedule messages.
    • Improved sort and filter functionality in Employee Schedules and Time Off Requests screens
    • Performance enhancement to the mobile Employee Schedules screen.

This release also includes several fixed issues. For more information, see Fixed issues in version 9.14.

For a printable one-page version of these release notes, see Release Notes 9.14 - Printable.

Updates and hotfixes

See Updates and hotfixes for 9.x releases.

February 12, 2020

  • In the UniFocus Mobile App, the Approve Time Off Requests screen now displays the correct number of days for multiple-day requests (20431).

December 17, 2019

  • Task Scheduler now correctly adheres to permissions that users configured in the Security screen (19921).

September 6, 2019

  • The message in the UniFocus Mobile App invitation email no longer references managers' UniFocus user names  (19862).

July 1, 2019

  • Improved filter functionality in employee schedules (18597).

June 20, 2019

  • All employee punches are now correctly recorded in Time & Attendance (19038).

June 19, 2019

  • Shifts that are automatically approved by work rules now correctly appear as approved in both the employee Time Card and the Review Pay Period screens  (19153). 

April 30, 2019

  • In the UniFocus Mobile App, the Time Off Request screen header no longer disappears after a user swipes through three requests (18314). 

April 23, 2019

  • Improvements to the Adjustments Template CSV file (18376).
  • The Property field on the Task Scheduler screen now correctly defaults to the property to which the user is logged in (18650). 

March 6, 2019

  • When users with UFTC Punch to Schedule enabled for secondary jobs punch in to their secondary jobs, the punches are correctly assigned to the secondary jobs (17741). 

January 21, 2019

  • In the UniFocus Mobile App, filter option labels in the Manager Schedules screen are no longer truncated when there is sufficient space to display the complete label name on the screen (17703). 

January 14, 2019

  • RMS

     users who are not mapped to an Employee ID in Employee Maintenance can now add and view Time & Attendance tiles in the Manager Portal screen (17696).

December 18, 2018

  • Property Administration-level users with Watson Admin permission can now run Earning Details and Shift Details reports when filtered by employees (17044). 

November 27, 2018

  • The data load associated with the Manage Budget Lines screen has been reduced (17474).

November 14, 2018

  • In the UniFocus Mobile App, employees' split shifts now correctly appear in chronological order on managers' Employee Schedules screens (17735).

November 13, 2018

  • Corrected sort order on the Employee Schedules screen (17702). 
  • Administrative users can now copy users (17694). 
  • Time off requests no longer time out  (17371). 
  • When saving changes after deleting a budget line, users no longer encounter the following error message: "Incorrect syntax near ')'." (17495). 
  • Separate instances of UniFocus


    software can now be open simultaneously (17729). 

November 12, 2018

  • Performance enhancement to the mobile Employee Schedules screen (17123). 
  • All calculated KBIs are now correctly calculating when users generate revenue center forecasts and then add an environment from the Edit Revenue Center Forecast screen (17267). 
  • Contiguous shifts for one job on a single day correctly appear on one line of an employee's Time Card screen. (17332). 

October 25, 2018

  • Enhancement to the process of copying users in the Security screen (17443). 

Improvements and new features

See the pages below for improvements and new features in version 9.14:



Copying users in the Security screen  (17443)

This release features a security enhancement to the process of copying users. You can only copy users who have equal or lesser permissions than you have. On the Security screen (Main Menu (  ) > Admin > Security), the Copy (  ) button is not available for selection if you are trying to copy a user who has a higher permission level than you have.


  • If you must copy a user with a higher permission level, you must escalate the task to a user with the appropriate administrative permissions.
  • This security improvement does not affect the process of adding a new user because you cannot create a new user with higher permission than you have.

Updated versions: Version 9.12 and later.


Earning types and work rules

Improved overtime rate calculation of piece pay  (17259)

When configuring earning types (System Setup > Earning Types), a new Base Pay check box is available in the Include In section. This new configuration option includes the earnings in the Overtime Rate and Post Calculations work rules. If you are using piece pay for an earning type, it must be included in the base pay to correctly calculate the overtime rate.

Note: When configuring an earning type, you cannot select both Base Pay and Average Wage Calcs options in the Include In section.

