Mobile - version 9.14


UniFocus Mobile App

Improved published schedule messages (16671, 16720)

This release improves both the delivery and content of published schedule messages sent to employees who work multiple jobs.

Delivery of messages

In previous releases, employees with multiple jobs received published schedule messages for jobs that they were not scheduled to work. This issue led to employees receiving excessive unnecessary messages about being off all week rather than only receiving the necessary messages about when they were scheduled to work. For example, Employee A and Employee B each work two Food & Beverage (F&B) jobs: Banquet Server and Banquet Bartender. If the Bartending Manager schedules only Employee C for a bartending job this week, Employee A and Employee B would receive a published schedule message notifying them that they are not scheduled to work this week.

In this release, employees with multiple jobs receive published schedule messages only for jobs that they are scheduled to work. 

Content of messages

In previous releases, when employees with multiple jobs received published schedule messages, jobs for which they were not scheduled displayed the text "Off." This text led to confusion about whether employees were actually off or just not yet scheduled to work. Employees could have assumed that all schedules were published; however, there might have been a day with a pending (or unpublished) schedule for which "Off" was displayed.

In this release, when employees with multiple jobs receive published schedule messages, they are only informed of jobs for which they are scheduled. If they are not yet scheduled, there is no reference to a shift time. 

Improved sort and filter functionality in Employee Schedules and Time Off Requests screens  (16721, 16723)

This release features improved sort and filter functionality in the Employee Schedules and Time Off Requests screens of the Mobile App. These new options accommodate lengthy employee lists that contain multiple employees whom a manager typically does not schedule.

Note: When Employee Schedules and Time Off Requests are first loaded, the manager's screen will be blank. Once filter options are selected, employee information populates and the filter options are saved for the next login.

Employee Schedules

On the Employee Schedules screen, filter options include:

  • Only show scheduled employees
  • Only show Home Job employees 

Manager can now sort ascending and descending employee schedules by:

  • Name
  • Seniority
  • Job Rank

Time Off Requests

On the Time Off Requests screen, filter options include:

  • Job
  • Only Home Job employees

Manager can now sort ascending and descending time off requests by:

  • Name
  • Seniority
  • Date Entered
  • Time-off-request start date

Performance enhancement to the mobile Employee Schedules screen  (17123)

This release features quicker load times for managers’ Employee Schedules screen in the UniFocus Mobile App.

Updated versions: Version 9.12 and later.

Improved filter functionality in Employee Schedules  (18597)

The UniFocus Mobile App now prompts first-time users to select jobs that they want to filter before they use Employee Schedules. The Employee Schedules screen appears after the filtered jobs are selected.

Updated versions: Version 9.14 and later.