Forecasting Reports
Forecasting Reports
The most often used reports in this section are the Rooms Forecast and Revenue Center Forecast Reports.
- Forecasting Reports:
Rooms Forecast and Revenue Center Forecast Reports
These reports are normally used at two different times, the first being just after the LMS Administrator has generated the forecasts for editing, and the second time being at the end of the schedule week to help assess how well the system or the manager did in forecasting volumes. The reports provide some key information:
- Actuals—These are the actual volumes that occurred for these particular days. This will be available after the forecast week has taken place.
- Managers Forecast—This is the managers' edited volumes. These are the numbers the manager feels the unit will do based on the managers knowledge. LMS will plan labor based on the managers' edits.
- Managers Variance—The difference between the actual volumes and those predicted by the manager during the editing process.
- Statistical Forecast—This is the forecast LMS generates based on the forecasting methodologies established in the system configuration process.
- Statistical Variance—The variance between the LMS forecast and the actual volume.
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