For more information, see:



Improved CSV file and process for batch-importing hours and rates adjustments  (16414)

Version 9.09.01 introduced an Import Hours and Rates Adjustments CSV file that budgeting managers could use to add a batch of hours and rates adjustments for a property. This release offers the following improvements to that CSV file and to the processes of batch-importing hours and rates adjustments:

  • Accessing the CSV file—The previous version of the document was not available in the software. Users had to download the file from the online help page (Importing your and rate adjustments) or ask their Partner Relationship Manager (PRM) for the document. The renamed Adjustments Template file is now available for export in the Budgeting module. 
  • Completing the CSV file—The previous version of the CSV file was a blank template that contained only column headings. Users had to export a separate CSV file of T&A Codes so that they could manually enter the information in the Import Hours and Rates Adjustments CSV. The improved Adjustments Template file now populates the spreadsheet with every job class line that is linked to a budget line at the property. Additionally, the top three lines of the worksheet contain sample entries. With this improvement, there is no need to export the T&A Codes CSV file. Users can directly edit each line of the Adjustments Template and, if necessary, copy and paste information into a newly inserted row for additional adjustments to a job.

    An apostrophe appears in front of each Reconcile Code in the exported CSV file. Do not remove the apostrophe in front of the codes. Just copy and paste the Reconcile Code and the Job Name as they are to another line if you need to make another adjustment for a job. Also, do not double-click in any of the populated Reconcile Code cells; doing so will remove the leading apostrophe and change the code.

For more information, see Importing hours and rates adjustments - version 9.14 and later.

Improvements to the Adjustments Template CSV file  (18376)

The following improvements have been made to the Adjustments Template file (Main Menu > Financial > Budgeting > Adjust Hours and Rates):

  • The Start Date and End Date fields now default to the year of the working dataset.
  • Jobs in the Job Name field are now sorted alphabetically in the following order: Division, Department, Job.

For more information, see Fields in the Adjustments Template CSV file - version 9.14 and later.

Updated versions: Version 9.14 and later.


UniFocus Mobile App

Improved published schedule messages (16671, 16720)

This release improves both the delivery and content of published schedule messages sent to employees who work multiple jobs.

Delivery of messages

In previous releases, employees with multiple jobs received published schedule messages for jobs that they were not scheduled to work. This issue led to employees receiving excessive unnecessary messages about being off all week rather than only receiving the necessary messages about when they were scheduled to work. For example, Employee A and Employee B each work two Food & Beverage (F&B) jobs: Banquet Server and Banquet Bartender. If the Bartending Manager schedules only Employee C for a bartending job this week, Employee A and Employee B would receive a published schedule message notifying them that they are not scheduled to work this week.

In this release, employees with multiple jobs receive published schedule messages only for jobs that they are scheduled to work. 

Content of messages

In previous releases, when employees with multiple jobs received published schedule messages, jobs for which they were not scheduled displayed the text "Off." This text led to confusion about whether employees were actually off or just not yet scheduled to work. Employees could have assumed that all schedules were published; however, there might have been a day with a pending (or unpublished) schedule for which "Off" was displayed.

In this release, when employees with multiple jobs receive published schedule messages, they are only informed of jobs for which they are scheduled. If they are not yet scheduled, there is no reference to a shift time. 

Improved sort and filter functionality in Employee Schedules and Time Off Requests screens  (16721, 16723)

This release features improved sort and filter functionality in the Employee Schedules and Time Off Requests screens of the Mobile App. These new options accommodate lengthy employee lists that contain multiple employees whom a manager typically does not schedule.

Note: When Employee Schedules and Time Off Requests are first loaded, the manager's screen will be blank. Once filter options are selected, employee information populates and the filter options are saved for the next login.

Employee Schedules

On the Employee Schedules screen, filter options include:

  • Only show scheduled employees
  • Only show Home Job employees 

Manager can now sort ascending and descending employee schedules by:

  • Name
  • Seniority
  • Job Rank

Time Off Requests

On the Time Off Requests screen, filter options include:

  • Job
  • Only Home Job employees

Manager can now sort ascending and descending time off requests by:

  • Name
  • Seniority
  • Date Entered
  • Time-off-request start date

Performance enhancement to the mobile Employee Schedules screen  (17123)

This release features quicker load times for managers’ Employee Schedules screen in the UniFocus Mobile App.

Updated versions: Version 9.12 and later.

