Working with the scheduling section of Timeline Scheduling

Working with the scheduling section of Timeline Scheduling

You use the operations section at the top of the Timeline Scheduling screen to control how you view schedules and timeline views in the scheduling section.

Note: When you first open the Timeline Scheduling screen, the default view is a single timeline view with the Job view selected.

This section provides instructions for the following:

Selecting jobs and scheduling periods

You can specify which jobs and date ranges you want to view in the planning period.

Selecting jobs using the Labor Selector

  1. In the Select Jobs and Dates section, click in the job selection () field (which is left of the dates field). 
    The Labor Selector dialog box appears.
    The jobs are organized by organization layers. 
  2. Select the jobs you want to schedule.
    For more information, see Labor Selector dialog box - field descriptions. 
  3. Click OK.
    The schedule panes update to reflect your selection.

Note: If you are using the Work Content pane, you can also select jobs directly from the header of the left pane. For more information, see Controlling the Work Content view.

Selecting a date range

  1. In the Select Jobs and Dates section, click in the date range selection (  ) field (which is right of the jobs field). 
  2. From the drop-down menu, select the date range that you want to appear in the schedule pane. This is the date range for which you are scheduling.
    The schedule panes update to reflect your selection. 

Controlling timeline views

Changing Timeline views

You can change timeline view to the following:

  • Jobs
  • Employees
  • Statistics
  • Work Content
  • Workflow

To change the timeline view:

  1. In the View Options section, click Top
  2. From the drop-down list, select a timeline view.
    The scheduling section updates to reflect your selection. 

Using dual-timeline view

Using the Timeline Scheduling screen, you can simultaneously see two timeline schedule views, in top and bottom panes so that you can compare data in one view with data in the other view.

Note: You can also use dual-timeline views to more easily move shifts to employees.

For more information, see Filling shifts and changing shift assignments.

To open dual pane schedule view:

  1. In the View Options section, click Bottom
  2. From the drop-down list, select a timeline view for the bottom panes.
    The scheduling section updates to reflect your selection.

Once dual-timeline schedule view is open, you can change the views at any time by using the Top and Bottom drop-down menus in the View Options section.

Zooming in and out

You can move the slider control to view shifts at different zoom levels.

  • To zoom in, move the slider to the right.
     If the slider is pulled to the far right (zoomed in), the calendar and header display days and hours. 
  • To zoom out, move the slider to the left.
    If the slider is pulled to the far left (zoomed out), the calendar and header display weeks and days. 

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