Filling shifts and changing shift assignments in Timeline Scheduling

Filling shifts and changing shift assignments in Timeline Scheduling

When you fill an unscheduled shift, you assign an employee to the shift (thus making it a scheduled shift). Filling an unscheduled shift applies only to the Jobs view.

Remember: An "unscheduled shift" is a shift that has been added to the timeline schedule but has not been filled, that is, assigned an employee. An unscheduled shift can also be called an "unfilled shift." A "scheduled shift" is a shift that has been added to the timeline schedule and has also been filled. A scheduled shift can also be called a "filled shift."

Filling a shift

You can either fill a shift by dragging it to an employee or by selecting the unfilled shift bar and using the action menu.

Filling a shift using dual-timeline views

Filling a shift by clicking and dragging across timeline views is most commonly used method of filling an unscheduled shift.

  1. Using dual-timeline views, open the Jobs view in one schedule pane and the Employee view in another schedule pane.
    For more information, see Controlling timeline views.
  2. In the Jobs view, click an unscheduled shift bar and drag it to an employee in the Employee view.
    The employee is now assigned to the shift.

Filling a shift using the action menu

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Double-click the shift you want to fill.
      The Fill Shift dialog box appears.
    1. Click the shift bar of the shift you want to fill.
      An action menu appears below the shift bar.
    2. Click the Fill Shift icon (  ).
      The Fill Shift dialog box appears.  
  2. Click to select the employee to whom you want to assign the shift.
    For more information, see Fill Shift dialog box - field descriptions.

  3. Click Save.
    The Fill Shift dialog box closes, and the shift bar in the schedule pane changes color and updates to display the employee's name. 

    Note: If you are using dual-timeline views, after you fill a shift, the corresponding shift bar in the Employees view updates to display the job associated with the employee.

Changing a shift assignment

If a shift is already filled, you can reassign the shift to a different employee.

  1. Click the shift bar for the shift you want to reassign to a different employee.
    An action menu appears below the shift bar.
  2. Click the Change Employee icon (  ). 
    The Fill Shift dialog box appears.
  3. Click to select the employee to whom you want to reassign the shift and complete the fields as necessary. 
    For more information, see Fill Shift dialog box - field descriptions. 
  4. Click Save.
    The Fill Shift dialog box closes, and the shift information updates to reflect your changes.  

Fill Shift dialog box - field descriptions

Shift information section
General shift information

The text at the top of the dialog box provides the following information about the shift:

  • Day of the week
  • Date
  • Time
  • Job title


Assignment information

If the shift is unfilled, the displayed text is "Currently assigned to None."

If the shift is filled, the displayed is "Currently assigned to [Employee Name, Employee #]."


Employee information sectionClick in the column headers to sort. 

Rank of the employee.

Rank is based on the Sort Order of the scheduling criteria applied to the job or assignment.


Rank is configured in Labor Structure, under Employee Sort Order.

EmployeeName of the employee.


Format: last name, first name.


Measure of the number of conflicts associated with scheduling the employee for the selected shift.

The higher the number, the more potential issues there are with scheduling the employee for the shift. For example, conflicts with availability or overtime will increase the weight (that is, create a higher weight number).


Home JobHome job of the employee.


Scheduled HoursEmployee's scheduled hours for the week.


AvailableNumber of hours that the employee is available for the week.


Buttons section
SaveButton to save your selection and apply the change.This button is available only after you select an employee.
CancelButton to cancel your selection and close the dialog box. 

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