Time Off Requests

Time Off Requests

On this screen, you can view, add, and edit time off requests for employees. Managers can see which employees will be in or out on the requested dates prior to approval. Approved time off requests for scheduled time off ensure that employees are not scheduled when they are not available for work. The amount of paid time depends on the type of time off. 

Tasks performed from this screen:

Time Off Requests screen

This table describes the fields and controls for this screen.

Request Type

Select the view for the Employee Requests screen.

Options include:

Default: Time Off Requests.

Availability Requests/Logs and Shift Requests only show up if an employee fills out a request on the Mobile App.

Request Status

Select the request status to display:

    • Pending
    • Approved
    • Denied
    • All
Default: All.
On or After

Displays requests from a specific date and any requests after that date.

To change the date, either type a date in the field or select a date from the calendar menu.

Default: current date.

Filter Employees

Filters by job. 


Search for employees by name or employee ID. 

Print Export

Opens a menu to perform the following task:

    • Print—Prints the information that is displayed on the screen.
    • Export—Exports the information to a CSV file.

Employee Name

Name of employee.


Emp  ID

Unique identification number of the employee.


Pay Type

Code for the employee’s pay type. Pay types include:

    • H—Hourly
    • C—Contract hours used per week to determine the overtime hours limit.
    • S—Salaried Exempt: Employees may work over 40 hours a week to get paid time and a half.
    • N—Salaried Non-Exempt: Employees may work over 40 hours a week but do not get paid time and a half.


Start Date

Date and time on which requested time off begins.


End Date

Date and time on which requested time off ends.


Paid Amount

Amount paid for the requested time off.


ReasonReason that the employee is taking time off.


StatusStatus of the time off request.


Entered onDate on which the request was submitted.


Add RequestAdd a request to an employee. 
Edit RequestEdit a request.This button is available only if an employee is selected in the table.
Import Request

Import a request from a file.


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