Improved filter functionality in Employee Schedules  (18597)

The UniFocus Mobile App now prompts first-time users to select jobs that they want to filter before they use Employee Schedules. The Employee Schedules screen appears after the filtered jobs are selected.

Updated versions: Version 9.14 and later.

Summary of issues fixed in this release

17694Administrative users with appropriate permissions can copy users on the Security screen, as expected.
18650The Property field on the Task Scheduler screen now correctly defaults to the property to which the user is logged in.


 users who are not mapped to an Employee ID in Employee Maintenance can now add and view Time & Attendance tiles in the Manager Portal screen.

17741When users with UFTC Punch to Schedule enabled for secondary jobs punch in to their secondary jobs, the punches are correctly assigned to the secondary jobs.
16604When setting up a percent of base line, the Budgeting software now allows users to calculate percentages of negative dollar values.
17474The data load associated with the Manage Budget Lines screen has been reduced.
17495When saving changes after deleting a budget line, users no longer encounter the following error message: "Incorrect syntax near ')'."

Separate instances of UniFocus


software can now be open simultaneously.

16416Jobs with the standard type set as Simple Non-flowed no longer result in overstatement of projected and standard hours.
16735The Edit Revenue Center Forecast screen now correctly saves users' edits to the Manager Forecast fields.
17267All calculated KBIs are now correctly calculating when users generate revenue center forecasts and then add an environment from the Edit Revenue Center Forecast screen.
15855Managers no longer see error messages when viewing Open Shifts in the Employee Schedules screen of the UniFocus Mobile App.
16222In the Mobile App, employee shift giveaway messages now provide more detailed information to managers.
16401Mobile users now can perform any punch action after the Time Clock screen refreshes.
16551In the Mobile App, Manager Alerts now display employees' correct punch status.
16556In Mobile App version 2.0, shift requests now send the correct number of notifications.
16557Several Mobile App notification messages have been rewritten to improve clarity and provide more detail.
16563In Mobile App version 2.0, users on Android and iOS devices can now scroll through messages with multiple lines.
16597In the Mobile App, the Profile screen no longer incorrectly displays job information vertically.
16755The security question is now a required field for managers who are signing on to the UniFocus Mobile App for the first time.
17038Mobile App re-registration issues have been resolved in this release.
17051In the UniFocus Mobile App, the Time Off Request screen header no longer disappears after a user swipes through three requests.
17138Removing users' access to Employee Requests in the Security screen now restricts their access to Employee Time Off Requests and Call Ins mobile screens.
17371When employees submit time off requests that are sent to a large number of managers, the process no longer times out and sends error message to employees.
17702In the UniFocus Mobile App, sorting the managers' Employee Schedules screen no longer separates employee split shifts.
17703In the UniFocus Mobile App, filter option labels in the Manager Schedules screen are no longer truncated when there is sufficient space to display the complete label name on the screen.
17735In the UniFocus Mobile App, employees' split shifts now correctly appear in chronological order on managers' Employee Schedules screens.
18413In the UniFocus Mobile App, the Time Off Request screen header no longer disappears after a user swipes through three requests.
19862The message in the UniFocus Mobile App invitation email no longer references managers' UniFocus user names. 
Time & Attendance
17044Property Administration-level users with Watson Admin permission can now run Earning Details and Shift Details reports when filtered by employees.
17056Holiday pay is now correctly calculating for employees.
17332Contiguous shifts for one job on a single day correctly appear on one line of an employee's Time Card screen.
19038All employee punches are now correctly recorded in Time & Attendance.
19153Shifts that are automatically approved by work rules now correctly appear as approved in both the employee Time Card and the Review Pay Period screens.

Fixed issues



SummaryAdministrative users with appropriate permissions can copy users on the Security screen, as expected.

In some instances of previous releases, administrative users with appropriate permissions were unable to copy users on the Security screen (Main Menu ( )> Admin > Security). In these instances, the Copy ( ) button was not available.


The software has been updated so that administrative users with appropriate permissions can copy users on the Security screen, as expected. The Copy ( ) button is now available.

Updated versionsVersion 9.12 and later.


SummaryThe Property field on the Task Scheduler screen now correctly defaults to the property to which the user is logged in.

In some instances of previous releases, the Property field on the Task Scheduler screen did not correctly default to the property to which the user was logged in.


