Configuring Employee Productivity

Configuring Employee Productivity

Complete the following steps to configure Employee Productivity:

  1. In the toolbar, click the System Setup icon ( 

  2. From the drop-down list, select Labor Structure.
    The Labor Structure screen appears. 
  3. Expand the tree menu to view to the appropriate division and job. This will typically be a Rooms > Housekeeping division/job.
  4. Scroll horizontally to the Employee Productivity section.
  5. Double-click in the cell of the job you want to edit.
    An Employee Productivity dialog box appears. 
  6. From the KBI drop-down lists, select the appropriate KBI(s). You can add up to two KBIs .
  7. In the Goal (units per shift) field, enter the desired goal value.
  8. If you added two KBIs, in the Ratio of KBI2 to KBI1 field, enter the ratio.
  9. In the Hours in full shift field, type the number of hours that make up a shift.
  10. If you want to make the goal overridable, select Allow Override.
  11. Click OK.
    The dialog box closes, and Employee Productivity cell updates with your selections.
  12. Repeat the steps above for each job that must be added to the Employee Productivity screen.

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