The Employee Productivity screen

The Employee Productivity screen

* Personally identifiable information has been obscured or altered in the above image.

The column headings depend on the configured KBIs. For each day, there will never be more than three columns; and in cases where only one KBI is tracked, you will only see two columns. For example, if you are using dual KBIs of departures and stayovers—which is a common configuration—there will be three columns: Goal Departures, Actual Departures, and Actual Stayovers.



1HelpExpands and collapses descriptive text about the Employee Productivity screen.

Select the job. The screen displays all employees with productive worked hours in the selected job, for the selected week.

The drop-down list includes only jobs that track employee-level productivity.


The workweek for which data is displayed.

To change the display week, click the field and select a week from the drop-down menu, or use the arrow buttons.

  • Page backward ( )Click to move back to the previous week.

  • Page forward ( )—Click to move forward to the next week.
Default: Current calendar week.

Filter options include:

  • All—Clicking this tab displays all employees in jobs that track employee-level productivity.
  • Incomplete—Clicking this tab displays all employees (in jobs that track employee-level productivity) with incomplete schedules.
  • Errors—Clicking this tab displays all employees (in jobs that track employee-level productivity) with errors.
Default: The Employee Productivity screen opens with the All tab selected.


5Day of the WeekDay of the week—Day and date.


6Employee Name

Name of the employee.

Each employee has a job that tracks employee-level productivity.



Numerical value of goal units to be serviced.

Goal values represent units per shift. For example, if the you are tracking rooms serviced for departures at a hotel, the cell might be populated with 16, indicating that 16 departure rooms is the goal for a full shift.

The column heading depends on the KBI configured in the Labor Structure. Example: Goal Departures.

Goals are automatically populated based on the configured KBIs.

This field is only available for editing if goals are configured to allow overrides.


Numerical value of the actual units serviced.

Actual values represent units serviced for the day. For example, if the you are tracking rooms serviced for departures, you enter the value of the actual number of departure rooms that the room attendant cleaned.

The following color codes indicate the statuses:

—A white, blank cell indicates an incomplete entry for the current day, that is, the employee has worked hours today, but there are no reported units. 

— A yellow cell indicates an incomplete entry for a past day, that is, the employee has worked hours on a past day, but there were no reported units. For example, if an Actual Rooms cell for a past day is yellow, it indicates that the employee worked that day, but their actual units serviced have not yet been recorded.

— A white cell with the text Not Worked indicates that the employee does not have productive worked hours for the day.

— A red cell indicates an error, that is, units were reported for the employee, but there are no worked hours for the day. For example, if an Actual Rooms cell (for a past date) is red with an entry of 6, it indicates that the employee had worked hours on the date and a user had entered 6 to indicate that the employee cleaned 6 rooms. However, since that date, the worked hours for that employee have been deleted from the system. The red indicates that units were reported for an employee, but they no longer have any worked hours for the day. 

See Working with the Employee Productivity screen for information on entering data, overriding goals, and correcting errors.

The column heading depends on the KBI configured in the Labor Structure. Examples: Actual Departures, Actual Stay-overs.

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