The software has been updated so that the Property field on the Task Scheduler screen now correctly defaults to the property to which the user is logged in.

Updated versionsVersion 9.14 and later.





users who are not mapped to an Employee ID in Employee Maintenance can now add and view Time & Attendance tiles in the Manager Portal screen.


In previous releases,


users who were not mapped to an Employee ID in Employee Maintenance could not add and view Time & Attendance tiles in the Manager Portal screen. Users received the following error message: "User must also be an employee." This issue prevented non-employee users, such as UniFocus Consultants, from modifying the Manager Portal screen.

SolutionThe software has been updated so that non-employee users who are not mapped to an Employee ID in Employee Maintenance can now add and view Time & Attendance tiles in the Manager Portal screen. They will no longer receive error messages.
Updated versionsVersion 9.14 and later.



SummaryWhen users with UFTC Punch to Schedule enabled for secondary jobs punch in to their secondary jobs, the punches are correctly assigned to the secondary jobs.

In the Time Clocks 


configuration screen (System Setup > Time & Attendance > Time Clocks), the UFTC Punch to Schedule option authorizes the Time Clock to automatically associate an employee's punch with a job, based on the schedule.

In some instances of previous releases, when users with UFTC Punch to Schedule enabled for secondary jobs punched in to their secondary jobs, the punches were incorrectly assigned to their home jobs.

SolutionThe software has been updated so that when users with UFTC Punch to Schedule enabled for secondary jobs punch in to their secondary jobs, the punches are correctly assigned to the secondary jobs.
Updated versionsVersion 9.14 and later.



SummaryWhen setting up a percent of base line, the Budgeting software now allows users to calculate percentages of negative dollar values.

In previous releases, when setting up a percent of base line, if the base line that users wanted a percentage of had a negative value, the line returned a value of a zero. The cause of this issue was that the software only allowed users to configure a range between zero and 99,999,999.00. Because negative values were considered invalid, users could not budget a credit to a line.

For example, if the value of the base line that users wanted to link to was $-5,000.00 and that base line was configured to be 50 percent, the system would return a value of zero, even though 50 percent of $-5,000.00 is $-2,500.00.

Note: This issue impacted all datasets. Any time users configured a negative value as the percent of base for another line, they would get a zero result. The software considered it to be invalid.


The Budgeting software has been updated to take the absolute value of the line to determine if it qualifies for a percentage. To qualify, the value must be between zero and 99,999,999.00. If the line qualifies, the software then takes the configured percentage of the actual value.

For example, if the value of the base line that users want to link to is $-5,000.00 and that base line is configured to be 50 percent, the software does the following:

  1. It takes the absolute value of $-5,000.00, which is 5,000.00.
  2. The software then checks to see if the value qualifies. Because 5,000.00 is within the range of zero and 99,999,999.00, it qualifies for a percentage.
  3. The software calculates the configured 50 percent of the actual value ($-5,000.00), which is $-2,500.00.


SummaryThe data load associated with the Manage Budget Lines screen has been reduced.

In some instances of previous releases, users received error messages when opening the Manage Budget Lines screen. This issue occurred in installations where users added extremely large reference datasets that required more system memory than the users had available to them.

Note: This issue did not cause a loss of data, but rather a reduction of the data loaded into working memory.


The software has been updated to improve memory management.

Note: Although the data load issue has been improved, users might still encounter an error message if they are adding several large datasets. For questions or concerns, contact your UniFocus Partner Relationship Manager.

Updated versionsVersion 9.12 and later.


SummaryWhen saving changes after deleting a budget line, users no longer encounter the following error message: "Incorrect syntax near ')'."

In some instances of previous releases, saving changes after deleting a budget line resulted in incomplete data that caused the system to return the following error message: "Incorrect syntax near ')'." This error occurred because the system allowed the passing of a null entry when saving to the database.

SolutionThe software has been updated to correct a condition that allowed the passing of a null entry when saving to the database. Now incomplete data cannot be sent.
Updated versionsVersion 9.12 and later.




Separate instances of UniFocus


software can now be open simultaneously.


In some cases, you might want to open separate instances of the


software. For example, you might want to have one open instance displaying the Timeline Scheduling screen and another open instance displaying the Revenue Center Forecasting screen. By viewing side-by-side instances, you can use the revenue center forecasting data to make informed decisions about how to schedule employees.



software allowed for multiple instances in past versions, a recent version introduced an issue that prevented multiple open instances. If you tried to open a separate instance, the system sent an exception error.


