Mobile - version 9.20


Jobs are now publishable by default in the Mobile App  (18195)

In previous releases, when a new job was created, the job schedule was non-publishable by default. Before a job schedule could be published to the Mobile App, the user needed to access the T&A Codes screen and select the check box in the Publishable column.

In this release, when a new job is created, the Publishable checkbox is automatically selected. This improvement ensures that job schedules are now publishable by default.

Changes to the Pulse survey prompt in the Mobile App (19196)

In previous releases of the Mobile App, if a Pulse survey was available, users encountered the following prompt:

Do you have time to take a survey?

In this release, the survey prompt now reads: 

The purpose of this 2 minute survey is to provide you with an opportunity to tell management what you think about your job. Your replies go directly to an independent firm and are kept completely anonymous.

Users can select one of the following three options:

  • Take Survey Now
  • Ask Me Later
  • No

The new message and responses encourage the users to participate by better explaining the purpose of the survey and describing the process for maintaining security and anonymity.

Note: Users do not encounter the prompt if they have already taken the survey.

Mobile App Validation checks for earnings associated with multiple accrual balances  (21097)

When a manager reviews time off requests in the Mobile App, if an earning is included in multiple accruals, a validation check is made against all accruals to which that earning is associated. If the validation check fails for any accrual and would exceed the allowed negative balance, the manager is notified that this request would put the employee beyond the allowed negative balance for the accrual. The manager cannot approve the TOR.

Updated versions: Version 9.18 and later.

Restricted Mobile App access for employees on leave of absence  (21696)

In previous releases, employees and managers with a status of Leave of Absence could not access the UniFocus Mobile App.

In this release, employees and managers on leave of absence can access certain parts of the Mobile App, including Time Off Requests, Messages, and Preferences.

Employees and managers on leave of absence will not have access to the following features:

  • Alerts
  • Call Ins Response
  • Approve Time Off
  • Approve Shift requests
  • Manage Schedules
  • Employee Schedules
  • Revenue Center Forecasting
  • Time Clock

Updated versions: Version 9.16 and later.

Shift request handling during a leave of absence  (21714)

In this release of the UniFocus Mobile App, employees may now be granted access to schedules and shift requests while on LOA. If configured to do so, the employees cannot accept new shifts for dates on which their status is set to Leave of Absence. Employees cannot accept a Shift Give Away, Swap, or Urgent Pick Up request for any dates during their leave of absence. Active employees cannot send requests to employees for dates on which the recipient is on a leave of absence.

Updated versions: Version 9.16 and later.

Improved notification of changes to employee time off requests (18782)

In previous releases, employees received a push notification when a manager responded to an employee request only through the UniFocus Mobile App.

In this release, the Mobile App has been updated so that, when a manager responds to an employee request through either 


or through the Mobile App, a push notification notifies the employee of the change.