Labor - version 9.20


Schedules are now published in the Schedule Approvals screen  (19564)

Version 9.10 introduced the Schedule Approvals screen, which is accessed from the Manage Schedules task button in the Planning menu. In previous releases (9.10 through 9.17), if your company was using schedule approvals, you would both approve and publish from the Schedule Approvals screen. If your company was not using schedule approvals, this task button appeared as Publish Schedules in the planning menu. You would then go to the Publish Schedules screen to publish your schedules.

In this release, there is no longer a Publish Schedules task button or screen. All publication and approval of schedules are done in the Schedule Approvals screen, which is accessed from Manage Schedules task button in the Planning menu. If your company is using schedule approvals, both publication and approval functionality is available in the Schedule Approvals screen. If your company is not using schedule approvals, only publication functionality is available in the Schedule Approvals screen.

For more information, see Schedule Approvals.

Scheduled costs now appear in Labor-only licenses  (19789)

Scheduled cost is the cost of scheduled hours, that is, scheduled hours multiplied by the rate of pay. In previous releases of UniFocus software, scheduled costs appeared in Scheduling and Schedule Approvals screens only if both Time & Attendance and Labor licenses were enabled for an organization. In this release, organizations with only a Labor license can now view scheduled costs in Scheduling and Schedule Approval screens.


  • To enable this functionality, contact your UniFocus Partner Relationship Manager (PRM).
  • Scheduled costs now appear on the Budget Labor Summary by Day report.

Updated versions: Version 9.18 and later.

Validation checks for earnings associated with multiple accrual balances  (21099)


 Scheduling now features validation checks for earnings associated with multiple accrual balances. When a manger manually enters or approves employee earnings in Scheduling screens, if an earning is included in multiple accruals, a validation check is made against all accruals to which that earning is associated. If the validation check fails for any accrual that would exceed the allowed negative balance, the manager is notified that this request would put the employee beyond the allowed negative balance for the accrual. The manager cannot approve the TOR.

Updated versions: Version 9.18 and later.

Labor reports

Labor Effectiveness and Weekly Labor Summary reports can now display a breakdown of actual hours (19830)

In previous releases, Labor reports did not provide a way to view a breakdown of worked hours by shift category.

In this release, the Labor Effectiveness and Weekly Labor Summary report configuration screens include new options that allow you to analyze the actual use of labor. In these reports, worked hours can be organized by regular, training, and contract hours. The shift category determines how the hours are organized and displayed in the report. 

Note: Shifts are designated as Contract or Training shifts in the Shift Categories screen. 

Labor Effectiveness report

In the Labor Effectiveness report, a Breakdown Hours check box has been added to the report configuration options. If selected, Worked Hours are organized by shift categories. Once the report is generated, the Worked Hrs column becomes Worked Hrs – PROD, which includes all hours in shift categories marked as Include in Productivity. Four additional columns then appear in the table:

  • Worked Hrs - Regular—Hours in all shift categories that are not tagged as Contract or Training.
  • Worked Hrs - Contract—Hours in all shift categories that are tagged as Contract.
  • Worked Hrs - Training—Hours in all shift categories that are tagged as Training.
  • Worked Hrs - TOTAL—All worked hours in all shift categories.

Note: Reports can be run in Hours or FTEs. If the FTEs radio button is selected, the Breakdown Hours check box is cleared and unavailable.

Weekly Labor Summary report

In the Weekly Labor Summary report, a Breakdown Hours check box has been added to the report configuration options. If selected, Actual Hours are organized by shift categories. Once the report is generated, the Worked Hrs column becomes Actual Hrs - PROD, which includes all hours in shift categories marked as Include in Productivity. Four additional rows appear in each section of the report, including the Subtotal and Total sections:

  • Actual Hours - Regular—Hours in all shift categories that are not tagged as Contract or Training.
  • Actual Hours - Contract—Hours in all shift categories that are not tagged as Contract.
  • Actual Hours - Training—Hours in all shift categories that are not tagged as Training.
  • Actual Hours - Total—All worked hours in all shift categories.