The software has been updated so that separate instances of


software can now be open simultaneously.

Updated versionsVersion 9.12 and later.



SummaryJobs with the standard type set as Simple Non-flowed no longer result in overstatement of projected and standard hours.

In previous releases, jobs with the standard type set as Simple Non-flowed occasionally resulted in overstatement of projected and standard hours. This issue was caused by software miscalculations of minimum and maximum shift lengths.

SolutionThe software has been updated to properly handle minimum and maximum shift lengths.


SummaryThe Edit Revenue Center Forecast screen now correctly saves users' edits to the Manager Forecast fields.

In previous releases, in some instances, users' edits to the Manager Forecast fields in the Edit Revenue Center Forecast screen were not being saved properly, particularly when the users were rapidly making a number of successive edits. After edits were made, the page was refreshing before all edits had saved.

SolutionThe software has been updated so that refresh timing in the Edit Revenue Center Forecast screen allows for rapid, successive data entry.


SummaryAll calculated KBIs are now correctly calculating when users generate revenue center forecasts and then add an environment from the Edit Revenue Center Forecast screen.

In previous releases, when users generated revenue center forecasts and then added an environment from the Edit Revenue Center Forecast screen, the system correctly recalculated the revenue center KBIs based on environment-matched history but failed to recalculate calculated KBIs that use the revenue center KBI in their formulas.


The software has been updated so that all revenue center KBIs and calculated KBIs are correctly calculating.

Updated versionsVersion 9.12 and later.



SummaryManagers no longer see error messages when viewing Open Shifts in the Employee Schedules screen of the UniFocus Mobile App.

In previous releases, if managers who had access to several jobs tried to view Open Shifts in the Employee Schedules screen of the Mobile App, they received an error message caused by a system time-out.


The software has been updated so that managers with access to several jobs do not receive an error message when viewing Open Shifts in the Employee Schedules screen of the UniFocus Mobile App.


SummaryIn the Mobile App, employee shift giveaway messages now provide more detailed information to managers.

In previous releases, shift giveaway messages did not provide meaningful information to managers. The messages provided only the name of the employees initiating the shift giveaway, not the employees who were interested in picking up the shift.

SolutionThe Mobile App has been updated so that shift giveaway notification messages to managers provide details on both the employee who submitted the giveaway request and all of the employees who are interested in the shift.


SummaryMobile users now can perform any punch action after the Time Clock screen refreshes.

In previous releases of the Mobile App, if users did not perform a punch action within a certain amount of time, a message appeared and asked them to refresh the screen. When users tried to clock out, they received an "Invalid Punch token" message. The screen did not refresh and the user would have to sign back in to the Time Clock screen. As a result, users could not perform any punch actions after the Time Clock screen refreshed.

SolutionThe Mobile App has been updated so that users can perform punch actions after the Time Clock screen refreshes.


SummaryIn the Mobile App, Manager Alerts now display employees' correct punch status.

In previous releases of the Mobile App, if a manager changed an employee's clocked in job, their Profile screens in Manager Alerts displayed their status as OUT instead of IN. However, in the Clocked In screen, the employees' statuses were correctly displayed as IN.


The Mobile App has been updated so that if a manager changed an employee's clocked-in job, both the Profile and Clocked In screens display the correct clocked-in status. The employees are shown as available for the new job.



In Mobile App version 2.0, shift requests now send the correct number of notifications.


In previous releases, when Mobile App version 2.0 users created shift request actions, the recipient of the message received both the message and a duplicate message. If a user enabled push notifications, recipients still received two messages.


The Mobile App has been updated so that shift request actions only send one message to recipients.


SummarySeveral Mobile App notification messages have been rewritten to improve clarity and provide more detail.

In previous releases, several Mobile App notification messages did not clearly communicate the details of employee requests. These issues affected the following message types:

  • Availability Requests
  • Pick Up Open Shift Requests

  • Call Ins
  • Urgent Pickup Requests
  • Swap Requests
  • Drop Requests

  • Giveaway Requests


Mobile App shift request messages have been rewritten to improve clarity and provide more details about employee requests. These changes affect the following message types:

  • Availability Requests
  • Pick Up Open Shift Requests

  • Call Ins
  • Urgent Pickup Requests
  • Swap Requests
  • Drop Requests

  • Giveaway Requests



In Mobile App version 2.0, users on Android and iOS devices can now scroll through messages with multiple lines.


