Weekly Schedule 168 Hours

Weekly Schedule 168 Hours

Similar to the Weekly Schedule report, the Weekly Schedule 168 Hours report displays the following information

  • The weekly work schedule for a specific department.
  • Each employee in the job.
  • Total hours for each employee for the week.
  • A summary that compares scheduled hours to projected hours.

Unlike the Weekly Schedule report, the Weekly Schedule 168 Hours report displays hours from a shift that spans from the last day of a pay period into the first day of the next pay period. Days with shifts that spread to other pay periods are highlighted in gray. The last day of the previous week is shown in gray on the schedule. The Total Hours column displays an icon (†) to indicate that there are spanned shifts. Users also see a message indicating that shifts shown in gray contain hours that have been spread to another pay period. Hours for this day are not calculated in the totals for the report. 

The two main reasons for running the report are:

  • To view for analysis purposes 
  • To print and post for employee viewing.

Note: When this report is printed for employee viewing, you should not include the totals options.

Key information

  • Displays a summary that compares scheduled hours to projected hours by day and for the week.
  • Provides a different view of the schedule data that is output by division or job, by date, and then by time of day.
  • Displays hours from a shift that spans from the last day of a pay period into the first day of the next pay period.
  • Display KBIs that are associated with job standards, as well as any additional KBIs that are not associated with job standards.

Report options



  • Mode—Determine whether the information is filtered by Division/Department, Schedule Group or a Saved Scheduler View.
    • Division/Department—Display employees by Division(s), Department(s) and Job(s).
      • Division/Department/Job—Select by division, department, and/or job.
      • Group By—Groups report information by content. For example, choosing All under Division, and Job under Group By will generate a report that lists all employees in the division, grouped by job.
    • Schedule Group—Display employees according to pre-determined groups. These groups were created in the employee level, General tab. For example, if Housekeepers are grouped by sets of floors (i.e. Group 1=floors 1-10 and Group 2=floors 11-20), you could choose to print just the employees in Group 2 or all the floor groups.
      • Select—Displays the Schedule Group(s) included in the report.
      • Name—Displays all available Schedule Groups.
    • Saved Scheduler View—Runs the report based on a pre-configured Scheduler View.
      • Saved Scheduler View—Select which view you wish to use.


Include KBI data in the report.

  • Display KBIs associated with Job Standards—Include data for the KBIs that arre associated with the selected job(s).
  • Display Additional KBIs—Select KBIs that are associated with Job Standards along with any additional KBIs.

    Note: This option is only visible if Display KBIs associated with Job Standards is selected.


  • Employee Data—Determine what employee information is included in the report.
  • Totals—Determine which totals, if any, are displayed in the report (Property, Division, Department, Job). Totals should not be included in reports that are to be printed and posted for viewing by employees.
  • Show Variance—Displays the forecast vs. schedule hours variance, if selected.
  • Week Ending—Designate the ending date for the report.
  • # Weeks To Print—Select the amount of weeks prior to the Week Ending date.
  • Sort Employees By—Sorts employees by Name, Hire Date, Skill Rank or Skill Date.
  • Display Name—Determine how you would like names to appear on the report: Display Name (full name as entered in Employee Maintenance), First Name / Last 3 of Emp. I.D. (First name plus the last 3 digits of the Employee ID) or First Name / Last Initial (First name plus the first letter of their last name).

Running the Weekly Schedule 168 Hours report

  1. In the toolbar, click the Report icon (  ).
  2. From the drop-down list, select Labor > All Scheduling > Weekly Schedule 168 Hours.
    The Weekly Schedule 168 Hours report screen appears. 
  3. Select a Mode.
    • If Division/Department is selected, choose the appropriate Division/Department/Job and Group By options.
    • If Schedule Group is selected, choose the appropriate group option.
  4. Select or clear Display KBIs associated with job standards.
    • If you selected Display KBIs associated with job standards and want to include other KBIs, from Display Additional KBIs list, select the KBIs you want to display.
  5. From the Employee Data options, select the employee information to be displayed on the report.
  6. Select which Totals (if any) should be included in the report.
  7. Select or clear Show Variance if you want it to be included in the report.
  8. Choose an appropriate date for Week Ending by entering a date, clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date, or using the date forward and date backward arrows.
  9. From the # Weeks to Print drop-down list, select the number of weeks.
  10. From the Sort Employees By drop-down list, select the option by which to sort employees.
  11. Click the Run icon (  ). 
    The report appears.

Report terms and definitions

View the report terms & definitions for the Summary Section:



Lists the number of employees that were scheduled.


Displays the total number of hours that were scheduled.


Displays the total hours that were projected by the system.


Represents the variance between forecast and scheduled hours. A negative number indicates the forecast was less than the actual. A positive number indicates the forecast was greater than the actual.

Variance %

Displays the variance between forecast and scheduled hours as a percentage.

Related topics:

  1. In the toolbar, click the Report icon (  ).
  2. From the drop-down list, select Labor > All Scheduling > Weekly Schedule.
    The Weekly Schedule report screen appears. 
  3. Select a Mode.
    • If Division/Department is selected, choose the appropriate Division/Department/Job and Group By options.
    • If Schedule Group is selected, choose the appropriate group option.
  4. Select or clear Display KBIs associated with job standards.
    • If you selected Display KBIs associated with job standards and want to include other KBIs, from Display Additional KBIs list, select the KBIs you want to display.
  5. From the Employee Data options, select the employee information to be displayed on the report.
  6. Select which Totals (if any) should be included in the report.
  7. Select or clear Show Variance if you want it to be included in the report.
  8. Choose an appropriate date for Week Ending by entering a date, clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date, or using the date forward and date backward arrows.
  9. From the # Weeks to Print drop-down list, select the number of weeks.
  10. From the Sort Employees By drop-down list, select the option by which to sort employees.
  11. Click the Run icon (  ). 
    The report appears.

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