Enter Actual KBIs

Enter Actual KBIs

Enter Actual KBIs enter actual data for Input, Revenue Center, and Rooms KBIs.

Actual Input KBIs

Actual Input KBIs refer to actual covers for those KBIs that are manually forecasted. You created these KBIs during the configuration process. Input KBIs are non-statistical because LMS does not use historical data to forecast them. The actual data you enter for input KBIs is used by the system to develop historical data statistics. These statistics are not forecasted but may be used to forecast other KBIs.

This task must be performed if you plan to generate and use the following daily reports:

  • Daily Operating Report
  • Hours Variance Analysis
  • Daily Payroll Summary

Actual Revenue Center KBIs

Actual Revenue centers represent the actual cover count or dollar amount for a revenue center on a given day.

This task must be performed if you plan to generate and use the following daily reports:

  • Daily Operating Report
  • Daily Hours Variance Analysis
  • Daily Payroll Summary

Actual Rooms KBIs

Actual Rooms consist of three statistics: rooms, guests, and arrivals. These statistics refer to the total number of occupied rooms, in-house guests, and arrivals, in a given market segment on a given day. This information is saved as historical data and used to generate Standard Hours and produce future forecasts.

This task must be performed if you plan to generate and use the following daily reports:

  • Daily Operating Report
  • Hours Variance Analysis
  • Daily Payroll Summary


Fields and controls on the Enter Actual KBIs screen

SaveSaves your data.

Move to prior period

Click the arrow to go to the previous viewing period.
Date range selectorSelect a viewing period from the drop down list.

Move to next period

Click the arrow to go to the subsequent viewing period.


See who changed the forecast (if applicable), when it was changed and what the values were before and after the change.

Displays the name of the KBI.

If dynamically applied standard sets are applied, an additional Rooms Revenue KBI line appears. 


WeekdaysSelect the appropriate day(s) on which to apply the environment.The date shown depends on what period you selected.

Running the Enter Actual KBIs task

  1. In the toolbar, click the Main Menu icon (  ).
  2. From the drop-down list, under the Labor section, select Actuals.
    The Labor Actuals screen appears in a separate tab.
  3. In the Enter Actual KBIs row, click Update/Start.
    The Enter Actual KBIs screen appears in the same tab.
  4. Change the Period if necessary.
  5. Expand or collapse the tree as needed to view the KBIs.
  6. Click the appropriate cell next to the KBI to activate it and enter your data in the correct day cell.
  7. (Optional) Repeat Steps 5 and 6 for every applicable day and KBI.
  8. Click Save.
    The dialog box closes and your changes are applied.

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