In previous releases, Mobile App version 2.0 users with Android and iOS devices could not scroll through a message with five or more lines. As a result, they could not easily read the entire message. Users had to do the following to read the entire message:

  • iOS users could press and hold their finger on the screen to display a magnifying glass icon to move up and down the message.
  • Android users could press and hold their finger on the screen to display a mouse icon to move up and down the message.
SolutionThe Mobile App has been updated so that users can create a message with multiple lines and use the scroll bar to view it.


SummaryIn the Mobile App, the Profile screen no longer incorrectly displays job information vertically.
DescriptionIn previous releases of the Mobile App, job information in the Profile screen was displayed vertically under the employee's name. As a result, information was harder to read because it wrapped onto multiple lines.
SolutionThe Mobile App has been updated so that Profile screen information appears horizontally.


SummaryThe security question is now a required field for managers who are signing on to the UniFocus Mobile App for the first time.

When manager-level users sign on to the UniFocus Mobile App for the first time, they must complete the initial setup steps. This setup includes adding a security question and answer. In previous releases, when managers were directed to the screen for entering their security question and answer, they were not required to select a security question. If they entered an answer without selecting a security question and then selected Set Security Question, managers would go directly to the sign-on screen. Then, if they attempted to sign on, the Mobile App would send them back to the security question and answer screen.

SolutionIn this release, the software has been updated so that manager-level users must select a security question when signing on to the Mobile App for the first time.


SummaryMobile App re-registration issues have been resolved in this release.

In some cases where employees forgot their Mobile App credentials (either user name, password, and/or answer to security questions), database administrators might have re-registered the employees. Some data points, such as verification codes and expiration dates, were not correctly updating during this re-registration process. In previous releases, this re-registration resulted in employees not being able to log in to their accounts.


The software has been updated so that data points are now correctly updating and re-registered employees can log in to their accounts.


SummaryIn the UniFocus Mobile App, the Time Off Request screen header no longer disappears after a user swipes through three requests.
DescriptionIn previous releases of the UniFocus Mobile App, the Time Off Request screen header would disappear after a user swiped through three requests.
SolutionThe software has been updated so that the Time Off Request screen header remains on the screen when users swipe through requests.


SummaryRemoving users' access to Employee Requests in the Security screen now restricts their access to Employee Time Off Requests and Call Ins mobile screens.
DescriptionIn previous releases, if administrators denied users Employee Requests permission in the Actions tab of the Security screen, those users were still able to access Employee Shift Requests and Call Ins.
SolutionThe software has been updated so that if administrators deny users Employee Request permission in the Actions tab of the Security screen, those users will not be able to access Approve TORs, TORs Alert, and Approve Shift Requests in Employee Time Off Requests and Call Ins mobile screens. If the user does not have access, these options are also removed from the alerts screen and the left side menu.


SummaryWhen employees submit time off requests that are sent to a large number of managers, the process no longer times out and sends error message to employees.
DescriptionIn previous releases, when employees submitted time off requests that were sent to a large number of managers, a time out message occurred and an error was sent to the employees. This issue occurred because the process timed out.
SolutionThe software has been updated so that the process no longer times out when employees submit time off requests that are sent to a large number of managers.
Updated versionsVersion 9.12 and later.



In the UniFocus Mobile App, sorting the managers' Employee Schedules screen no longer separates employee split shifts.


In the managers' Employee Schedules screen of the UniFocus Mobile App, when employees have split shifts, the second shifts for the day appear in an unnamed row under the employees' names. In previous releases of the Mobile App, when managers sorted the screen, split shifts moved to the top or bottom of the screen (depending on the selected sort order). This issue caused split shifts to detach from the employees to whom they belonged. The issue occurred because split shifts appeared in unnamed rows under the named row of employee's first shift, and the sort functionality could not associate the unnamed row with the correct employees.

SolutionThe software has been updated so that sort functionality no longer separates split shifts for employees. A code fix enabled the unnamed rows of second jobs in a split shift to remain attached to the employees.
Updated versionsVersion 9.14 and later.


SummaryIn the UniFocus Mobile App,, filter option labels in the Manager Schedules screen are no longer truncated when there is sufficient space to display the complete label name on the screen.

In the UniFocus Mobile App, filter option labels are truncated only if there is not sufficient space to display the complete name on the screen.

In some instances of previous Mobile App versions, filter option labels were truncated in the Manager Schedules screen even if there was enough space to display the complete label. For example:


    • Show Home Job
    • Show Worked

Incorrect (Issue identified in this ticket)

    • Show H...
    • Show W...

The software has been updated so that filter option labels in the Manager Schedules screen are no longer truncated when there is sufficient space to display the complete label name on the screen.

Updated versionsVersion 9.14 and later.


SummaryIn the UniFocus Mobile App, employees' split shifts now correctly appear in chronological order on managers' Employee Schedules screens.
DescriptionIn some instances of previous releases of the UniFocus Mobile App, employees' split shifts incorrectly appeared in reverse chronological order on managers' Employee Schedules screens. For employees with split shifts, their earlier shifts appeared on the bottom row instead of on the top row.
SolutionThe software has been updated so that employees' split shifts now correctly appear in chronological order on managers' Employee Schedules screens of the UniFocus Mobile App.
Updated versionsVersion 9.14 and later.


SummaryIn the UniFocus Mobile App, the Time Off Request screen header no longer disappears after a user swipes through three requests.
DescriptionIn previous releases of the UniFocus Mobile App, the Time Off Request screen header would disappear after a user swiped through three requests.
SolutionThe software has been updated so that the Time Off Request screen header remains on the screen when users swipe through requests.
Updated versionsVersion 9.14 and later.



The message in the UniFocus Mobile App invitation email no longer references managers' UniFocus user names. 


In previous releases, when managers invited employees to join the UniFocus Mobile App, the invitation email contained a message that referenced the managers' user names:

<User Name> has invited you to access the employee mobile application.

This message could be confusing because employees might not know the system user name of their managers.

The software has been updated so that when managers invite employees to join the UniFocus Mobile App, the invitation email contains a message that does not reference managers' user names:

You have been invited to register for the UniFocus Mobile App.

Updated versionsVersion 9.10 and later.

Time & Attendance



Property Administration-level users with Watson Admin permission can now run Earning Details and Shift Details reports when filtered by employees.


In some instances of previous releases, Property Administration-level users with Watson Admin permission could not run Earning Details and Shift Details reports when filtered by employees. The generated report was a blank page.


The software has been updated so that Property Administration-level users with Watson Admin permission can now run Earning Details and Shift Details reports when filtered by employees.

Updated versionsVersion 9.14 and later.


SummaryHoliday pay is now correctly calculating for employees.

In previous releases, the Percent of Pay rule (in the Holiday Pay work rule type) would occasionally not calculate holiday pay for some hourly employees.

SolutionThe software has been updated so that the Percent of Pay rule (in the the Holiday Pay work rule type) correctly calculates holiday pay for all hourly employees.


SummaryContiguous shifts for one job on a single day correctly appear on one line of an employee's Time Card screen.

In previous releases, at companies using contiguous shifts, contiguous shifts for one job on a single day were breaking into separate lines on the employees' Time Card screens. This issue occurred because jobs were being matched incorrectly due to different assignments.


The software has been updated so that contiguous shifts for one job on a single day correctly appear on one line of an employee's Time Card screen. As expected, shifts worked for multiple jobs appear on a unique line for each job.

Updated versionsVersion 9.12 and later.


SummaryAll employee punches are now correctly recorded in Time & Attendance

In some instances of previous releases, an issue on the Time Clock Server prevented punches from being recorded in the Time & Attendance application.

SolutionSoftware on the Time Clock Server has been updated so that all employee punches are now recorded in Time & Attendance.
Updated versionsVersion 9.14 and later.


SummaryShifts that are automatically approved by work rules now correctly appear as approved in both the employee Time Card and the Review Pay Period screens.

In some instances of previous releases, shifts that were automatically approved by work rules appeared as approved in the employee Time Cards but unapproved in the Review Pay Period screen.

SolutionThe software has been updated so that shifts that were automatically approved by work rules now correctly appear as approved in both the employee Time Card and the Review Pay Period screens.
Updated versionsVersion 9.14 and later.

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